Submitted by Valerie Young on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 02:18
Recherche d'organisateurs: Conférence du Réseau nord-américain des études anarchistes (NAASN)
(For English, see below.)
NAASN est une conférence informelle portant sur le sujet de l'anarchisme. SOn intention est de briser les frontières entre les disciplines traditionnelles et entre les mondes académique, non-académique et anti-académique. Traditionnellement, NAASN vise à rassembler des anarchistes de différents horizons et intérêts, issus de tous les pays et parlant toutes les langues de l'Amérique du Nord.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 22:55
The North American Anarchist Studies Network is currently seeking presentations for our eighth annual conference to be held April 28, 29, and 30 (2017) at the Biblioteca Social Reconstruir (BSR)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 22:51
Convocatoria – Red de Estudios Anarquistas de América del Norte (NAASN)
La Red de Estudios Anarquistas de América del Norte (NAASN, por sus siglas en inglés) convoca a su octava conferencia anual, a realizarse del 28 al 30 de abril del 2017 en la Biblioteca Social Reconstruir (BSR), en la Ciudad de México, México.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 23:58
CFP: Call for Papers for an Edited Book
Anarchism is experiencing a renaissance in locations all across
the world. Facilitated by information technologies, new anarchist
communities are forming and more established ones are gaining greater
recognition. The decentralized, non-hierarchical, peer-to-peer nature
of the relationships and social bonds which characterize these
communities has inspired a recent surge of interest within both
scholarly geographic and activist circles.
Submitted by Pj Lilley on Fri, 09/25/2015 - 18:31