Welcome to the International Law Association
"Peace and Justice through Law"
60 ILA Branches
4,323 ILA Members
22 active Committees
11 active Study Groups

International Law Association

For the study, clarification and development of International Law

ILA statement

Peace and Justice through Law

International law is key to peace, justice and development in a globalised world. Since 1873, the ILA's constitutional objective has been "the study, clarification and development of international law, both public and private, and the furtherance of international understanding and respect for international law".

The ILA aims to:

- bring together all interested in international law worldwide, from legal and mediation practice, the judiciary, academia, business and international, governmental and non-governmental organisations;

- foster understanding of international law both generally and, particularly through its scholarship fund, among young persons across the world;

- promote greater respect for and adherence to international law.

The ILA’s resolutions and the reports of its committees and study groups inform and influence the development of international law.

ILA Johannesburg

Resolutions passed at the ILA 77th Biennial Conference

  • International Protection of Consumers – Johannesburg Recommendations and Guidelines on the Best Practices on International Protection of Consumers.

  • Committee on International Human Rights - Guidelines on the obligations of a state and its domestic courts with respect to a decision issued by an international judicial or quasi-judicial body involving international human rights law.

  • Committee on Cultural Heritage Law - Recommendations.

  • Committee on International Commercial Arbitration - Recommendations on inherent and implied powers on International Arbitral Tribunals.

  • Committee on International Monetary Law - The Ethical Culture of Financial Services.

  • Non-State Actors and International Law.

Join the ILA

Membership of the ILA is open to anyone interested in international law.

Members join through regional branches. If there is no branch in the relevant region, individuals may apply for membership of Headquarters Branch.

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