
Portrait de Duane Rousselle

"What is Anarchist Studies?" - ADCS 2014.0

I would like to announce the publication of an experimental "virtual" issue of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. You can view the issue by using the following link:

Josiah Warren, a Most Unlikely Internationalist

Josiah WarrenJosiah Warren was, famously, not a joiner. He habitually quarreled with anyone who suggested that he had followers or had founded a school. By his own account, after his early adventures with Owenite socialism, he only ever joined one organization—but what an organization!

POLEIS - Peoples' Organisation for Liberty, Efficiency, Ingenuity and Sustainability

Growing up  in a soviet bloc country during the decade when marxism collapsed, I ended up on a quest for a better alternative. Looking back to history for answers and envisioning the future for solutions i came up with an alternative to global capitalism which I'd like to share.


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