The fall of Mosul to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2014 and the group’s quick advance across nearly one third of the country plunged Iraq into a deep political, social and security crisis. Almost 5 million Iraqis have fled their homes to safer areas in the country.
Never has the Arab region witnessed such a critical population mass of young people as it has today. Youth within the 15–29-years age bracket exceed 105 million, equivalent to one third of the Arab region’s population.
Located on the Mediterranean coast, the governorate of Tartous is currently hosting 500,000 displaced persons from various neighboring governorates since the start of the crisis in Syria.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) continues to support the Government of Iraq on stabilization projects to restore vital services in areas freed from ISIL.
Mohamed Ismail Yasin, originally from Mayle village in northeast Somalia, fled the region’s prolonged and severe drought with his six-member family and most of his livestock.
The Arab region has made good progress on school enrollment.

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