- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 561201
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USP may refer to:
The USP (Universelle Selbstladepistole or "universal self-loading pistol") is a semi-automatic pistol developed in Germany by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar as a replacement for the P7 series of handguns.
Design work on a new family of pistols commenced in September 1989 focused primarily on the U.S. commercial and law enforcement markets. USP prototypes participated in rigorous testing alongside H&K's entry in the Offensive Handgun Weapon System (OHWS) program requested by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and which would later result in the Mk 23 Mod 0. The USP prototypes were then refined in 1992, based on input from the OHWS trials, and the design was finalized in December of the same year. The USP was formally introduced in January 1993 with the USP40 model (the base version) chambered for the increasingly popular .40 S&W cartridge, followed soon by the USP9 (using the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge), and in May 1995—the USP45 (caliber .45 ACP). In contrast to the ambitious and innovative P7, P9S, and VP70Z designs, the USP uses a more conventional Browning-style cam-locked action, similar to that used in the Hi-Power - but with a polymer frame.
HK USP Tactical 45 Suppressed
CS:GO - Pro USP ONE TAPS (Fragmovie)
HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)
FACULDADE | é difícil entrar na USP? (FUVEST)
HK USP Pistol
CS:GO - Noob to Pro / The USP-S
HK USP 45...A Classic That Still Holds It Own!
H&K; USP 9mm HD Review
Tour Pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP - Vlog Mediários #1
Shooting and showing the HK USP 45, both loudly AND quietly! Suppressor is a Silencerco Octane HD. -------------------- PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION---------------------We appreciate the INCREDIBLE support we get from BUD’s GUN SHOP, FEDERAL PREMIUM, and SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE. They enable us to do the things we do. I hope you will support the people who assist us; you know where and how to find them! Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/ https://www.facebook.com/federalpremiumammo SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute) : http://www.sdi.edu/ R4 Outdoors Phone App: http://www.r4outdoors.com/ UPCOMING “MEET & GREETS” No “meet & greets” scheduled at this time, other than our “meeting” you and “greeting” you in every video right there on your computer or TV screen. ...
Sick USP-s one taps from the pro's! Want to see more in the future? Go subscribe! http://tinyurl.com/lm9spqf I hope you liked what you've seen and stay tuned for more! ● https://twitch.tv/viRREcsgo | https://fb.com/virrecsgo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Frags by : shox , nitr0 , apEX , FugLy , Dennis , snax , NiKo , s1mple , coldzera , Rubino , NAF-FLY , byali ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♬ Song name: Titan Slayer - Prometheus ♬ Outro song: DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Support Titan Slayer: ● http://titanslayer.com/ ● https://www.facebook.com/TitanSlayerGroup ● https://soundcloud.com/titanslayervenator ● https://twitter.com/TitanVenator ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ My Website: http://www.virre.gg Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/viRRE3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join my SteamGroup! http://steamcommunity.com...
WEBSITE: http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/COLIONNOIR?ref=hl INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/mrcolionnoir TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MrColionNoir GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/110417089998648921407/posts
Nos vídeos sobre minha faculdade, frequentemente recebo uma mesma pergunta: é difícil entrar na USP?! Nesse vídeo falo um pouco sobre o que acho sobre isso, contando sobre minha experiência e dando dicas pra quem prestar FUVEST. + TAG FACULDADE: BIOLOGIA https://youtu.be/QhU-gtO_ouk + FAQ | Faculdade de Biologia na USP https://youtu.be/l6AretvLMaw + Mais conteúdo de moda e tendências http://fuzzyroses.wordpress.com + Redes sociais # instagram.com/cansaldi # facebook.com/fuzzyroses # cansaldi no SNAPCHAT + Contato fuzzyrosesblog@gmail.com
♥ VIDEOZÃO MANAS ♥ Olha quem voltou pro youtube! Bom, eu dei uma parada de gravar vídeos por conta do meu final de ano ULTRA CORRIDO. Estava prestando vestibulares e o resultado tão esperado saiu: passei na USP! E é com muita felicidade que conto como fiz para estar estudando nessa universidade maravilhosa ♥ Beijão! Snapchat: marcobarbaresco Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcobarbarescoTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/marcobarbaresco Twitter: https://twitter.com/marcobarbaresco
The USP map (click the orange download button): http://www119.zippyshare.com/v/JMXNMcO5/file.html How to play it: 1: Put the map file in this folder: Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\maps 2: Start the game and in the console type "map gobananas_usp" 3: Join CT & Go Bananas! You can follow me on: Instagram - http://instagram.com/MaximTheBeast Twitter - http://twitter.com/MaximTheBeast Twitch - http://twitch.tv/MaximTheBeast You like Bananas? More awesomeness! Homepage - http://bananagaming.tv Facebook - http://bananagaming.tv/facebook Steamgroup - http://bananagaming.tv/steamgroup T-Shirts & More - http://bananagaming.tv/merchandise Play on ESEA now for a cheat-free environment! Use the link below to register: https://play.esea.net/?r=1278291 License Overall...
In this video we will review a classic 45...The HK USP 45. We will go over everything from shooting to pros and cons. Follow Us On Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/hegshot87 Get your NeoMag at this link and use the code heg87 for 15% off! http://tulster.com/#_a_Heg87 Check out Tulster with the link below and save 15% on holsters and flashlights and T-Shirts with coupon code heg87 http://tulster.com/#_a_Heg87 After you get your holster, keep your pants up with Kore essentials gun belts and save 10$ per belt with the discount code hegshot87 Check out our review of the Kore Essentials Gun belts here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obatu-r6aR Check out Machindo at Freelancer for all of your logo needs! Music license purchased at Envato
Let me just say upfront I love H&K; pistols so this review may be a little biased. When you hold one in your hand they just fell like solid, very well built guns. Once you start firing them, your suspicions are confirmed. Here's a quick summary of my experience with the full size H&K; USP. Pros: -Reliable. This gun has never had a malfunction -Polygonal 4.25'' barrel -Durable "hostile environment" nitrided finish -The grip is large and has a good 'stippled' finish that help you hold on to the gun when your hands are wet, sweaty, bloody, ect... -The sights are somewhat recessed into the slide, minimizing the chance of snagging -It's a very accurate gun with a nice crisp SA trigger -The trigger guard is very big allowing for firing with or without gloves -Ambidextrous magazine release (the l...
Bem-vindos ao nosso canal "Vlog Mediários", onde iremos postar vídeo-diários do nosso dia-a-dia de estudantes de medicina. Neste primeiro vídeo, faremos um tour pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Inscrevam-se no canal para mais vídeos e deixem suas dúvidas, opiniões e sugestões nos comentários! Os links dos nossos blogs são: Bianca Blog: http://www.abcdamedicina.com.br Fabio Blog: http://www.popliteral.com (versão inglês), http://www.popliteral.com/br (versão em português) Créditos pela música de fundo: 2007_indie_pop_rock (http://www.freestockmusic.com/)
usps damage
usps damage
usps closings
The Heckler & Koch USP lineup. USP: http://hk-usa.com/usp USP Compact: http://hk-usa.com/usp-compact USP Tactical: http://hk-usa.com/usp-tactical
We warn you not to go out tonight! For more such videos click on the links below: https://youtu.be/oFGwluhYfB0 Copyright © 2015 USP Studios. All Rights Reserved.
VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.uspstudios.co/ WATCH KIDS TV VIDEOS ON OUR WEBSITE : https://www.uspstudios.co/creation/channel/kids-tv/1 Visit us on: http://vid.io/xonV Check out our new channel "FARMEES" : http://vid.io/xqQd Check out the new Bob The Train video here: http://vid.io/xonU Follow us on FACEBOOK: http://vid.io/xqR7 GOOGLE+: http://vid.io/xqWi TWITTER: http://vid.io/xqWq INSTAGRAM: http://vid.io/xqWo WORD PRESS: http://vid.io/xqWc PINTEREST: http://vid.io/xqWv This time Bob The Train brings animal sounds song for you. Kids, get ready to put on your dancing shoes and hit the club that plays the best nursery rhymes ever, because your favorite friend, Bob, The Train is playing DJ today. And let us tell you, he's got some fantastic kiddies songs lined up for you babie...
VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.uspstudios.co/ WATCH KIDS CHANNEL VIDEOS ON OUR WEBSITE TOO : https://www.uspstudios.co/creation/channel/kids-channel/2/ This car wash compilation is everything your parents wish they had seen when they were a kid. Then they wouldn't have such a tough time today, cleaning their car. But no worries babies. We've made them now for you, with all your street cars, so you can help your mumma's and papa's out over the weekend. But tell them, you'd do it only after your playtime is over. Because at playtime, we have a compilation of your favorite rhymes, kids songs, educational videos for kids, and many more videos on monster trucks, street vehicles, cars, buses, construction vehicles and any other vehicle that has wheels or wings or blades. Now, aren't ...
VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE : https://www.uspstudios.co/ WATCH KIDS CHANNEL VIDEOS ON OUR WEBSITE TOO : https://www.uspstudios.co/creation/channel/kids-channel/2/ Today's playtime is going to be an extended one, with lots and lots of street vehicles like the cars, buses, trucks, construction vehicles, monster truck for kids and heavy vehicles like flatbed truck, grain truck, auto transport truck, gravel truck, fire truck, garbage truck, digger, police cars and city vehicles. In this preschool video, kids can also learn all vehicles with their formation and uses for each. Babies, all of the vehicles that you see on the street everyday, on your way to kindergarten school, or at construction sites, or at airports, or anywhere else, they all have their special uses. And it'd be good for you ...
I WRITE TO claim a lost identity, of me
Ooh - I leave a message for you all
Written here the fear that are my
Destiny you see
Come behold madness you never saw
No love for killer babies
My blood is written on your walls
Oh it's time I leave ya now
My locomotive rages
Oh no you never heard me call
Oh I know you'll hear me now
I feel the rage that brings
The fame of that I need
I've now a face forever more
Living with the fears
That hear those fantasies in me
Come an see sadness you never saw
No love for killer babies
My pain is written on your walls
Oh it's time I leave you now
Mama look what you made me
Your locomotive killer calls
Oh I know you hear me now
Don't wait for me
Don't hate for me
Don't ask of what went wrong
Don't pray for me or wonder why
You've known this all along
I've sinned for you
I envy you
Your pain I'll know
I wanted love, you gave me none
I've come to take you home
Cause I've gone to meet my maker
I'm locomotive man
One killer baby's come to call
Cause I've gone to meet my maker
I am you Loco Man
I'm coming down to take you all
Oh God I'm coming
Read my words I'm coming
I got a gun I'm coming
You won't hear me coming