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Uncle Sam: The Ultimate Gun Nut

University of Chicago grad students vote to unionize

General Kelly’s Paean to MAGA

Nobel Peace Laureate: "I Wish I Could Take a Knee with Kaepernick"

EPA Threatens to Dramatically Reduce Lawsuit Settlements
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

The U.S. government can't hold undocumented pregnant teens hostage when they want an abortion

Immigrants Fleeing California Wildfires Find No Sanctuary, Fearing Deportation and Avoiding Shelters

In attack on Frederica Wilson over Trump’s call to widow, John Kelly gets facts wrong

51 GOP Senators Just Voted To Cut $1.5 Trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to Give Super-Rich and Corporations a Tax Cut

Trump launches petition against NFL players' anthem protests

These Obscure Officials Are Rolling Back Americans' Right to Vote

Global pollution kills 9 million a year and threatens "survival of human societies"

Senate Approves Budget Plan That Smooths Path Toward Tax Cut

Trump Ratchets Up Tensions With Cuba
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Wisconsin Governor Walker and His Appointees Push Policy to Punish Students Protesting Right-Wing Speech

One Nation, In Sickness and in Health

What Breitbart's Email Leaks Mean for Public Perception of the "Alt-Right"

Despite Puerto Rico Disaster, Vulture Firms Relentlessly Seeking Billions in Debt Payments

Chelsea Handler ends Netflix show, turns to activism

The DNC Cuts High-Profile Trans, POC Members From Party’s Left Wing in the Name of ‘Diversity’

Donald Trump just suggested the FBI, Democrats and Russia might all be co-conspirators

Florida university braces for speech by white nationalist

4 Questions About Climate Change and the California Fires

Hatch Has High Hopes for Medical Marijuana Bill

This Is What Really Happens When Amazon Comes to Your Town

Break up the Google-Facebook-Amazon web monopoly

Gold-Star Mom: Yes, Trump Disrespected My Son in Phone Call

U.S. firm to build solar plants in blackout-plagued Gaza

Has the Public Become Complacent With Endless War?
-- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Olympic champion gymnast says she was drugged, molested by Team USA doctor

This Is How UF Is Preparing For Richard Spencer’s First Post-C’Ville Speech

A town hit hard by Hurricane Harvey may never fully recover.

Jacinda Ardern to be New Zealand's next PM after Labour coalition deal

On Having a Brown Baby in the Age of Trump

Spain to impose direct rule on Catalonia as deadline passes
Madrid will press ahead with suspending autonomy on Saturday after Catalan leader refuses to abandon independence push

ESPN kneels before advertisers by silencing Jemele Hill for doing her job

It Has Been 50 Years Since Che Guevara Was Murdered

Army Vet: Why Trump Disrespects the Military

Insects Are In Serious Trouble

Tearing Down Monuments of Oppression Is the First Step to Decolonization

The GOP and Trump: Their War Against Women
-- John Geyman, MD for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Three Richard Spencer Supporters Arrested for Attempted Murder of Protesters in Gainesville

Retired "Navy SEAL" praising Trump on Fox News was a fake

Americans' Appetite for Cheap Meat Linked to Widespread Drinking Water Contamination

Senate votes down effort to block drilling in Alaska refuge

Uninsured rates rise for the first time since the ACA began

Khizr Khan, Gold Star Father Who Spoke at DNC, Wants John Kelly to Stop "Mopping Up" After Donald Trump

To get Harvey relief funds, residents of Dickinson must vow not to boycott Israel
The boycott must really be working if they're pulling stunts like this.

College's bell tower trolled white supremacist with black national anthem

Trump pick for top environmental post called belief in global warming a "kind of paganism"

Poll: Three Quarters of Americans Support the Iran Deal

The Power of Stories: Why We Need More Than Facts to Win

Settlement proposed in North Carolina transgender bathroom lawsuit

Key Senate Republican warns GOP to change course on ObamaCare

founder of Paredon Records reflects on the power of protest music.

Our Summer of Fire and the Fires to Come

George W. slams Trumpism, without mentioning president by name

New Analysis Shows Supporters of Family Research Council Embrace White Supremacy and Neo-Nazism

Oil company proposes Arctic drilling from artificial island

Nearly 400,000 Gallons of Oil Spew Into Gulf of Mexico, Could Be Largest Spill Since Deepwater Horizon
-- Lorraine Chow for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Values Voter Summit Panelist: ‘Divide & Conquer’ To Defeat ‘Totalitarian’ Trans Inclusion Policies

World hunger is increasing thanks to wars and climate change

Rigged: How Voter Suppression Threw Wisconsin to Trump

Photos show Portugal and Spain in flames.

These City Bus Routes Are Going All-Electric ― and Saving Money

White House staff drafted Niger sympathy statement for Trump that was never released

Judge: Government Must Allow Undocumented Teen to Receive Abortion Care

For black athletes, wealth doesn't equal freedom

This Is What A 21st-Century Police State Really Looks Like

Trump Claims Congresswoman Lied About His Call To Army Widow

Trump’s Fluid Views on Policy Drive Headaches in Senate

California Fires Raise Dire Questions About The Limits Of Emergency Alerts

ObamaCare allies fear deal won’t mitigate Trump attacks

The emotional burden of living in fear: a call for women's stories
The threat of sexual aggression forces women to spend their lives on guard. Rose Hackman is researching emotional labor, and she wants to hear your story