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Data Management Platform

Data Management Platform

Collect Anywhere. Use Everywhere.

Lotame's independent data management platform (DMP) was built to deliver measurable value for marketers, agencies and publishers. Our DMP enables you to collect first-party data from any source — including websites, apps, social, email, CRM, search, campaign data, and beyond — for one holistic view of your consumers, so you can deliver more relevant content, products and services, at the right time.

You can use this data to create audience segments inside the DMP, by selecting the specific demographics, interests and actions you want to target against. Or, you can learn more about your consumers with insights gleaned from our global third-party data exchange. Industry-leading analytics tools built into Lotame’s DMP enable you to uncover new insights into both the audience segments you create and the people who engage with your content or campaigns.

Lotame’s data management platform is media-agnostic, meaning we don’t dictate where you use to activate your data. Instead, we have set up integrations with every major DSP, ad server, exchange and SSP, giving you complete data portability and enable you to make the audience segments you build within the DMP instantly actionable.

Key Benefits
Unify Data

Combine data from any source for a complete picture of your consumers

Improve Performance

Focus your campaign on the consumers who are most likely to engage to increase ROI

Scale Audiences

Access 2nd and 3rd-party data directly inside the DMP to fulfill your campaigns

Drive Engagement

Link devices to reach your audience on the right screen at the right time

Understand Your Consumers

Audience analytics offer insights into your audience’s demographics, interests and behaviors

Reduce Ad Waste

Apply frequency capping across screens to reduce ad spend on unengaged consumers

What is a data management platform?

A data management platform, or DMP, is the backbone of data-driven marketing and serves as a unifying platform to collect, organize, and activate your audience data from any source, including online, offline, or mobile. A DMP not only collects and organizes your data, but makes it available to other platforms (such as DSPs, SSPs, and ad exchanges) to be used for targeted advertising, content customization, and beyond. Some people describe a data management platform as the “pipes” of ad tech – it connects many platforms in a neutral way so that marketers can use their powerful audience data when and where they want. Read more about what a data management platform is here.

What can I do with a DMP?

It’s easier to discuss what you can’t do with Lotame’s DMP! While the applications of the DMP are endless, there are several areas where our marketer and publisher clients find immediate value. The use cases typically include behavioral targeting (and retargeting) of consumers across all the devices they engage with, campaign optimization, content personalization, consumer and user engagement analysis and insights, ROI studies, and research.

What kinds of data can I collect?

There is virtually no limit to the types of data Lotame can collect, organize, and activate for your business! With Lotame’s DMP, publishers, marketers, and their agencies are able to collect rich consumer data from any source, including digital web, mobile app, mobile web, connected television and set top box – even offline data like CRM and point-of-sale using Lotame’s proprietary Data Onboarding services – and organize that data to create a complete and unified profile of your target consumers.

As a publisher selling advertising inventory or as a marketer buying it, having the richest, most robust consumer profile is essential to ensuring the right message is delivered to the right consumer in the right context. Gaps in the profile of your consumers can lead to imprecise targeting, jarring user experiences, and inefficient campaign spend.

I'm a publisher, and the data I collect is focused on a narrow topic. How can I find out more about my site and mobile app visitors?

You’re not alone. Many publishers offer content on a specific subjects like health, politics, weather, business, or other niche topics. While you will likely have deep insights into your content consumers on that subject, you may be wondering what other behavioral affinities and interests your visitors possess.

With Lotame's DMP, the data you collect – whether online or offline – can be analyzed using the wealth of third-party data accessible in Lotame’s DMP, including data from LDX and dozens of other branded data providers, to provide a deeper understanding of who your site visitors really are. Armed with this knowledge, you will be best equipped to develop new content and recommend existing content to customers to improve site engagement, page views, and, ultimately, advertising inventory to sell! Learn more here.

I'm a marketer, and I only have access to my customer's purchase habits and history. How do I find out more about my customers and increase sales?

You’re not alone, either! Marketers typically have deep knowledge of the products and services their customers are most interested in, including rich CRM data and online and offline purchase history, but the customer insights often stop there.

With Lotame’s DMP, the consumer data you do have access to – whether online or offline – can be combined with other behavioral insights to provide a deeper understanding of who your customers really are. Armed with this knowledge, you will be best equipped to engage with new and returning customers and promote the products and services they are most likely to purchase! Learn more here.

Just how portable is my data once it's in the DMP?

Very portable! As the leading independent DMP, Lotame maintains dozens of integrations with DSPs, SSPs, ad servers, ad verification platforms, measurement tools, and lots more to ensure the data you collect in Lotame DMP doesn’t just sit in the DMP. Your data is only as good as what you can do with it, and with Lotame, you can do a lot.

How can I learn more?

We'd love to show you a demo of our DMP! Contact us at info@lotame.com to set up a time to talk!