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Wealth transforms class interests - the example of Conor McGregor

It’s not everyday you get to watch two multimillionaires knocking the shite out of each other but tonight it’s going down. One of them is Irish to boot, Conor McGregor is probably already worth over 50 million, if the fight goes ahead he is thought to be gaining at least another 75 million.


This puts McGregor firmly in the capitalist class, 50 million invested anyway smartly should be bringing in at least 3 million a year off other people’s labour - very much more than enough to comfortably live off. We know he is doing this as he set up his own investment company in 2016, Congregor Investments Ltd.

Solidarity with the Dublin bus strike and the need for decent wages for all

The shutdown of Dublin bus services begins prematurely at 21.00 tonight thanks to management's refusal to trust the workers to wind down the service ahead of tomorrows two day strike, the first of three scheduled. As our name suggests Solidarity Times stands in solidarity with the bus workers, just as we were in solidarity with the LUAS strikes.

In both strikes a media looking for angles to attack the workers on choose the relative size of the pay claims they were making. 21% sounds big but the period covered, 2008 to 2019, is actually 11 years. But workers in Dublin need big pay increases and contrary to what RTE might tell you this isn’t a bad thing for most of us, quite the opposite.

750,000 live under poverty line in Southern Ireland

 A new report from Social Justice Ireland has shown that the economic crisis has pushed 100,000 more people under the poverty line in the south of Ireland, with a total of 750,000 people. That's about 15% of people.

Global inequality is escalating rapidly - let’s end concentrations of wealth and power, completely

Oxfam has just released a report that shows global inequality has escalated rapidly over the last 6 years.  The particular measure they used is a very important one.  First they calculated the wealth held by the poorest 50% of the planets population, which is about 3.6 billion people. And then they asked how many of the richest people held the same amount of wealth.

The social cost to us of O'Briens massive debt write offs

The vast sums of our money that the state gave in load write offs to the billionaire Denis O’Brien are so big that they hard to get your head around. None of us are ever likely to see one million, short of winning the lotto, never mind 336 million, the amount written off when O’Brien acquired Siteserv Group, Topaz Group and Beacon Private Hospital.

Tatler quotes the very posh on the Scottish referendum

 Any of our readers in Scotland unsure about the referendum on independence might like to check out the magazine for the very posh, Tatler, that has an article sub headed "Scottish aristocrats are fiercely opposed to independence, but if the 'yes' vote gets its way, will they really abandon their ancestral mountains and ancient customs?"

Some choice quotes below, we recommend you not be drinking while reading these least you blow your computer with repeated spluttered sprays of liquid

The changing nature of the working class

The nature of the working class to-day is quite different from that of a hundred years ago. In the late 80's a large part of the left interpreted this as meaning socialism was no longer possible, that the best hope was to form alliances with greens and others in a rainbow coalition which would attempt to limit the worst excesses of capitalism.


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