Faez's Voter Suppression Experience in Arizona

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Published on Nov 14, 2012 by

Faez is a first time voter and he wants you to know what happened to him in Arizona this year. He is from Iran and after 5 years in this country finally got his citizenship and registered to vote. When he received his voter registration card he was very happy because he could vote in a free and fair election for the first time in his life! When he got to the polls they told him that his name was not on the list and he would have to cast a provisional ballot. He asked if they would count them and they told him yes 100% but with 500,000 votes uncounted he is now less sure. This is very disappointing to him personally because he left his country and came here because he thought this was going to be a new place he could have rights. In Iran he says they had no freedom, no democracy. And he feels like the five years he worked to become a citizen was for nothing. Please help get his story out!


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  • Don't give up.. your vote and all the other votes should count. Congratulations on your citizenship.

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  • thank you for this.

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