
Do not vote, it only encourages them

Cartoonist and longtime Freedom contributor Donald Rooum has seen more “radical” governments than today’s offerings come and go, and has a little reminder for people who get too excited by Statist “democracy.”

Do not believe the media which exhort you to vote for Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. Only a very small minority, of about 100,000 adults, will have the opportunity to vote for either.  Only voters in… Continue reading

Call COBRA, that’ll sort it

The reaction to any terror bombing in any Western nation is as predictable as the tides and, with its own eccentricities, Britain is no exception.

First, a selection of political worthies mouth the Standardised Incident Phrase “my thoughts are with the victims” — whose names they will mostly not know or care to remember a week after the fact. The leader of the opposition scrambles to offer a pantomime of… Continue reading

Ilka Oliva Corado: The office of maid

The author, who grew up selling ice-cream on the streets of Peronia city, Guatemala, before crossing to the US as an undocumented migrant, writes on the life of the maid.

Lately human rights defenders have called us “domestic workers,” to lessen the blow, but things should be called by their name: We are servants, our job is to serve.

From there, we can break down the range of abuses that… Continue reading

Brazil: A letter to anarchists in the wake of the general strike

In this analysis of recent Brazilian protests, which culminated in a general strike and a riot which shook Rio, Vantiê Clínio Carvalho de Oliveira calls for anarchists to remember — this isn’t about left vs right.

Falling into this false dichotomy “left” vs “right” is a big mistake, historical and current, which anarchists can commit and, strange as it may seem, this is a trend to play the game now:… Continue reading

Good gravy not another bloody election…

As I write, a million words are being typed on the same subject as quickly as fingers can slam downwards, in a quest to shovel something regarding Theresa May’s election plans onto front pages around the world within the next few minutes.

The hottest of takes are being prepared, barely thought-through analysis and nuggets of partisan wisdom cracking like little gunshots onto plastic receivers and lancing up to screens for… Continue reading

We must end the toffsplaining of capitalism

The UK leaving the European Union naturally dominates the news in Britain. At some point in the not-too-distant future the debate on a whole range of issue is going to shift. The ills of the modern world will no longer be seen as being caused by the undemocratic bureaucrats of Brussels or by immigrants.

The logic of our times is a reaction to the financial crisis of 2008. This is… Continue reading

Why covering your face at a protest is the right thing to do

Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) co-ordinator Kevin Blowe explains why the organisation encourages activists to mask up.

In June 2015 Netpol launched a campaign to try to encourage activists to start covering their faces when taking part in demonstrations and marches.

We saw this initiative as one of the few remaining ways of resisting the growth of intrusive surveillance on the streets, which sees police monitoring social media… Continue reading

Cressida Dick’s appointment as Met Commissioner is impunity at its worst

In this comment article the Network for Police Monitoring argues that the appointment of Cressida Dick, the officer who oversaw the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, to the top job in the Metropolitan Police shows the Met’s total disinterest in either justice or the hurt caused by its actions

The word “impunity” – exemption from any possibility of punishment or harm – comes up again and again when… Continue reading

Suicide rates soar as mental health funding falls

Pic: Michelle Robinson CC2.0


January saw Theresa May launch her vision of a “shared society” with a focus on mental health and reducing the stigma attached to it. The Prime Minister pledged new initiatives for schools and employers to provide mental health support, as well as plans for new alternatives to hospital treatment, however barely any extra funding was promised to improve already struggling mental health services, only a… Continue reading

The Class War Newspaper is Back!

For this edition of his monthly column Jon Bigger writes on what’s happening with the forthcoming relaunch of notorious anarchist paper Class War and looks over some of the encouraging signs of people getting spiky in recent weeks.

Britain’s most unruly tabloid is making a comeback. First off though I should explain that I’m involved with this and will likely write something for the publication. So with that disclaimer… Continue reading