
An Interview with the Comité Organizador de la 3ra Conferencia Anual de la NAASN, Puerto Rico

On organizing the conference

Q Interest in having Puerto Rico host this conference began a long time ago – I know that in Toronto last year the idea was certainly floated around, and people on the listserv began suggesting it immediately afterwards. What was the initial reaction to the idea among Puerto Rican anarchists? Who picked up and ran with the idea in the early stages?

3rd Annual NAASN Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 7-8 January 2012

The 3rd Annual North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference will be taking place on 7 and 8 January 2012 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. For more details, please see the conference website.  See you in PR!

Duane Rousselle's picture

ADCS - New Issue, "Art & Anarchy"

From Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies

We are very pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies(ADCS) entitled "Art & Anarchy" and edited by Allan Antliff (2011.2). This issue brings anarchist scholarship into a relationship with works of art that encompass music, virtual architecture and urban design, film, poetics, prose, dance/performance, the visual arts (including sculpture, painting, photography, installation, graphics), the economics of art production, and aesthetics.


The Top Ten Revolutionary Videos of 2011

Please see the list I compiled at Dissident Voice: you have other favourites, please list them in the comments. Thanks.


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