Wednesday, October 27, 2010



South Korea is due to host the next G20 meeting soon. It will no doubt be true to form with protests being violently repressed. Whether SK can live up to the heights of overkill recently demonstrated on the streets of Toronto is an open question. What is sure is that South Korea has yet to live up to its commitments to bring its labour legislation in line with international standards. Here is an item from the international union federation the IUF about what sort of country the g20 meeting will be held in this time around.
International Unions Call for Action on Labour Rights Abuses in Korea
When Korea joined the OECD in 1996, a condition of adherence was a commitment to reform its industrial relations legislation in line with ILO standards. Not only has there been no reform, but the situation has markedly deteriorated.

In the runup to the G20* meeting scheduled for November 11-12 in Seoul, South Korea, international union organizations are calling for pressure on the Korean government to bring its repressive labour law and employment regime into line with international standards and its own commitments.

The ILO has repeatedly called on the government of South Korea to amend its labour legislation, which criminalizes legitimate union activity, blocks large numbers of public sector workers from joining unions or bargaining collectively and promotes the massive use of precarious employment relationships to effectively deny workers their collective rights.

Despite its 1996 pledge, current and previous Korean governments has refused to ratify ILO Conventions 87 (freedom of association) and 98 (collective bargaining).

Article 314 of the Penal Code on "obstruction of business" is routinely used to arrest and imprison union leaders and members and impose fines totalling millions of dollars in order to cripple union activity. Over 300 trade unionists have been imprisoned over the past 18 months.

When the crisis affected production at Ssangyong Motors, management responded to union demands to negotiate worksharing by unilaterally dismissing agency workers. In the course of the strike which followed (May-August 2010), riot police consistently used violence against the workers, including using electroshock weapons. ( See previous posts here at Molly's Blog- Molly )

A loose definition of "essential services" allows the government to deny large numbers of public sector workers the right to join a union. Unions of government employees, teachers, construction and transport workers are refused the right to represent over 250,000 workers.

Outsourced, subcontracted (dispatched) and other forms of precarious work have been aggressively promoted to deny whole categories of workers their right to union representation. Some 50% of all employed persons in Korea today lack an open-ended, direct permanent employment contract. The KCTU Korean metalworkrers have identified companies making use of up to a hundred labour contractors in a single factory - all to prevent workers from joining a union and bargaining with the real employer.

In an important decision last year, the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association called on the government of Korea to stop the abusive use of precarious contracts to deny workers their rights.

The only labour law reform, however, is proposed legislation to extend the current two-year period after which dispatch workers must be made permanent - to 4 years! Sungjong Lee, Policy Director of the IUF-affiliated Korean Federation of Private Service Workers' Unions (KFSU), denounces the proposed legislation because it will be used by employers to evade their obligation to regularize precarious workers: most employers, says Lee, will simply replace irregular workers as their contract conversion approaches with new, precarious hires.

Newly proposed legislation would also expand the range of job classifications allowed for dispatch (agency) work from the current 32 with up to 17 additional job classifications (in accordance with "market needs"). According to Nambee Park, President of the IUF-affiliated Korean Women's Trade Union, this has already encouraged the conversion to agency work of many directly-employed women workers, with a consequent loss of security, wages and benefits. If the remaining restrictions on agency work are done away with, says Park, the result will be a further expansion of low wage work, deepening insecurity and gender discrimination

The global union federations, the ITUC and TUAC are together calling for pressure on G20 governments to make sure the urgent need for labour law reform comes to the fore at the G20 meeting. A briefing note, sample letters and background materials for trade unions are available on the website of the International Metalworkers Federation in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.

But you needn't live and work in a G20 country to take action in support of our Korean sisters and brothers! Unions everywhere can use these campaign materials to urge your government to pressure the government of Korea, to organize actions and protests at South Korean government representations and to inform your members and the wider public about the current situation - and the urgent need for change.


*The Group of 20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors is made up of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom and the USA.
Please go to this link to send the following message to the President of South Korea.

Dear President Lee Myung-bak,

I join with the International Metalworkers' Federation in calling for the Korean government to honour its international commitments and respect workers’ rights.

Repeatedly workers and trade unions in Korea are subject to violations of human and trade union rights. The number of arrests and severity of prison sentences as well as physical violence is increasing.

When Korea joined the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1996 it was on the proviso that your government would take the necessary measures to bring Korea’s labour law in line with international standards.

Korea has failed to adhere to or ratify ILO conventions no. 87 (right to freedom of association) and no. 98 (right to collective bargaining) and your government has repeatedly refused offers of technical assistance from the International Labour Organisation to bring your legislation into line with international standards.

The Korean Government routinely uses criminal sanctions under Article 314 of the criminal code to arrest and imprison trade unionists for exercising their legitimate right to conduct trade union activities.

The Korean law denies workers in precarious or irregular employment the right to join a trade union and bargain collectively. Employers systematically engage workers on precarious employment contracts specifically to prevent them from forming and joining trade unions.

Public sector workers are subjected to anti-union discrimination and disciplinary measures and their collective agreements are unilaterally cancelled by the Government. Whole categories of Government workers are prevented from organizing through an overly broad definition of “essential services”.

I call on the Korean government to honour your international commitments and respect workers’ rights.


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Friday, October 22, 2010



The following appeal for solidarity with warehouse workers at Rite-Aid Pharmacy in the USA comes from the United Students Against Sweatshops organization.
Rite Aid Pharmacy wants its workers sick?‏

Tell Rite Aid: No more sweatshop conditions for California warehouse workers!
Support Rite Aid workers in their fight for a fair contract

Rite Aid wants to overcharge its workers by nearly 3,000% on their health insurance plan. Why would a company bringing in billions with the mission of keeping customers “healthy and safe” try to rip off its own employees with the health insurance they need to care for themselves and their families?

Tell Rite Aid CEO John Standley to stop cheating its workers on health care and to negotiate a fair first contract with its warehouse workers.

Rite Aid has been a bad actor for decades – exploiting our tax dollars, cheating the government, cutting and running from union plants, and punishing workers when they stand up against egregious conditions in Rite Aid warehouses. Two years ago, workers in their Lancaster warehouse refused to put up with Rite Aid's abuse, speaking out against daily harassment, disrespect, job insecurity, working mandatory overtime, and toiling in the sweltering heat. After voting in a union to protect themselves from Rite Aid’s abuses, the company retaliated with illegal layoffs and has refused to negotiate a reasonable first contract with these workers for more than two years. Now the company is proposing to overcharge them 28 times on health insurance while pushing higher drug prices on consumers.

Take action now and demand that Rite Aid stop this sweatshop behavior and negotiate a fair contract!

Rite Aid’s directors earn up to $100 million a year and pour money into busting unions, and yet they insist on ripping off workers by overcharging them on the health care that Rite Aid workers and their families need. Send a letter to Rite Aid CEO John Standley and tell him to stop cheating warehouse workers in healthcare costs and to negotiate a fair first contract in Lancaster.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the CEO of Rite-Aid.

Dear Mr. Standley,

As a Rite Aid customer, I am troubled to hear that workers in your Lancaster, California distribution center who voted to form a union two and a half years ago do not have an agreement with Rite Aid to improve working conditions and give employees a voice at work.

Union contracts are our best assurance that Rite Aid is providing the good jobs our communities need.

I am also alarmed to hear that Rite Aid management has proposed overcharging employees by 28 times on their health insurance plan. This would constitute an enormous financial strain on workers and their families. For me, these abuses really are personal.

By making such an outrageous and unethical proposal, your company is making it impossible to move forward in finalizing a fair contract to end sweatshop conditions at the Lancaster distribution center.

I urge management to do everything possible to bring these negotiations to an expedited conclusion with a fair agreement for Rite Aid's hardworking employees. As a company that provides critical health care services to the public, it's hypocritical not to provide a health insurance plan that workers and their families can afford

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Thursday, October 21, 2010



It's just another day in another workers' paradise, and three workers are due to go on trial for organizing a strike. The "proletarian justice" they may face can mean up to 15 years in prison. Here's the story and appeal from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.

Vietnam: Labour rights advocates face prison

Three Vietnamese labour rights advocates face 5-15 years imprisonment for helping organise a strike by 10,000 workers at the My Phong shoe factory in January 2010. Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh, all in their 20's, have been detained virtually incommunicado since their arrests in February. The trial is expected in late October 2010.

The "crimes" alleged by prosecutors are that Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh worked in an organised manner, distributed leaflets expressing discontent about working conditions and about the authorities, and helped workers to organise a strike. All of these activities ought to be legal, under Vietnam's own Constitution and in international instruments to which Vietnam is a signatory. The charges that they encouraged workers to destroy factory properties are without evidence and appear made-up.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Vietnamese authorities.

I call on the Vietnamese government to release jailed labour rights advocates Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh.

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Monday, October 18, 2010



Down in California the Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado is setting a rather bad public example in regards to worker safety at his own farm. Here's the story and appeal from the United Farm Workers.

Take action against serious safety violations at California's Lt. Governor's strawberry farm

Los Angeles Times, October 15, 2010
Lieutenant governor's family farm has had many safety violations

A worker at Abel Maldonado's 6,000-acre Santa Maria operation was crushed by a tractor. The firm has had numerous other Cal/OSHA citations, plus tax liens. The Republican says some citations stemmed from overzealous regulation that harms California businesses.
Click for full story

Today's Los Angeles Times reported serious workplace violations and a farm worker death at Lt. Governor Maldonado's strawberry farm. Please read the below action alert and then immediately "take action" and send a e-mail to Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado.

With as many as 16 farm worker deaths due to heat illness alone during Governor Schwarzenegger's administration, the report of a farm worker death at Maldonado's farm is of deep concern.

According to the Los Angeles Times, "the run-in with regulators was part of a pattern for Agro-Jal Farming Enterprises, the farm in Santa Maria that pays Maldonado a six-figure salary to serve as controller. Maldonado, a telegenic former state senator, is running for the seat Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed him to earlier this year.

Agro-Jal has accumulated dozens of violations from Cal/OSHA since 1990, hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax liens, and multiple citations for exposing workers to toxic pesticides and skirting clean water regulations, government records show. Four of the violations were for running tractors across the fields with no driver at the wheel and no means of steering or stopping the machines.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the lieutenant governor said in an e-mail, "that many of the violations against the farm are the product of overzealous regulators 'who put businesses out of business and dissuade new businesses from coming to California.'"

Lt. Governor Maldonado frequently serves as acting Governor. We need confidence that Lt. Governor Maldonado will be enforcing the law and ensuring the safety of farm workers laboring in California's fields--including his own.

Please e-mail Lt. Governor Maldonado today and encourage him to meet with UFW President Arturo Rodriguez so they can discuss how Lt. Governor Maldonado can support labor protections for farm workers that have real teeth in them.
Please go to this link to end the following letter to Lieutenant Governor Maldonado of California.

Dear Lt. Governor Maldonado:

I was concerned to read today's Los Angeles times story entitled, "Lieutenant governor's family farm has had many safety violations."

In this story, you are quoted as saying, “My family never forgets that we started out as field hands.” We are writing to ask that you have an opportunity to put that memory to productive use.

It has been good politics for the Governor to allow you to take executive action when he is out of the state. Irrespective of the outcome of the November 2 election, you will have that opportunity again in the upcoming months.

While the Times reported that you assign blame for your farm’s repeated safety violations to “overzealous regulators”, our experience has been much different.

More farm workers have died from abuse at work under Governor Schwarzenegger than under any other Governor in California’s history.

We fail to see the overzealous regulators you refer to. Rather, the record points to unrepentant agricultural employers.

That record of 16 dead farm workers killed by heat, no one in jail, and fines lower than those for reckless driving indicate to us that regulations don’t work because meaningful punishment is never the consequence.

Would your farm have had a heat-illness prevention plan in place if the fine were $9,300 instead of $930?

We ask that at your earliest convenience you meet with United Farm Worker President Arturo Rodriguez. In this meeting we hope you will discuss several steps you can take as acting-Governor to honor the memory of Raul Garcia Osorno who died on your farm.

Thank you.

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Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo is this year's winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. At the present time he is serving an 11 years sentence for the "crime" or persistently advocating democracy and freedom in China. There isa petition directed to the Chinese authorities demanding his release. Here's the story.
Free the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo

Signature goal: 100,000
Target: Chinese Government
Sponsored by: a Chinese citizen
Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for year 2010, was sentenced to 11 years of prison on December 25th 2009 under the name of 'inciting subversion' because of his initiation of 'Charter 08' which calls for democracy and protection of human rights in China.

The sentence is unacceptable and illegitimate, as it's completely against fundamental human rights and China's constitution.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 states that:"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

According to Chinese Constitution Article 35, the freedoms of expression and publishing are protected as well:"The citizens of China enjoy freedom of expression, publishing, assembly, association, manifestation and demonstration."

Liu Xiaobo has been fighting for democracy and human rights for more than 20 years, and has been put into prison for many times. He is a beacon for those who are striving for the political progress in China, and those who are living in the dark.

Please join the petition, voice your support, to urge the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo immediately.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Chinese authorities. The campaign's goal is 100,000 signatures. The last time Molly looked there were about 26,000 people signed up. Help out and sign up.

We the undersigned, urge the Chinese government to release Liu Xiaobo immediately.

Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for year 2010, was sentenced to 11 years of prison on December 25th 2009 under the name of 'inciting subversion' because of his initiation of 'Charter 08' which calls for democracy and protection of human rights in China.

The sentence is unacceptable and illegitimate, as it's completely against fundamental human rights and China's constitution.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 states that:"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

According to Chinese Constitution Article 35, the freedoms of expression and publishing are protected as well:"The citizens of China enjoy freedom of expression, publishing, assembly, association, manifestation and demonstration."

Liu Xiaobo has been fighting for democracy and human rights for more than 20 years, and has been put into prison for many times. He is a beacon for those who are striving for the political progress in China, and those who are living in the dark.

We urge the Chinese government to respect fundamental human rights and its own constitution, and release Liu Xiaobo immediately

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The following appeal to pressure clothing retailer Gymboree to stop stocking items made by child labour in the country of Uzbekistan comes from the International Labour Rights Forum.
Call Gymboree About Forced Child Labor TODAY!‏

Give Gymboree a Call TODAY about Forced Child Labor!
Call Gymboree at 1-800-222-7758 extension 7264 and leave a message saying

"As a consumer, I want to be sure that workers are respected in the production of my clothes. Gymboree is one of a handful of major clothing companies that has not taken any action to address forced child labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry. This inaction is unacceptable and I expect your company to do more to stop this abuse today. Will you issue a statement opposing forced child labor and commit to stop sourcing Uzbek cotton today?"

Let us know how your call went here!

THANK YOU to everyone who took action last week to tell Abercrombie & Fitch and Gymboree to speak out about forced child labor in Uzbekistan's cotton industry. Your actions are definitely making a difference!

Many of you may have received a response from Abercrombie stating that the company has a policy to not source cotton from Uzbekistan due to the government's practice of removing millions of children from school and forcing them to pick cotton. It's clear that when consumers speak up, companies will listen and this commitment is an important first step. We are working to get more details from Abercrombie on how it implements this policy, especially as the government of Uzbekistan is holding a cotton fair to sell it's cotton to international traders RIGHT NOW even as children are continuing to be forced to pick cotton.

On the other hand, Gymboree, the children's clothing store, continues to be silent on the ongoing exploitation of children in the cotton industry. Gymboree needs to hear your voice TODAY. Please take a minute to call Gymboree and tell them the time for remaining silent about forced child labor is over! Check out the call-in information and sample script in the box to the right. After you make your call, let us know how it went here.

After you call Gymboree, take action on Facebook by visiting Gymboree's Facebook page and posting this message: Gymboree: Time to break the silence on forced child labor in Uzbekistan's cotton industry! Commit to stop sourcing Uzbek cotton today. Take action on Twitter by posting this message: @Gymboree: Break the silence! Commit to stop sourcing cotton made by forced child labor in Uzbekistan today!


This message you brought to you by the International Labor Rights Forum.

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010



The following item is from the Toronto Community Solidarity Network.


"The Chicago Conspiracy" Premier Screening!
A G20 Legal Defense/Mapuche Political Prisoner Fundraiser
200 Years of Genocide – Our People Continue Resisting...

A Fundraiser for the Toronto G20 Legal Defence Fund AND the Family Support Group of Mapuche Political Prisoners of Angol and Chol-Chol on Hunger Strike (Familiares de los Presos Politicos Mapuche en Huelga de Hambre de Angol y Chol-Chol)
Night of Solidarity for our Mapuche Political Prisoners Dying on a 90+ Day Hunger Strike, and all those who have Suffered the Pain of Physical and Psychological Torture as a Result of the G20 - Kidnapped in the Jails of the Canadian state


Freedom for All the Mapuche Political Prisoners on a 90+ Day Hunger Strike & All Our
Political Prisoners!



Featuring the EXCLUSIVE Toronto Premier of the Documentary Film:


Chile. Dictatorship. Legacy. Today. Social War.

The State and its Neo-liberal Agenda are the Real Conspirators!

See Trailer:;

A Film based on the Anti-Capitalist Struggles in Chile since the Pinochet Dictatorship (the Student Movement, Community Organizing, & the Uprising of Mapuche Indigenous Sovereignty Movement) taking its name from the 25 Chilean economists from
the Chicago School of Economics who assisted the making of the bloody regime in the implementation of Neo-liberal policies.

Presenting the Director of the Film of Subversive Action Films in an intimate Discussion/Conversation of the Documentary

Speakers Directly from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, WCCC [Toronto ] on the ongoing struggle of the Mapuche Nation in so-called southern Chile], the Toronto 19 Support Group, Live Music, and MUCH MORE.... (MORE UPDATES/ARTISTS TBA!)

$10-20 Sliding Scale
No One Turned Away!

** See Us on Facebook!:¬e_id=443069539490#!/event.php?eid=161593357188005&ref=ts

For More Info:;

Friday, October 8th @ 8 PM
Birge Carnegie Reading Room (University of Toronto)
95 Charles Street West (Just East of Museum Station)

Organized by:
The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


Endorsed By:

Equity Studies Program (University of Toronto)
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Community Solidarity Network
National Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women of Canada - LATIN@S
Latin American Solidarity Network-LASN (Toronto)
Barrio Nuevo
Graduate Student Union (University of Toronto)

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Friday, September 17, 2010



This just in from the Toronto Solidarity urgent call for court support tomorrow (September 18) morning for G20 community organizer accused of breaking his parole by speaking at a public meeting. Accused of "being at a demonstration".


Time Saturday, September 18 · 9:00am - 12:00pm


Location Old City Hall (60 Queen St W) Queen & Bay

Created By Community Solidarity Network


More Info

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Old City Hall (60 Queen St W)
Queen & Bay

Alex Hundert, a community organizer facing g20 charges, was rearrested at 11pm, outside his surety’s home.

This is an urgent call for support. Please spread the word.
Court appearance at 9:30am.

Please keep checking back here for updates:

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Molly has reported before on this blog about the campaign on the part of the American United Farm Workers to apply on Guimarra Vineyards via its customer Kroger. The Kroger supermarket chain claims an ethical code of conduct that it expects its suppliers to adhere to. As the following from the UFW makes plain Guimarra is in violation of this code both in its American operations and also in the 'off season' grapes it obtains from Chile. Conditions for farm workers are abysmal in both countries.
Natures Partner Violates Kroger's Code of Conduct in Chile Too

Last week, thousands of farm worker supporters took action to tell the Kroger grocery chain* to hold a particular supplier accountable—Giumarra Vineyards, provider of Nature’s Partner produce.

In its 2010 Sustainability Report, Kroger features a Code of Conduct for its vendors which specifies standards that vendors must be able to demonstrate compliance with. As we demonstrated, Giumarra Vineyards Corporation, with its Nature’s Partner label, is not in compliance.

Now we want to share that these violations don’t stop with the California fields where grapes with the Nature Partner label are produced. The kinds of abuses workers report at Giumarra Vineyards trickle down throughout the company’s supply chain. Chilean companies that provide Giumarra with the off season produce you’ll see on Kroger’s shelves, under the Nature’s Partner label, are also out of compliance with the code.

Chilean field worker Magaly Luna describes the following:

"The first thing they tell you when you arrive at the company is that you can’t complain… they say is that ‘if you fall from the ladder this year you are of no use to me to thin the vine. You are nothing because if you limp, then what use are you? You will climb the vine, it will hurt, then you will get down. If before you made 100 vines, now you will only make 60 vines and will be of no use to me.’

"Another thing is when final paychecks are issued, we are left being owed money. We’re not paid for all of our work. We’re told the accountant will look into it, but nothing ever happens, they just keep our money."

It is clear that Kroger needs to have a much more thorough system for verifying that its suppliers are actually in compliance with its Code of Conduct. And it is important that Kroger not just take these companies’ own word at face value when it comes to verification—worker testimony must be taken into account.

Take action today by clicking on the green "participate" button on the top right and tell Kroger to find out what is really going on out in the ranches that put the food on their shelves.

* The Krogers grocery chain includes Ralphs, Food for Less, Fred Meyer, QFC, Frys, Baker’s, City Market, Dillions, Foods Co, Gerbes, Hilander, JayC Stores, King Soopers, Owen’s Market, Scotts Food & Pharmacy, Smiths Food & Drug, Smith’s Marketplace, Turkey Hill, and more.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Kroger management about this violation of their code of ethics.

Dear Mr. Dillon,

According to the 2010 Sustainability Report featured on Kroger's website, your company expects its vendors to uphold certain standards. Additionally, the report states that these vendors must provide actual proof of their compliance.

Consumers are becoming increasingly interested in the origins of their food and expect that their grocers are aware of who their suppliers truly are.

I am writing you today to inform you that one of your vendors, The Giumarra Companies with its Nature's Partner label, is not in compliance with your Code of Conduct. Farm workers have indicated there are serious violations both here in the US and also with suppliers who provide Chilean imports. Allegations against Giumarra/Nature's Partner include sexual harassment, wage and hour violations and more.

Because these allegations are so strong and the evidence is mounting, I ask the Kroger Corporation to conduct a very thorough investigation into this company's practices and evaluate the Kroger-Giumarra relationship based on your findings. It is not enough to take this company's word for it--workers are speaking out and we hope Kroger is ready to listen.


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Sunday, September 12, 2010


The following appeal for solidarity with Starbucks wobbly workers in Omaha Nebraska comes from the site of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
Take Action to Defend IWW Baristas in Omaha!
Since Starbucks baristas at the 15th and Douglas store in Omaha announced their membership in the IWW one month ago, Starbucks has unleashed an aggressive union busting campaign on the workers with a particularly extreme effort to intimidate and threaten FW Tyler Swain.

In response to this, all members of the Omaha SWU have voted unanimously to send out an appeal for solidarity to the broader IWW and labor movement. Please show Starbucks that an injury to one is an injury to all by taking the following actions:

1. Call Partner Resources Representative Shari Rugi, (314)607-4180

Shari Rugi is coordinating a campaign of intimidation and harassment against union members at the 15th and Douglas Starbucks. This intimidation has included fabrication of sexual harassment allegations and interrogation of union members at the store over these accusations concocted by management. Furthermore, Shari Rugi as directed the store manager at 15th and Douglas, Missy Kemp, to tighten policy and increase disciplinary actions against workers, in particular against FW Tyler Swain. Rugi has forced Store Manager Missy Kemp to write up FW Tyler Swain twice since going public for alleged violations of policy, contriving allegations of insubordination, and illegally tightening the time and attendance policy. weeks after these alleged violations have occurred. Union members at the 15th and Douglas location have, on multiple occasions, overheard conversations taking place between the store manager, Missy Kemp, and the partner resource manager, Shari Rugi, in which she has insisted FW Swain be written up for these alleged infractions, regardless of the store managers opinion of the events.

It's time to let Shari Rugi know that we as an organization will not tolerate the unfair and discriminatory treatment of public union members, and that we, as a global organization are well aware of her actions.

2. Call District Manager Jennifer Rojas, (402)319-2760

The District Manager has repeatedly disrespected workers in her area.

Based upon this level of disrespect, the final demand in the letter presented to management, including the 15th and Douglas store manager Missy Kemp, district manager Jennifer Rojas, and Regional Director of Operations Brett Battes, was a request that Jennifer Rojas resign from her position. A month after the delivery no mention of this demand has been made, despite targeted attempts to separate public union members from the company. It's time to let Jennifer Rojas know that her disrespect to workers in her area does not go unnoticed, and that she needs to be working for noticeable improvements in the working environment she oversees or resign immediately. Specific demands are:

•the immediate back pay of wages owed to FW Samantha Cole which were promised to her the morning of August 6th in a phone conversation that took place between Jennifer Rojas and Samantha Cole,
•an open and cooperative dialogue between levels of management and the Starbucks Workers Union,
•an open environment for members of the union to organize without fear of retaliation,
•and an increased effort to put into place the district wide 20 percent wage increase that the union is fighting for.
3. Send Letters of Support to the 15th and Douglas Store

We humbly request all union members to send letters directly to the 15th and Douglas store (222 S. 15th St. Omaha Ne. 68102) addressed specifically to The Barista's of the Starbucks Workers Union, as well as a separate letter, jointly addressed to both our Store Manager, Missy Kemp, and our District Manager, Jennifer Rojas. These letters should express support for the public campaign as well as public members in the store, as we fight for improved working conditions that include more reliable scheduling, a safer work environment and better compensation. It would also be appreciated if some attention would be given to our rights to organize as workers, and an immediate stop to all intimidation to public union members on the job.

Thank you for your support and solidarity. Together we will win!

in solidarity,
The Baristas of the Omaha SWU.

Related Links
IWW Starbucks Workers Union

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The following appeal is from the American Rights At Work organization.
Take Action:

Tell US Airways to cut ties with anti-union consultants

Piedmont Airlines, a subsidiary of US Airways, is paying $375 per hour to the notorious unionbusting firm Labor Relations Institute (LRI) in a ploy to keep its workers from exercising their right to form a union.

Workers shouldn't face interference or coercion – Piedmont and US Airways should allow their workers to decide for themselves if they want to form a union.

Ask US Airways CEO Doug Parker to cut ties with LRI. It could make all the difference for workers at Piedmont.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to US Airways management.

It has come to my attention that one of your company's subsidiaries, Piedmont Airlines, has hired Labor Relations Institute (LRI), a notorious anti-union firm, to prevent its workers from organizing.

Your employees have worked hard to make your airline a success; they should be able to decide for themselves if they want to form a union -- without the outside interference and coercion from a firm like LRI.

Rather than spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on firms like LRI, you should invest in improving jobs and working conditions. That would help maintain a positive, productive relationship with your employees -- not the adversarial relationship created by hiring LRI.

I strongly urge you to cut ties with LRI and allow your employees to decide on their own whether to form a union. I hope to see swift action by your company to stop this unionbusting behavior.

Thank you.

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Thursday, September 09, 2010



The following call for a solidarity anti-scab picket in Brantford Ontario comes from the Ontario Federation of Labour and its President Sid Ryan. Workers at Engineering Coated Products (ECP) in Brantford have been on strike for over two years, but the company continues to operate due to scab labour. You can read more about this strike in this article from the Brantford Expositor. For further information about how you can help the strikers see the website of the Brantford Labour Council.
Dear Sisters and Brothers:

In the City of Brantford, less than two hours from Toronto, 84 brave workers have been on strike against their employer for the past two years. The employer has managed to keep these workers out on strike for two long years because they have been busing scabs across the picket lines. The employer, ECP, has demanded a 25% rollback in wages and benefits which the membership of USW Local 1-500 have bravely resisted. Not one striker out of the 84 has crossed the picket line.

I am asking you to join me in support of these brave workers for a massive three-day anti-scab solidarity rally at the picket line. We will also be demanding that the Liberal government enact legislation in Ontario that prevents employers from exploiting workers by using scabs during labour disputes.

The Local and the Brantford Labour Council will open the Labour Centre forany activists that wish to billet over night. As well, there will be areas to pitch a tent or spaces to park camper trailers. We cannot allow this employer and - by extension any other employer in Ontario - to take advantage of workers in this fashion. What’s happening in Brantford to these workers can only be described as abusive. We can and we must stop this abuse.

I urge you to debate this vital matter in your locals and get your members out to Brantford. Let’s draw a line in the sand in Brantford and say loud and clear to employers and to the Liberal government that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We demand ANTI-SCAB legislation in Ontario. If it’s good enough for BRITISH COLUMBIA and QUEBEC it’s good enough for ONTARIO.

In solidarity,

Sid Ryan
Ontario Federation of Labour

Anti-Scab Letter (PDF)
Anti-Scab Flyer (PDF)

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Monday, September 06, 2010



The following article and appeal for protests comes from the Polish Pracownik network site. Pracownik is an "employee forum" supported by Polish syndicalists where workers can exchange information and contact each other.

Workers Fired for not Wanting to Work for Free
By pracownik - Posted on 06 wrzesień 2010

Workers from ZEFAM furniture factory in Nowe Miasteczko in the west of Poland were given disciplinary dismissals because they asked when the would get paid.

ZEFAM stands for Zielona Gora Furniture Factory. Workers there had not received salaries for months. Some had not been paid for four months and nobody was receiving overtime payments. On August 19, the workers asked about this. The manager went to consult with the director of the firm, Marek Cierpka. Then he told the workers to "go home". They didn't want to, but the manager shut down the production hall. After some time of not knowing what to do, the workers went home.

The next day, the manager was waiting for them at the gates of the factory with disciplinary dismissals. Most people refused to take them, but they were sent by post to 27 workers. In the dismissals it was written that they were being dismissed for leaving their work place without permission or justification.

The boss claimed that the workers held a wildcat strike.

The next day, the boss proposed that people return to work, but with new contracts, for "trial periods".

Some people were so desperate that they agreed to this, but 11 people refused. Six of them are prevented by security from going near the factory.

But even the ones who "agreed" to the new conditions are not factory. The Mayor of Nowe Miasteczko "mediated" but convinced them to agree to the bad deal. It was agreed that if the workers have no problems or "strikes' over the next two months of the "trial period", then the Director will annul the disciplinary dismissal.

In Poland, all records of work are kept in your "work book". If you were fired, it stays on your record and basically creates a problem for you for years, if not the rest of your life.

The workers at ZEFAM were totally fucked. The majority of them are older, many in their 50s and 60s. Many have worked in the factory 30 or 40 years with no problem. And now they are told they should be on a trial period! If they give their work books, the bosses will write that they were fired. If they don't give their work books to be signed, they will have no proof of the work they have done for decades!

It is important to point out that these people live in a high unemployment area.

The Mayor of Nowe Miasteczko is actually aiding the director, Mr. Cierpka, in committing a crime. Unfair dismissal is not a crime in Poland, but if he is not paying, the company should go into bankruptcy, its assets liquidated and the workers paid from this. But the case is more likely that the company just wanted to find some pretext to get rid of old staff and hope that the workers will not be able to fight back.

We hope that this assesssment of the workers will prove wrong and we support the 11 who refused! Hopefully the next wildcat strike will be a real one!

Protests can be sent to:

Prezes Zarządu
Marek Cierpka
Zielonogórskie Fabryki Mebli S.A.
ul. Głogowska 18
67-124 Nowe Miasteczko
Tel. (+48 68) 325 46 31
Fax (+ 48 68) 388 89 64

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Sunday, September 05, 2010



The following appeal to send a Labor Day message to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton comes from the International Labor Rights Forum.

Ask Secretary Clinton to help the workers in Bangladesh who make our clothes.

Send an Email This Labor Day to Request Secretary Clinton Make Good on Commitments to Labor Rights as a Priority in U.S. Trade Policy!

As you have seen over the past couple of weeks, our comrades in Bangladesh continue to remain imprisoned as the Government of Bangladesh uses them as a scapegoat for the turmoil in the garment industry.

The highly respected labor leaders Kalpona Akter and Babul Akhter of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity need more support from the US government. Secretary Clinton has an opportunity to use the policies already in place to demand swift action by the Government of Bangladesh to end this harassment campaign. Right now, the US government is considering the status of special trade preferences for Bangladesh. Our government needs to be clear whether it stands behind human rights for workers, or just business as usual. Secretary Clinton can do the right thing but needs some encouragement from you.

Send an email NOW to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urging immediate action.

Just two days ago, ILRF and the AFL-CIO provided new information about Bangladesh to the United States Trade Representative. Secretary Clinton and others within the Obama Administration have ample evidence that the charges against Kalpona and Babul are completely false and that intervention is required immediately.

Justice will prevail for Kalpona and Babul though we all need to help make this a realization. Your action on this important message means a great deal to us and we will continue to update you as things move forward in Bangladesh.

Bama Athreya, Executive Director

PS. By taking action now, not only will your message get sent immediately, but I will also hand-deliver all the messages to the State Department next week.

This message was brought to you by the International Labor Rights Forum.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

I want you to know I am very concerned about the harassment, unlawful arrest, detention and physical abuse of courageous labor activists in Bangladesh.

On August 13, 2010, two internationally known labor leaders, Kalpona Akter and Babul Akhter of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity (BCWS), were arrested and detained by the Government of Bangladesh. BCWS is a highly respected organization that the US government itself has looked to for information and insight concerning labor conditions in the country's garment industry.

The US is a key importer of apparel and consumers like myself ask that our government help ensure we are not exploiting workers or repressing human rights to make our clothes. As a citizen concerned about human and labor rights around the world, I am appalled by the persecution of these activists and expect the US to take immediate action.

The persecution of labor rights advocates is taking place in the context of severe and ongoing labor rights abuses and lack of respect for the rule of law in Bangladesh. Most of those making these clothes are women. They need decent jobs to support their families, and they need advocates like Kalpona and Babul to support them as they stand up for their rights. I know that the US has continued to state that our trade policy is one that does require those we trade with to respect human and labor rights, and you yourself have been a champion for human rights and particularly women's rights around the world.

I urge you to do the following:

- Hold an immediate hearing on trade preference benefits that are received by Bangladesh.

- Take all possible measures to communicate to the Government of Bangladesh the urgency of ending the persecution of BCWS and its leaders.

- Make it known to the Government of Bangladesh that the US is committed to making sure workers' rights are respected around the world.

The US government has done business as usual with Bangladesh for too long. Now it has an important opportunity and obligation to speak out against these injustices in Bangladesh and I hope that you will be a leader in this charge.


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Thursday, September 02, 2010



The United Farm Workers (UFW) have fought long and hard to unionize grape pickers at Giumarra Vineyards and improve the dismal working conditions there. As part of their campaign they have pressured Giumarra customers such as the Krogers grocery chain to live up to their ethical business statements in respect to Giumarra. The UFW have launched yet another public appeal for customers to demand that businesses such as Kroger live up to their statements and demand proof from the likes of Giumarra Vineyards. Here's the story and appeal from the UFW.

Krogers lets Giumarra violate their code of conduct

Since the beginning of this year, clergy and farm worker supporters have been expressing concern to the Kroger grocery chain (which includes Ralphs, Food for Less, Fred Meyer, QFC, Frys, Baker's, City Market, Dillions, Foods Co, Gerbes, Hilander, JayC Stores, King Soopers, Owen's Market, Scotts Food & Pharmacy, Smiths Food & Drug, Smith's Marketplace, Turkey Hill, and more) over widespread accounts of worker abuse at Giumarra Vineyards. Giumarra supplies Kroger with table grapes and other fruits and vegetables under their Nature's Partner label. Concerned consumers nationwide have sent letters, e-mails and even met with company representatives in order to urge Kroger to hold Giumarra accountable. Kroger has failed to respond. Take a moment to let this retail giant know that they have a responsibility to uphold the standards they have set for their vendors.

In its 2010 Sustainability Report, Kroger features a Code of Conduct for its vendors (page 19). In addition to listing out standards for suppliers, the code states that vendors must be able to demonstrate compliance. But, according to worker testimony, Giumarra is NOT in compliance:

Workers may not be exposed to unreasonably hazardous, unsafe, or unhealthy conditions.
Giumarra worker Juana Estrada describes an incident where the company was spraying a sulfur-smelling chemical near workers picking grapes: "It turned out that they were spraying, but by then some people were vomiting, others were feeling dizzy or had headaches."

The workplace must be free from harassment, which includes sexually coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative conduct or behavior or harassment because of one's race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
EEOC v. Giumarra Vineyards Corporation, et al, Case No. 1:09-cv-02255: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged in a lawsuit that Giumarra Vineyards Corporation violated federal law by subjecting a teenage female farm worker to sexual harassment. Further, the EEOC said, the company retaliated against a group of other farm workers who came to her aid at its Edison, Calif., facility. All of the victims identified in the lawsuit are indigenous Indians from Mexico.

Workers at all times must be treated fairly with dignity and respect.
Giumarra worker Imelda Valdivia describes the following: "They put fear into the workers and so we force ourselves not to leave for water, because when the boss tells the Supervisor they stop us from working from one to two hours without pay."

Wages paid to workers must meet or exceed legal and industry standards.
Class Action Complaint: Current and former employees of Giumarra Vineyards have filed a Federal class action lawsuit alleging that the company requires workers to work off-the-clock and provide their own tools and equipment with no reimbursement. Workers report not being paid for time spent maintaining materials necessary for harvest despite the company's requirement that they do so.
Tell Kroger to demand proof of compliance from Giumarra Vineyards--real proof. It is important that Kroger does not just take the company's word for it in the face of so much litigation and worker testimony. Let them know consumers expect true accountability.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Kroger management.

Dear Mr. Dillon,

According to the 2010 Sustainability Report featured on Kroger's website, your company expects its vendors to uphold certain standards. Additionally, the report states that these vendors must provide actual proof of their compliance.

I am writing you today to inform you that one of your vendors--The Giumarra Company with its' Nature's Partner label--is not in compliance with your Code of Conduct. Consumers and farm worker supporters nationwide are well aware of Giumarra's reputation as a company with outrageously unfair labor practices. You ought to be aware of the allegations against Giumarra, which include sexual harassment, wage and hour violations, worker exposure to pesticide sprayings, and more.

Because these allegations are so strong and the evidence mounting, you ought to conduct a very thorough investigation into this company's practices and evaluate the Kroger-Giumarra relationship based on your findings. It is not enough to take this company's word for it--workers are speaking out and we hope Kroger is ready to listen.


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Wednesday, September 01, 2010



The following struggle for union representation has been going on for three years now, and the Nestlé corporation is unbending in its determination to prevent its Indonesian workers from having independent representation. Here's the story from the international union federation the IUF.

No more Nestlies!
Stop Discrimination and Union-busting at Nestlé Indonesia!
Nestlé is determined to stop the SBNIP, the union representing workers at its Indonesian Nescafé factory, from negotiating a collective agreement which includes wages. In response to pressure from the IUF, Nestlé has conceded the union's right to negotiate wages, but now insists that the union must bargain jointly with a 'Communication Forum' (FKBNIP) which the company itself created and supports in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy and membership of the SBNIP. The SBNIP rightly rejects bargaining jointly with a management-sponsored organisation. In April, Nestlé again imposed a unilaterally-determined wage system with no negotiations.

The struggle for basic trade union rights at Nestlé Panjang continues, and the SBNIP needs your support.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Nestlé management.
To Paul Bulcke, CEO
Frits van Dijk, Executive Vice President, Zone AOA

CC Jean-Marc Duvoisin, Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Nigel Isherwood, Assistant Vice President, Human Resources, Zone AOA
Enrique Rueda, Corporate Employee Relations Manager
Arshad Chaudhry, Managing Director, Nestlé Indonesia

Dear Sirs,

Management at the Nescafé factory in Panjang, Indonesia, still denies the right of the SBNIP to negotiate wages through collective bargaining. SBNIP members face discrimination and pressure. I call upon Nestlé to fully respect trade union rights, stop fighting the SBNIP, stop promoting the company union and immediately engage in good faith collective bargaining negotiations with the SBNIP as the representative of the Panjang workers for collective bargaining.

Yours sincerely,

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Molly has blogged before on the strike at the Motts' production facility in Williamson New York (see here, here, here, here and here). At least one of those posts gathered quite a bit of comment, including a mendacious posting from what I presume was a member of Motts management. Now this strike is beginning to take on epic proportions with national and even international (Canada) repercussions. On the one side is a corporate management that seems determined to live up (down ?) to the classic image of an evil top hatted capitalist, twirling mustache and all, with its CEO making $6.5 million a year and so "devoted" to keeping the company afloat that he was off on a "hunting trip to New Zealand" while the strike was ongoing. On the other side stands what one article in the Nation magazine describes as "gun fans, military veterans and motorcycle riders" ie a selection of ordinary people whom the "left" loves to look down on who are now carrying out the most visible example of class struggle in the USA. With, however, the support of the local community, of union members across the continent and even of some otherwise anti-union politicians this small band of workers may be the test case of whether the corporate ruling class can carry out their full program of 'peonizing' US workers.

Here's an article and appeal from the AFL-CIO Blog about this important event.
100 days of fighting the low waging of America:

For 100 days, more than 300 Mott’s workers in Williamson, N.Y., have been on strike, fighting the low-waging of America. The Dr Pepper Snapple Group, the corporate conglomerate that owns Mott’s (of apple juice and apple sauce fame) has been trying to cut their pay and benefits—even though the company reported a net income of $555 million in 2009.

Tell Dr Pepper Snapple to back off its corporate greed and treat the Mott’s workers fairly.

Dr Pepper Snapple is taking advantage of the recession and high unemployment rates in the area to beat down the workers, members of RWDSU/UFCW Local 220. A spokesman told The New York Times recently the company’s just trying to take wages down to meet “local industry standards”—in other words, to make recession-era wages the norm.

Dr Pepper Snapple is demanding wage cuts that would amount to $3,000 a year per worker, ending pensions for new hires, cutting the company’s 401(k) retirement contributions and increasing employee health care costs.

This is a 142-year-old company with a product that’s as American as you can get—a company you thought you knew and could trust. It’s a company that symbolizes everything we’re fighting for—and everything we’re fighting against: the low-waging of America.

This strike isn’t just about Williamson, N.Y. As The Times put it, “if the Mott’s workers lose this showdown, it could prompt other profitable companies to push for major labor concessions.”

If America’s economy is going to recover, we need paychecks that can fuel consumption. And if profitable companies are allowed to use the recession to drive America’s middle class out of existence, it’s unconscionable.

Don’t be silent about the low-waging of America. Support the Mott’s workers who have been walking the picket line for 100 days. Act now.

Tell Dr Pepper Snapple to back off its corporate greed and treat the Mott’s workers fairly.

Thank you for taking action for the Mott’s workers and all working families. Please forward this e-mail to at least five friends and urge them to take action, too.

In solidarity,

AFL-CIO Working Families e-Activist Network

P.S. The RWDSU Mott’s Hardship Fund has been established to help aid Mott’s workers affected by the strike. Donations to this fund will be used to help offset hardships being faced by Local 220 members as a result of their strike against the corporate greed of Mott’s/Dr. Pepper Snapple. Please consider making a contribution to the strike fund by clicking here.
Please copy and paste the following letter, and send it to Motts management at this email address:.
Dear Dr Pepper Snapple,

With record-breaking profits, your company has no justification to cut the pay and benefits of the more than 300 Mott’s workers in Williamson, N.Y. In saying you want to bring their wages down to “local industry standards,” you are trying to take advantage of the recession and high unemployment rates to lift your profits even higher.

Your workers deserve better. And so do workers at other profitable companies that might try to follow your shameful example.

Mott’s is a 142-year-old company with a product that’s as American as you can get—a company we all thought we knew and could trust. I hope you realize you are jeopardizing a well-known, well-established and respected brand. That’s a lot to throw away.

I urge you to back off your attack on the Mott’s workers’ wages and benefits and do the right thing.

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