Will You Be at DMEXCO? Come Visit Lotame in Hall 7, Stand D036 Let's Meet!

Why Lotame

At Lotame, we are firm believers in the combined power of people and technology. Our award-winning customer-first approach gives you full end-to-end support, from shaping and refining your data strategy, to personalized hands-on tactical support that ensures you - and your customers - profit from your DMP investment.
Where Data, Innovation,
and Agility Connect

Lotame helps companies use data to build stronger connections with consumers. Committed to innovation, agility, and - above all, customer success, our team continuously finds new and meaningful ways for our clients to harness the power of data to fuel more relevant and personalized experiences across screens and devices, online and off.

Individual Attention

No two Data Management Platform (DMP) use cases are identical. Clients have unique and specific requirements, which make the initial setup of the platform crucial for success. Our award-winning Client Success team will work to guide you through every step of your DMP implementation to ensure the platform is configured to meet your specific business needs.

Once you are up and running with the DMP, our Client Success team will act as your day-to-day contacts to make certain you’re extracting the maximum value from the platform. Our team will partner with you to optimize your DMP strategy and provide detailed training on new features and tools that are added to the platform. They’ll also organize quarterly check-ins to mark your progress against our Lotame maturity model so you can easily benchmark your organization’s DMP success and ROI.

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Superior Technology

Lotame’s technology has been used by companies around the globe to power millions of data-driven campaigns in every industry. Every year we evaluate and improve upon our existing technology and solutions so that we are always delivering top-notch technology and products to our customers. Our best-in-breed technology has helped clients increase engagement and drive revenue by turning big data into smart data for superior results.

Discover the Platform

Lotame is proud to be the leading independent data management platform, and we know that our independence is a benefit to our clients, as it enables us to be agile and flexible. Our technology is top-notch, and the engineers that build that technology pay attention to market trends and listen to the constant feedback they get from our clients to continue innovating, iterating, and improving. Lotame DMP users have a voice and play a pivotal role in the Lotame product roadmap, which is something we know the bigger marketing clouds can’t attest to.

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Not only is Lotame’s platform built with cutting-edge technology, but it is powered by one of the largest global data exchanges in the world, the Lotame Data Exchange. With billions of mobile and desktop data points from around the world, leading brands and agencies rely on Lotame’s third-party data exchange to help scale campaigns, improve targeting accuracy, and increase campaign performance.

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Knowledge Sharing

The data ecosystem is evolving rapidly. To help our clients stay ahead, we offer a range of tools and forums for knowledge sharing. Our client summits and councils provide face-to-face education and networking opportunities, while our vibrant online community and knowledge base offer an always-on forum for clients to learn and share best practices. From newsletters to videos to an online academy, Lotame has something for every client, every step of the way. Looking for more information about data or best practices to make the most of your DMP? Check out our Resources section to access videos, tutorials, and tips & tricks to learn more.

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Don’t Take Our Word For It.

Hear from some of our clients and employees on why they choose Lotame, in their own words.

Deloitte Technology Fast 500
2017 Bronze Steve Sales & Customer Service (1)
Baltimore Business Journal Best Places to Work 2017
2016 Emerging Tech Company of the Year
TMC Tech Culture Award
Baltimore Sun 2016 Top Workplaces
Baltimore Sun 2015 Best Workplaces
Baltimore Sun 2014 Top Workplaces
Our Products
Data Management Platform
Collect Anywhere. Use Everywhere.
Collect, organize, analyze, and activate your data from any source with Lotame’s award-winning DMP.
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Audience Optimizer
Audience Optimizer
Evolve Your Perfect Audience Into Perfect Audiences
Create powerful look-alike and act-alike models to extend your most valuable audiences and increase the efficiency of your campaigns.
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Bridging the Gap Between Screens
Collect and connect data from all the devices your target consumers use to reach them in the right place, at the right time!
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Data Exchange
The World's Data at Your Fingertips
Billions of mobile and online data points around the world to make your audiences even more targeted and effective.
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Data Stream
Powering the People Data Needs of Global Business
Access Lotame's raw data firehose to fuel enterprise-level applications and solutions for deeper, more valuable insights into target consumers.
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Bringing Offline Data Online
Combine offline and CRM data with other data sources for a holistic view of your consumers.
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Powering the Seamless Exchange of Second-Party Data
Exchange second-party data seamlessly and transparently, from within Lotame's DMP or across leading DSPs.
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Bringing Digital Intelligence to Television
Plan and measure TV ad campaigns using rich, behavioral digital and viewership data.
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