About six months ago we made a significant change to the way that modules, themes, and distributions are created on Drupal.org.

In the past, contributors had to first create a sandbox project, and then request manual review of their project in the Project Applications issue queue. The benefit of this community-driven moderation process was that modules were vetted for code quality and security issues by a group of volunteers. Project maintainers who completed this process also received the benefit of security advisory coverage from the Security Team for stable releases of their projects.

Unfortunately, the rate of project applications outpaced what volunteers could keep up with, and many worthy projects were never promoted to full project status, or moved off of Drupal.org to be hosted elsewhere.

To ameliorate this issue, we changed the process so that any confirmed user on Drupal.org may now make full projects.

To mitigate the risks of low code quality or security vulnerabilities we added new signals to project pages: including highlighting which release is recommended by the maintainer, displaying recent test results, and indicating whether the project receives security coverage both on the project page and in the composer 'extra' attribute. We're continuing to work on identifying additional signals of project quality that we can include, as well as surfacing some of this information in Drupal core. We also converted the project applications issue queue into a 'request security advisory coverage' issue queue.

What we hoped to see

We knew this would be a significant change for the project and the community. While many community members were excited to see the gates to contribution opened, others were concerned about security issues and Drupal's reputation for code quality.

Our prediction was that the lower barrier to contribution would result in an increase in full projects created on Drupal.org. This would indicate that new contributors or third party technology providers were finding it easier to integrate with Drupal and contribute those integrations back for use by others.

At the same time, we also expected to see an increase in the number of full projects that do not receive coverage from the security team. The question was whether this increase would be within an acceptable range, or represent a flood of low quality or insecure modules.

The results

The table below provides statistics about the full projects created on Drupal.org in the 5 months before March 17th, 2017 - when we opened the creation of full projects to all confirmed users.

Full projects created from 2016-10-16 to 2017-03-17…


% of projects created in this period

… without stable release



… with stable releases



… with usage >= 50 sites



… with usage >= 50 sites and without stable release



… with usage >= 50 sites and with stable release



… with an open security coverage application*



Sub-total with security coverage



Sub-total without security coverage



Sub-total with security coverage and >=50 usage



Sub-total without security coverage and >= 50 usage





* note: full projects that did not have stable releases were not automatically opted in to security coverage when we opened the full project creation gates.

… and this table provides statistics about the projects created in the 5 months after we opened the creation of full projects to all confirmed users:

Full projects created from 2017-03-17 to 2017-08-16…



% of projects created

Diff %

… without stable release





… with stable releases





… with usage >= 50 sites





… with usage >= 50 sites and without stable release





… with usage >= 50 sites and with stable release





… with an open security coverage application





Sub-total with security coverage





Sub-total without security coverage





Sub-total with security coverage and >=50 usage





Sub-total without security coverage and >= 50 usage









As you can see, we have an almost 58% increase in the rate of full projects created on Drupal.org. We can also see a significant proportional increase in two key areas: projects with greater than 50 site usage and no security coverage(up 150% compared to the previous period), and projects that have applied for security coverage(up 344% compared to the previous period). Note: this increase in applications is for projects *created in these date ranges* not necessarily applications created overall.

This tells us that reducing friction in applying for security coverage, and encouraging project maintainers to do so should be a top priority.

Finally, this last table gives statistics about all of the projects currently on Drupal.org, regardless of creation date:

Full projects (7.x and 8.x)


% of Total

Rate of change after 2017-03-17

… with the ability to opt into security coverage




… with security coverage and stable releases




… without security coverage




… without security coverage and with stable releases




… with security coverage and >=50 usage


66.91 / 26.85%


… with security coverage and stable releases and >=50 usage


65.19 /26.16%


… without security coverage and >=50 usage


33.09 /13.28%


… without security coverage and with stable releases and >=50 usage


1.34 /0.54%


Sub-total with >=50 usage






From the overall data we see approximately what we might expect. The increase in growth of full projects on Drupal.org has lead to a modest increase in projects without security coverage.

Before the project application change, all full projects with stable releases received security advisory coverage. After this change, only those projects that apply for the ability to opt in(and then do so) receive coverage.

What has this meant for security coverage of projects hosted on Drupal.org?

1.92% of all full 7.x and 8.x projects have stable releases, but do not receive security advisory coverage. It is likely no accident that this translates into 464 projects, which is nearly equivalent to the number of projects additional projects added compared to our old growth rate.

Of those only 130 of those projects report more than 50 sites usage(or .54% of all 7.x and 8x full projects).

Next steps

From this analysis we can conclude the following:

  1. The opening of the project application gates has dramatically increased the number of projects contributed to Drupal.org.

  2. It has also increased the number of projects without security coverage, and the number of applications for the ability to opt in to coverage among new projects.

In consultation with the Security Working Group, we recommend the following:

  • For now, leave the project creation projects as it stands today - open to contribution from any confirmed user on Drupal.org.

    • Less than 2% of all Drupal projects with stable releases currently lack security coverage. The rate at which this is increasing is significant (and in the wrong direction) but not rapid enough to merit changing the project application policy immediately.

  • Solve the problem of too many security advisory coverage applications. The security advisory application queue has the same problem that the old project applications queue had - not enough volunteers to manually vet all of the applications - and therefore a significant backlog of project maintainers waiting on the ability to opt into coverage.

    • Recommendation: Implement an automated best practices quiz that maintainers can take in order to be granted the ability to opt into security advisory coverage. If this process is as successful as we hope, we may want to consider making this a gate on stable releases for full projects as well.

We look forward to working with the Security Working Group to implement this recommendation and continue to improve the contribution experience on Drupal.org, while preserving code quality and security.


hamza.gt’s picture

Great! It's elating to finally see Drupal start growing at an admirable rate!

develCuy’s picture

Now that we have a system that is more open, I wonder what is holding the decision to let contrib projects to be hosted outside d.o...

See you at Drupal Picchu 2017, Oct 30th - Nov 3rd, Cusco - Perú

Cristiano Oliveira’s picture

What's the benefits in doing that?

Francewhoa’s picture

Thanks all for removing this bottle neck and adapting the process of creating projects on drupal.org. We look forward to trying it.

At Ubertus we prefer hosting contributed projects within drupal.org. Primarily because drupal.org is owned and supported by a friendly not-for-profit community. Instead of a for profit corporation. So no strings attached ;) In other words, not-for-profit community are more likely to be people-servant. Instead of money-servant with corporation.

For the last year or so we did notice a significant and increasing lag with the past process of creating projects on drupal.org. The increasing popularity is a good news :) But the lag and shortage of volunteers was challenging :( It's unfortunate that valuable projects moved off drupal.org. Hopefully the adapted process will retain present projects, and move some of those projects back on drupal.org. We look forward to continue contributing to projects hosted on drupal.org :)

Loving back your Drupal community result in multiple benefits for you  
vilepickle’s picture

Thanks for allowing projects to be created without the biased, ineffective project application queue. This old queue allowed any joe-schmoe to come in and wreck your application. This happened to me 3 times. I'm sure it's not normal, but each instance of applying I was greeted by people with conflicting viewpoints: contrib authors with an axe to grind because I used some of their open source code in a new way, people that felt a module belonged in another module because it built off of another, etc. I don't feel like these types of criticisms about modules should be empowered to prevent legitimate modules.

That said, I will never go through the existing security app issue queue because it's the same queue that I tried to get through 3 times before. I honestly do not care if my modules are covered by the security team. All I care about is that I can include them with composer in my projects and issue releases/updates to them and other people can choose to use them or not.

rwilson0429’s picture

Those of us who are serious about creating quality website do care whether modules are covered by the the security team.  With the types and complexities of security threats out there today, having experts review the security vulnerabilities of any module is an absolute necessity for those of us who want to deliver a safe and stable product to our clients.  Nevertheless, your contributions are appreciated as well but, if there is a choice between a module that has passed a security review and one that simply doesn't care about a security review, I think the former will be the choice 100% of the time.

I appreciate the efforts that is being done on Drupal to remove barriers and I also appreciate the efforts to protect site owners from security vulnerabilities.  They are necessary efforts.
