
Elizabeth Knight

Elizabeth Knight comments on companies, markets and the economy.

Rio  announced a $US3 billion writedown of its Mozambique coal assets in January.

Rio's board should have come clean over dishonesty allegations

The fraud allegations made by the US regulator against Rio Tinto, its former chief executive, Tom Albanese and finance director Guy Elliott raise serious questions about the board - not just about their competence but about their public characterisation of what went on.

Directors are concerned about the imposition of yet another layer of expectations.

Could red tape help banks win tech arms race?

What will banks look like in 20 years and will they all survive the technology revolution that is allowing all manner of fintech companies to chip away at various aspects of their businesses?

The last straw for Solomon Lew was an email from Myer chairman Paul McClintock.

The email that turned Solly Lew against Myer

Solly Lew was granted half an hour with Myer chairman Paul McClintock in October after trying to see him since May. It turned out to be the final straw for the Premier Investments boss.

AGL plans to shut the Liddell Power Station in the Hunter Valley by 2022.

Liddell a closed and shut case for AGL board

AGL has made it clear it will push back against strong arm tactics by the federal government to keep the Liddell coal-fired plant open beyond its 2022 use by date or sell it to someone who will.