2,544 Themes match your search

Themes allow you to change the look and feel of your Drupal site. You can use themes contributed by others or create your own to share with the community. Contributed themes are not part of any official release and may not have optimized code/functionality for your purposes. You can also create a sub-theme of an existing theme. A sub-theme inherits a parent theme's resources. Read more about Sub-theme structure and inheritance. You can also view a full index of themes listing only their titles.


Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world.

This base theme bridges the gap between Drupal and the Bootstrap Framework.



Visit the project's official documentation site or the markdown files inside the ./docs directory.

Supported modules

Drupal 8

Drupal 7

5 Year Evolution (gource)




Zen is a modern, powerful, HTML5 starting theme with component-based CSS and a responsive, mobile-first grid design. If you are building your own standards-compliant theme, you will find it much easier to start with Zen than to start with Bartik or Stark. This theme has fantastic online documentation and tons of helpful code comments in its JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS and Sass.

Zen now comes with modern front-end development practices!

HTML5 RTL Mobile-first Components Style guide Task runner
7.x-6.x Dot Dot Dot Dot Dot Dot
7.x-5.x Dot Dot Dot

Adminimal - Responsive Administration Theme

Adminimal is the most popular contribute Administration Theme for Drupal

Based on the original "seven" theme, Adminimal brings unique features like: Modern minimalist design, responsive layout, usability improvements, customization, module specific styles, and many more...


Omega Five

Omega Five for Drupal 8

Omega Five brings back the ever popular user interface that allows for editing the responsive layout through the theme settings form making it possible for users of ALL abilities to create and adjust a fully responsive theme to their needs.

Omega Five Development Status

Primay feature development for Omega is happening at github.com/himerus/omega

The Drupal 8 version of Omega Five has been updated and released as 8.x-5.0-alpha7. There is still much development to be done on the 8.x-5.x branch before things can be considered stable. There will potentially be problems in upgrading from one alpha release to the next without renaming and editing files where structure changes.

Omega Five Features

The current list of features for Omega Five is only a small sampling of the features available. This section will be updated with additional features and descriptions as it nears a stable release for Drupal 8.

  • Fully Responsive layout(s) and highly configurable presentation of that layout in each responsive breakpoint.
  • Full integration of layout_discovery in Drupal 8.3+ (in development)
  • Ability for single or multiple layout configurations. You can then select which layout to use on the homepage, individual node types, and for taxonomy vocabularies.
  • Create subthemes and clone themes through the Omega interface.
  • Features for advanced themers like adding a config.rb, Gemfile, or Gulpfile to generated subthemes to aid in advanced front end development.
  • Layout inheritance in subthemes so you can create a base theme for your project that controls layout and base styles, allowing subthemes to inherit ALL layout configurations from the parent.
  • SCSS without the hassle: Don't know what Compass/Sass/Guard/Gobbledeegook is? No problem. Omega can handle the heavy lifting while setting up your subtheme to be ready to use more advanced front end development practices.


Adaptivethemes Logo

Adaptivetheme for Drupal 8 is a base theme designed for people who don’t code, or for those who only want to write a bit of CSS but still want a sleek and sophisticated theme for todays mobile web - and beyond.

Use the AT Generator module (included in AT Tools) to generate unlimited themes, clones of themes, and even skin themes. You never interact with Adaptivetheme (at_core) directly, it simply provides the advanced features used by your sub-themes.

  • Theme generator using AT Tools module.
  • Generate page suggestions and modify page layout.
  • Set column layout per breakpoint (and per suggestions).
  • Re-order row layouts per breakpoint (and per suggestions).
  • Uses Flexbox.
  • Easily create new regions, rows and layouts.
  • Breakpoint module support.
  • Responsive layouts for Display Suite, Paragraphs and Panels.
  • Web fonts, support for Google, Typekit and local fonts
  • Responsive menus - 8 different menu styles built in.
  • Responsive local tasks, pagers, tables, book navigation etc.
  • CSS shortcodes.
  • CSS Animations.
  • Slideshows and carousels built in (flexslider) with configurable settings.
  • Image field positioning & captions.
  • Touch icon support for iOS - default set included.
  • Hide or show blocks in mobile
  • Color module support (optional).
  • FontAwesome.
  • Many JS plugins included - all loaded from the super-fast Cloudflare CDN.
  • ... and a lot more!

Docs: D8 - docs.adaptivethemes.com
Dependencies: AT Tools module
Versions: Important reading for upgrades and versions of D8 Adaptivetheme and the AT Tools module

Corporate Clean

Responsive Corporate Clean

Corporate Clean for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is based on the homonymous PSD template, which was designed and published by Zsolt Kacso.

Corporate Clean theme has been ported to Drupal and is supported by More than (just) Themes, as part of our ongoing effort to bring top quality themes to Drupal community. Corporate Clean theme 7.x-2.x releases come with a responsive grid layout.

To stay tuned with new theme releases, updates to existing themes, offers and other goodies follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. Check out our blog too.


Tao is a base theme for Drupal that is all about going with the flow. It is not
meant for general-purpose use, but instead takes care of several tasks so that
sub-themes can get on with their job:


Rubik is a clean admin theme. It features a set of icons for admin pages provided by Drupal core and aggressive styling to reduce visual noise wherever possible.

It is one of the most popular admin theme replacements for Drupal and is reported to be installed on over 15,000 sites.

Shiny (Administration theme)

Shiny Administration Theme

The admin theme used in Commerce Kickstart v2.
Designed by Bojhan Somers and implemented by Aaron Dudenhofer.

See http://bojhan.nl/revamping-drupal-commerces-ux for some background.


Business Theme

Business Theme is a great looking Drupal 7 theme. The theme is not dependent on any core theme. Its very light weight with modern look and feel. Business's clean layout and light weight code make it a great theme for small or medium-sized business to get up and running quickly.


  • Simple, Elegant, Minimal and Clean Design
  • Fixed Width (920px)
  • 1-column and 2-columns layout
  • Color module integration
  • Implementation of JS Slideshow (Customizable)
  • Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual menu)
  • HTML5 & super clean markup
  • A total of 12 regions & Drupal standards compliant
  • Custom front-page with 4 block regions
  • Configurable layout : Sidebar can be Right or Left
  • Ideal for corporate, business and personal sites
  • Use of Google Font and Nice Typography
  • Supported standard theme features: site logo, site name, site slogan, user pictures, favicon
  • Detailed CSS rules for Typography, Forms Elements, Node Teaser, Comments, etc.

Like this? Have a look at our Free Themes.


Danland theme screenshot

Danland is clean, simple, elegant, and beautiful theme for Drupal 6.x, Drupal 7.x, and Drupal 8.x. This theme includes an image slideshow or photo slideshow feature on standard installation, Danland also include one subtheme without slideshow feature.

Danland demo site (all jQuery plugins disabled).

Danland is very suitable for all types of websites; from corporate site to blog site, and it works perfectly in every browser; tested in IE6/7/8, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Features of Danland 6.x and 7.x:

  • 1, 2 or 3 column layout
  • Tableless design for SEO
  • More than 17 collapsible block regions
  • Superfish drop-down menu (2, 3 or more nested levels) and the shadow is enabled by default
  • Built-in image slideshow (the frontpage wide image banner)
  • Built-in IE transparent PNG fix
  • Custom front page
  • Wide image banner 950x355px. You can replace with your own photo for custom look
  • XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 validated
  • User picture in profile, comments and post
  • Primary links and secondary links
  • Supports custom logo and favicon
  • Support features like site name, slogan, mission.
  • Custom login and logout
  • Heading H1 optimization for SEO
  • Support for local.css
  • CiviCRM friendly
  • Complete online documentation

1 sub-theme included

  • Danblog is Danland without frontpage image banner and slideshow features, and we also change the global font-family from Arial to Verdana.

The wide banner featured in this release using a beautiful photo of Rodrigo and Marinelli image banner, both released under GPL license.


marinelli screenshot

Marinelli is a 3 column, tableless layout theme with a wide image banner and a "top-tabbed" primary-links system.

3x Main Features

  • Flexible 3 column system with 8 extra collapsible regions and a "top slide-box". You can move content on the right or in the middle from theme settings
  • Optional built-in megadropdown menu per Primary links: Just activate it in the theme settings page
  • Integrated rotating banners system based on jquery cycle: upload banners from theme settings and decide where to rotate them. Each banner con also point to an url to highlight content
  • Progressive enhancement with modernizr for css3 features
  • Better headings mangement. Now you can use headings even for primary links or megamenu (usefull for screenreaders)
  • Better css organization to improve theme customization
  • Semantic xhtml and attention to accessibility. With the proper theme settings you can accomplish WCAG2 AAA



Note: MAYO 8.x-1.0 released today (2015-Nov-19) which is a responsive mobile first HTML5 version. Check the release notes and project Documentation.

MAYO theme's name is taken from a phrase "Make Your Own" and "MAYOnnaise" which I love ;-). As the name describes itself, MAYO is developed to be a theme that provides users easy way to customize and create a theme they like.

MAYO is developed based on the experience with PIXTURE theme. However, it takes full advantage of Drupal 7's color module and advanced theme settings. MAYO is simple but flexible. You can customize the look of your MAYO theme easily from theme settings page. It does not require you to have the good knowledge of CSS, HTML and PHP.

What can be customized from the theme settings page?

  • Color of most of the theme elements (base, page, header, sidebar, node, footer). In many cases, you can specify text color, link color, background color and border colors of each element.
  • Base font and heading font type (either Serif or Sans-serif) and base font size.
  • Page layout options such as width of the site (fixed width layout or liquid layout), margins, sidebar layout and width, etc.
  • Styles such as menubar styles and round corner for node/sidebar block.
  • Detail layout of header area contents (logo, site name, slogan, search engine box)
  • You can easily upload and add your own image as the background of the header area. (You can use both background image and logo at the same time).

Nexus Theme

Nexus Theme

Nexus theme is an elegant and flat responsive Drupal theme design by Devsaran. This theme could easily be used for a blog, small business, portfolio or a variety of other websites. The theme was designed using flat elements for the header, navigation, buttons and more. This sharp design is elegant, modern and functional. The clean elements are easy for users to understand and make navigating your website a pleasure.


  • Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Theme
  • Simple, Minimal and Clean Design
  • 1-column and 2-columns layout
  • Mobile support (Smartphone, Tablet, Android, iPhone, etc)
  • Flex Image Slideshow with Caption (Customizable)
  • Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual menu)
  • HTML5 & super clean markup
  • A total of 12 block regions
  • Drupal standards compliant and Supported standard theme features
  • Google Font and nice typography
  • Ideal for business, company and portfolio sites
  • Detailed CSS rules for Typography, Forms Elements, Node Teaser, Comments, etc.

Like this? Have a look at our Free Themes.


Fusion Core - Powering the most beautiful, advanced Drupal themes

Fusion is under active development! - 9/15/2014

Fusion is a powerful base theme, with layout and style configuration options built in that you can control through Drupal's UI. It's based on a simplified 960px or fluid 12/16-column grid with options for responsive layouts for mobile devices. It's designed to be used with the Fusion Accelerator module (or with Skinr in Drupal 6), with numerous useful block styles included.

Don't theme yourself into a corner. Our goal is to make Fusion the clear, simple, and supported option for creating advanced Drupal themes.

ZURB Foundation

Do you like grid systems? How about rapid prototyping? Do you believe in mobile first? Then this theme is for you.

From the Zurb Foundation homepage:

An easy to use, powerful, and flexible framework for building prototypes and production code on any kind of device.

Mockups don't tell a story. Build a prototype in no time.

The difference between a good site and a great site is iteration — building something, playing with it, refining it. In Foundation, we've included dozens of styles to help you quickly prototype a site.


Skeleton - Responsive, Mobile Friendly Drupal Theme

Skeleton theme for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is a free responsive Drupal theme, built upon the Skeleton Boilerplate. It has been inspired by the excellent Skeleton Wordpress theme, which was designed by Simple themes.

Skeleton theme has been ported to Drupal and is supported by More than (just) Themes, as part of our ongoing effort to bring top quality themes to Drupal community.

To stay tuned with new theme releases, updates to existing themes, offers and other goodies follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. Check out our blog too.

Live Demo

Responsive Bartik D7

This project is the D7 version of Bartik with a responsive, mobile-first layout.
It is derived from this issue: #1192044: Convert Bartik's layout to mobile-first and responsive; which is the D8 version.

This project uses Drupal 8 Bartik Theming guide provided here Bartik theme.

Pixture Reloaded

Pixture Reloaded for Drupal 8

Pixture Reloaded is a re-colorable theme powered by Adaptivetheme and inherits all its features such as mobile support, highly configurable layout, responsive menus and many theme settings.

PR in D8 has received a bit of brush up in styles, no longer has a fixed height header and is more streamlined in terms of color options. The goal has been to make a theme that is cleaner looking, easier to modify and overall less effort to maintain.

The Drupal 8 version also allows you to clone the theme should you want to make major changes - use the Theme Generator that ships with Adaptivetheme D8.

PR uses the color module (like Bartik). This allows you to modify the color of the theme to your liking. There are preset color combination's and you can generate your own by using the color picker on the theme settings page.

The theme ships with 18 regions and you can add unlimited regions and set layout for them in the theme settings. You can add template suggestions using the Layout Page Generator and set responsive layouts for them - this makes it very easy to have a unique layout for your front page, taxonomy pages and so on.

As with all ATD8 themes it includes many CSS short-codes to tweak various options for blocks, regions etc.

Slideshows are simple theme settings and a code snippet to paste into blocks, nodes, or anywhere you like.

Adaptivetheme Base

Pixture Reloaded is a subtheme of Adaptivetheme - you must download and install it first. Adaptivetheme provides the core functionality such as layout control and other settings.

Professional Theme


Professional Theme is a very modern and professional FREE Drupal theme that is perfect for all sorts of corporate and small business websites. It comes with a very elegant and professional responsive design that is sure to impress no matter what screen size your visitors are using.


  • Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Theme
  • 1-column, 2-coumns and 3-columns layout support
  • A total of 12 block regions
  • Mobile support (Smartphone, Tablet, Android, iPhone, etc)
  • Flexslider (Responsive Slider)
  • Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual support)
  • Supported standard theme features: site logo, site name, site slogan, user pictures in comments, user pictures in nodes, favicon
  • Use of Google Fonts and Nice Typography
  • Drupal standards compliant
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) level 1 and 2 compliant
  • HTML5 & super clean markup
  • Professional, Minimal and elegant design
  • Ideal for corporate, business and personal sites
  • Detailed CSS rules for Typography, Forms Elements, Node Teaser, Comments, etc.

Like this? Have a look at our Free Themes.


Corolla - Powered by Adaptivethemes

Corolla is a highly stylized colorable theme for Drupal 7 with many theme settings to allow you to completely customize the look and feel of your site.

The 7.x-3.x and 7.x-2.x versions are subthemes of Adaptivetheme which includes a powerful new responsive layout engine with full support for mobile devices.

Here’s a basic run down on the features:

  • 6 preset color schemes
  • Custom color options
  • Built in support for the Superfish module
  • Configurable layout - lots of options
  • Responsive Mobile support - Smartphone, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android devices etc
  • Font selection - includes Google fonts
  • Font size setting
  • Heading styles
  • Rounded corner settings
  • Box shadow and background texture options
  • Image position settings
  • Menu bullets option
  • Breadcrumb settings
  • Search results display settings
  • Optional horizontal login block setting
  • 18 regions including a 3 and 4 column panel

Color Settings

Corolla uses the color module (like Bartik and Garland). This allows you to modify the color of the theme to your liking. There are 6 preset color combination's and you can generate your own by using the color picker on the theme settings page.

Superfish Module and Drop menus

The 7.x-1.x and Drupal 6 version have hard coded support for drop menus. This has been deprecated in the 7.x-2.x version in favor of supporting the Superfish module. See our tutorial on setting up Superfish menus in Adaptivetheme sub-themes. The 7.x-2.x version also allows you to add a menu to the Header region (to the right of the logo/site name) which will be automatically styled and work as a Superfish menu.

Sub-theming Corolla 7.x-2.x

Take the easy route and download Footheme, our quickstart starter theme for Corolla, Sky and Pixture Reloaded. With full instructions and all the hard bits taken care of Footheme can get you up and sub-theming in no time. View online help about Footheme!

Adaptivetheme Base

The Drupal 7.x-2.x versions of Corolla are subthemes of Adaptivetheme - you must download and install it first. Adaptivetheme provides the core functionality such as layout control and other settings.

Bootstrap Business

Bootstrap Business for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is a responsive Drupal theme, that helps you create a great-looking corporate/business site. Design-wise, it is based on original design work by AyoThemes.

TB Nucleus


NUCLEUS is a base theme first released with Drupal 7 by ThemeBrain. The goal of this base theme is to provide a solid foundation for web development geeks to develop a theme quick and easy. Having a fast learning curve is the inflection point for UX/UI designers, Back-End and Front-End Developers.

The alpha version of NUCLEUS has been released in October 2011. We started with features as:

  • Flexible and visual layout settings
  • Control display of grid system (page width in pixel, more smart grid column and custom width)
  • Assign blocks with drag & drop to a region in the layout setting (requires jQuery Update)
  • Versatile Typography using default fonts, Google web-fonts and custom fonts and you are able to set the base font size globally
  • Support multiple colours with multi-skins
  • Advanced block styling (quick switch between different block styles, specify blocks in specific regions, extend blocks with custom markup)
  • Supporting custom styles for SuperFish and QuickTabs


BlueMasters responsive Drupal theme

BlueMasters for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is based on the homonymous PSD template, which was designed by Wendell Fernandes and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers.

BlueMasters has been ported to Drupal and is supported by More than (just) Themes, as part of our ongoing effort to bring quality themes to Drupal community. BlueMasters theme 7.x-2.x releases come with a responsive grid layout.


Screenshot of 7.x-2.x

Ember is a responsive administration theme built for use with the Spark, Lightning, and Demo Framework distributions.

Ember 7.x-2.0 alpha4is now available!

The 7.x-2.0 alpha3 release resolves compatibility issues with various contributed modules including Views, Navbar, and Media. A number of bug fixes are in place with draggable elements (including child elements), headlines, token browser, and vertical tabs.
