Woman almost RUN OVER as hundreds of anti-racism protesters clash with people heading to a fundraising dinner for the far-right group Q Society in Melbourne

  • More than 100 protesters surrounded a bus bound for far-right group's fundraising dinner 
  • Guest speakers at the dinner include George Christensen and Cory Bernardi
  • A driver was caught on camera trying to run down a protester 
  • It comes a day after cartoonist Larry Pickering said he can't stand Muslims and starts 'shaking' if he sees them in the street 
  • Ross Cameron also told the same event the 'Liberal Party is basically a gay club'   

Dramatic scenes have unfolded in Melbourne on Friday night as anti-racism protesters clashed with members of far-right group the Q Society.

More than 100 protesters jostled with society members as they tried to board a bus at St Kilda Marina bound for a 'Defending freedom of speech' fundraising dinner at an undisclosed location.

The protesters, holding signs including 'Fascist free zone', surrounded the bus, with one woman almost run-down as they tried to stop a car leaving the marina.

The fundraiser is due to feature conservative politicians Nationals MP George Christensen and Cory Bernardi, who resigned from the Liberal Party this week.

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This protester was almost run down by a car trying to leave the St Kilda Marina 

This protester was almost run down by a car trying to leave the St Kilda Marina 

More than 100 protesters surround a bus taking Q Society members to a fundraising dinner

More than 100 protesters surround a bus taking Q Society members to a fundraising dinner

The protesters did their best to stop Q Society members from boarding a bus bound for a fundraising dinner 

The protesters did their best to stop Q Society members from boarding a bus bound for a fundraising dinner 

Many protesters waved signs in front of the bus, with messages including 'Fascist free zone'

Many protesters waved signs in front of the bus, with messages including 'Fascist free zone'

Protest organiser Anneke Demanuele told 7 News before the protests erupted: 'We want this protest to be loud, disruptive, full of energy and full of the message of we stand with Muslims, we stand with LGBQTI people and we stand against all forms of racism, all forms of xenophobia'.

'We'll be standing up and showing the elite racists of our society, we stand against them,' she said. 

A Q Society member told The Age: 'As long as we can all get off safely with our views expressed, I'll be happy'. 

The paper also reported one man's throat was grabbed in the fracas.  

The protests come a day after cartoonist Larry Pickering slammed Muslims during the Q Society's Sydney fundraiser.

'Let's be honest, I can't stand Muslims,' Pickering told the gathering, according to a report in The Sydney Morning Herald.

'If they are in the same street as me, I start shaking.' 

Protest organisers wanted to send a message that 'we stand against all forms of racism'

Protest organisers wanted to send a message that 'we stand against all forms of racism'

A protester holds up a message in defiance of far-right group, the Q Society 

A protester holds up a message in defiance of far-right group, the Q Society 

Anti-racism protesters make their voices heard at a rally against far-right group Q Society 

Anti-racism protesters make their voices heard at a rally against far-right group Q Society 

The protesters also took aim at Donald Trump and his immigration ban

The protesters also took aim at Donald Trump and his immigration ban

Protesters used loud speakers as well as banners to get their message across 

Protesters used loud speakers as well as banners to get their message across 

Protesters bang on the side of the bus being used to transport Q Society members

Protesters bang on the side of the bus being used to transport Q Society members

Pickering, who also donated one of his cartoons featuring the rape of a woman in a niqab by her son-in-law as an auction item, wryly added he didn't think all Muslims were bad. 

'They are not all bad, they do chuck pillow-biters off buildings,' he said.  

The Q society, which aims 'To inform Australians about Islam', was raising funds for their legal defence bill in response to being sued for defamation by Mohamed El-Mouelhy, a Halal certifier. 

Cartoonist Larry Pickering told a Q Society fundraiser he starts 'shaking' when he sees a Muslim in the street

Cartoonist Larry Pickering told a Q Society fundraiser he starts 'shaking' when he sees a Muslim in the street

Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron also told the same function the party 'is basically a gay club'. 

Cameron, the former federal member for Parramatta who is now has how on television show on Sky News, repeatedly referred to homosexuality and Roman emperor Hadrian in his speech.

'The NSW division of the Liberal Party is basically a gay club,' Cameron told the fundraising dinner.

'I don't mind that they are gay, I just wish, like Hadrian, they would build a wall.'

Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron said the party was 'basically a gay club' 

Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron said the party was 'basically a gay club' 

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