
Greece: anarchist refugee squats prepare for State onslaught

A new spate of recent evictions and interventions by the Greek State against refugee solidarity occupations run by the anarchist movement in Athens has prompted callouts for a major emergency gathering this Friday.

The callout and associated international day of action comes in the wake of a series of crackdowns and repression [1][2] against the solidarity movement, which has helped thousands of refugees self-organise to house… Continue reading

Notes from the US: Racist attacks rise while green protections fall

In his latest column Louis Further reports on spiralling intolerance in the land of the free — unless you happen to be an irresponsible business tycoon.

According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Islamophobic attacks rose by 57% in 2016. This includes arson at mosques, assaults on Muslim women and the illegal targeting of Muslims for interrogation by the FBI. CAIR says this is likely to be the… Continue reading

Turin: Chronicle of a day of action

Every year, on June 2nd, the Italian State celebrates its own existence with Festa della Repubblica‘s military parades and ceremonies. Men and machines parade with mechanical precision, the mechanical precision of modern warfare, all airily decreed “humanitarian,” all fighting for solemn written declarations about universal rights.

Every June 2nd anti-militarists bring you the means to counter the nationalist rhetoric, the ferocity of war put on display between… Continue reading

Spray and affray as Paris police spark riot with fire hydrant arrest

The police version of events is as follows: at 6.20pm on Camille Groult street in the south-eastern Paris suburb of Vitry cops want to collar a person they suspect of illegally opening a fire hydrant. The person runs away and is caught up, but an officer is wounded in the subsequent scuffle. The cops detain and question the suspect, his mother and two other youngsters.

Later a gathering takes place… Continue reading

South Africa: Shack dwellers besiege police station after cops kill baby in assault on settlement

A furious, mourning community marched on Sydenham police station in Durban today after a police assault on the city’s Foreman Road shack settlement led to the death of two-week-old baby Jayden Khoza.

Shack dwellers crossed the short distance to the suburban station, sited next to a school, with the body of the baby who was present along with many other children when police started firing rubber bullets and tear gas… Continue reading

Mexico: General strike hitting retail transnationals today

Retail giant Walmart cut its “profit sharing” bonus for already low-paid staff by up to 80% this year despite record and growing profits — so today it and linked firms are facing a rebellion that’s gone nationwide.

What has been described by local radicals as the “beginning of a new movement” first picked up on Sunday, when workers from Walmart, Sam’s Club, Suburbia, Bodega Aurrera and FEMSA… Continue reading

Anarchists analyse Brazil’s political earthquake

In the following essay members of Coordinación Anarquista Brasileña, a member group of the Anarkismo network, analyses the series of mass protests, riots and rebellions which have rocked the State and its elites in recent months.

Brazil is experiencing a political earthquake, exposing the rottenness of the country’s elite and further weakening the bonds that hold them in power. The orchestrated operation that led to a recording between… Continue reading

Italy: A personal experience of enforced DNA sampling

For more than a year now forcibly collected DNA sampling has been used by Italian police in the ritual of identification for anybody they arrest or detain, and comrades imprisoned after the last repressive operation in Turin did not escape. If you want to resist the harvest then cops take your DNA by force, and succeeding in getting the upper hand against the guardians of… Continue reading

Louis Further: Notes from the US

Freedom’s US correspondent rounds up of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks, including the first leak of the Dakota Pipeline, racist telephone hotlines, Trump incoherence, the courting of Duterte and resistance against healthcare changes, starting with the education sector …

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has scrapped some protection for the majority of students who take out loans for their education. These… Continue reading

France: National rally called to back workers who have occupied and booby-trapped factory

CGT union delegates have called for a national rally in support of workers at GM&S who have occupied their workplace and threatened to blow it up rather than let the site be shut down.

The workers, who occupied the car component factory in the Creuse region, north of Limoges on Thursday night, have already destroyed some equipment and used gas and petrol canisters to booby-trap the building, which they say… Continue reading