Image of the midflap girl fisting against a purple background

Fucking with Feministing: Squirt-o-Rama, Redux!

Welcome to Fucking with Feministing, Feministing’s column about all things fucking and fucking-adjacent. Got a question about dildos? We’re on it. Want to explore fun, sexy sex outside of the realm of p-and-v intercourse? All over it, baby. Or maybe you’ve got a totally different question, which you can send in to to see answered on national television. Just kidding, it’ll be answered here, on the blog. 


Beyond the Domestic Violence Awareness Vigil

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month — a month dedicated to raising awareness of the fact that an awful lot of people, including an estimated 54% of trans and nonbinary people and at least 50% of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month — a month dedicated to raising awareness of the fact that an awful lot of people, including an estimated 54% of trans and nonbinary people and at least ...

uswnt wearing equal pay shirts

U.S. Men’s Soccer Proves That Mediocre Men Will Still Earn More Than Successful Women

Last week, the United States’ men’s soccer team lost 2-1 in a World Cup Qualifier to Trinidad and Tobago, the only team below them in the group standings, sending them crashing out of the Men’s World Cup for the first time since 1986 in what some are calling “the worst loss in the history of U.S. Men’s Soccer.” It seems a good a time as any to remember that it was only in April this year that the U.S. women’s too, lost an important fight: the battle to gain equal pay with the men’s team.

Last week, the United States’ men’s soccer team lost 2-1 in a World Cup Qualifier to Trinidad and Tobago, the only team below them in the group standings, sending them crashing out of the Men’s World Cup for ...


#MeToo: On Trust

#MeToo, of course.

I consider myself exceedingly lucky to have only experienced minor forms of harassment and mostly as an adult, so that its impact on me has felt comparatively very small. But to paraphrase Jessica Valenti, who would I be if I didn’t live in a world of pervasive sexual violence? That’s a question none of us can answer. 

#MeToo, of course.

I consider myself exceedingly lucky to have only experienced minor forms of harassment and mostly as an adult, so that its impact on me has felt comparatively very small. But to paraphrase ...


AmeriCorps Is Discriminating Against Survivors. They’re Not The Only Ones.

With a 4.0 GPA and two successful semesters with a state affiliate under her belt, Susie Balcom was a standout applicant for a job at AmeriCorps. It’s no surprise she received multiple offers from AmeriCorps programs.

With a 4.0 GPA and two successful semesters with a state affiliate under her belt, Susie Balcom was a standout applicant for a job at AmeriCorps. It’s no surprise she received multiple offers from AmeriCorps ...


#MeToo: Gender violence does not exist without white supremacy

In case you missed it, women are flooding social media this week to share our stories of sexual assault and harassment, using the hashtag #MeToo to “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”  Though this should be obvious, in this moment it bears repeating: gender-based violence does not exist without other systems of violence, especially those built to uphold white supremacy (such as racism, colonialism, zionism, militarism). 

In case you missed it, women are flooding social media this week to share our stories of sexual assault and harassment, using the hashtag #MeToo to “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”  Though this ...


Trump’s Plan to Roll Back the Clean Power Plan Will Kill People

Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator who made his career off of suing the EPA, has announced that he will sign a rule to roll back President Obama’s central legacy on climate change, the Clean Power Plan. The Clean Power Plan set concrete goals for reducing carbon pollution from power plants that produce our electricity.

Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator who made his career off of suing the EPA, has announced that he will sign a rule to ...

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