
Things go better without sugar

There is no dispute that sugar is big business. That it is also regarded with some suspicion by consumers is also apparent. Look at the variety of low-sugar, diet and zero-sugar alternatives one producer of sweet drinks has trialled in recent years to sustain sales. Also big business is the battle to reduce sugar in our diets to attain the perfect figure and improve our health. The international bestseller I Quit Sugar and the industry that surrounds it is a case in point.

But despite our knowledge of its harmful effects, the revelation in our story today suggesting that a 30 per cent mandatory reduction in the energy content of packaged sugar-sweetened beverages would lead to significantly fewer deaths from obesity-related diseases is confronting. The report suggests it could result in the saving of 155,000 lives based on the 2010 Australian population to heart disease, diabetes, stroke and a variety of cancers.

There has been a shift in consumer tastes away from sugar-sweetened soft drinks.

There has been a shift in consumer tastes away from sugar-sweetened soft drinks.

Photo: Michele Mossop

As we might expect the industry that earns a buck – actually about $4.3 billion – from the sale of such products has come out on the front foot. The Australian Beverage Council says the public should be "deeply sceptical of this policy-driven research". Without the intervention of government regulation, it says, there has been a fundamental shift away from sugar-sweetened soft drinks to non-sugar varieties.

The Federal government's position is that it doesn't support a sugar tax and that reducing consumption is all about educating the public. The government in Britain has a different approach. It has published draft legislation for a tax on sugar-sweetened drinks, proposed for an April 2018 start. The Royal College of Paediatrics has welcomed the move, saying: "The sugary drinks that will be affected by this tax have no nutritional benefit and often contain levels of sugar that are above a child's daily recommended limit."

On Thursday, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that a study in The Lancet showed obesity rates worldwide among five to 19-year-olds rose tenfold in the past four decades, from 11 million in 1975 to 124 million in 2016. There have been plenty of other warnings. In 2016 we reported that the incidence of diabetes was growing at 7 to 10 per cent a year, resulting in an increase in limb amputations. Sturt Eastwood, chief executive of Diabetes NSW, said: "We talk about this issue as the [medical] tsunami of the modern age." Health professionals urge the need for exercise, yet more families are living in apartments, fewer kids play on their bikes and most are hooked on devices.

In the face of such stark statistics, can we really continue with the status quo, content with what the industry says has been achieved? Nothing suggests we are about to reverse or even stall a deadly trend. Of course, consumption of such products is ultimately a matter of individual or parental choice. With an ageing population, government health care will in the future be overstretched without the added burden of obesity-related disease. It is clear then that prevention, especially in the case of excessive sugar intake, is better than a cure.

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