Last updated 11 November 2017.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Drupal project! Contributors are Drupal's most valuable asset, and are the sole force behind improvements to the platform and the community itself.

Please check out our project's mission statement and guiding principles so you can direct your efforts effectively and in line with the community's goals.

On this page you will find several areas of Drupal which you can contribute to. New Contributor Tasks section has great step-by-step write-ups of tasks for new contributors to get started.

User support

Even the most gifted Drupal developers were new once - and chances are someone has helped you at some point along the way. No matter what your skill level may be, you can give back by sharing what you know with other users. It's a nice thing to do, and you might learn something, too!

Get involved with user support


Whether you're interested in providing fine-grained API documentation, writing step-by-step tutorials for the handbook or producing multimedia screencasts to show people how Drupal works, you can help improve Drupal's documentation and provide a valuable resource to the community.

Contribute to documentation


Drupal supports many languages from around the world. If you know another language, you can contribute by helping to maintain Drupal core or contribute to module translations.

Contribute to translations


If you have a keen eye for detail or even just a knack for breaking things, you can help Drupal with testing. Good testing directly contributes to the stability of the platform and is an excellent way for people of all backgrounds to make a valued contribution to the project.

Help test Drupal

Design and Usability

Are you helping someone who has never used Drupal before? Or are you new to Drupal yourself? Do you have specialized knowledge in web accessibility and other standards? Contribute feedback to Drupal's usability!

Contribute to Drupal core UX design or visit Drupal's Usability group


Want to contribute but don't have the time? Want to say "thank you" to the folks who have put work into making Drupal what it is? Want to ensure that Drupal's infrastructure stays healthy and strong? Why not consider a monetary donation?

Donate now or learn how to help with donations


Drupal thrives on developer contributions in the form of both contributed modules and patches to core. Helping out in development helps the project move forward and stay competitive, and it is the best way to ensure that Drupal can do what you need it to do on your next project!

Contribute to development


Have an eye for design? Live and breathe HTML and CSS? Contribute your knowledge to Drupal in the form of themes!

Contribute to themes


Help get the word out about Drupal! Put your graphic design skills or marketing savvy to work in promoting Drupal and spreading the word!

Learn more in the Drupal marketing group
