Important reading



Sylvia Stolz AZK - Banned Speech, Evidence and Legal Defense (full)

Sylvia Stolz  talks about "Holocaust Denial", Nuremberg, her trials, and "Goodness, Truth, and Beauty"




The Rudolf report 

Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects
of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz, which shows them to be nothing more than a myth





The Revisionists




A New Gospel of Blood, Strength and Germanity



The Nameless War

The true history of events leading up to the Second World War

The machine which today continues the plan for supranational world power, the age-old Messianic dream of International Jewry






The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians

by Rev I B Pranaitis




The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today
by Elizabeth Dilling



The Holocaust LIE  made in America




Please read



Latest News/Articles












24 April 1939 – 5 August 2017


Newsletter 1005









Zundel deserved to die in agony - Toronto Sun newspaper









Ernst Zündel has passed away from heart failure, 5 August 2017 at his house in the Black Forest. He is survived by two children, Hans and Pierre; and his widow, Ingrid Rimland Zündel




In memoriam: Ernst Zündel 







Ernst Zundel

24. April 1939 - 5. August 2017





Ernst Zündel 




Ernst Zündel: A Lover, not a Hater








WAGNER - Thielemann "Trauermarsch" Funeral March









Ernst Zundel - Rest in Peace
















Hungary to extradite Holocaust denier Horst Mahler to Germany




American Nazis in the 1930s—The German American Bund









On Monday, May 15th 2017 at 13:45, Horst Mahler, 81, was arrested by police in Sopron (Hungary) on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by the German courts.

Ken Heidenreich, spokesman for the Munich prosecutor who issued the European arrest warrant, confirmed that they had been informed by telephone by the Hungarian police that Mahler had been taken into police custody.
According to the spokesman, the decision to return Mahler to Germany to complete his sentence has not yet been taken and the Budapest Regional Court is expected to schedule a hearing tomorrow on Tuesday.

On Facebook, the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin said: "Hungary is a state governed by the rule of law and a member of the European Union. Germany is also a state governed by the rule of law and a member of the European Union." This claim for asylum, "accordingly, has no basis".








On 12 May, 2017 the well-known German revisionist lawyer Horst Mahler, in exile, applied for political asylum directly to the Hungarian leader Viktor Orban by means of a registered letter sent to the Post Office of the Hungarian town of Sopron 59 000 inhabitants, located about 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest), to be borne by the latter.
On the same day he notified the Central Council of the Jews ...






Horst Mahler at his 2009 trial






On 19 April, on the very day he was to return to prison, German lawyer Horst Mahler, 81, recorded a short video explaining why he would not go to the prison and was leaving Germany for a sovereign state ready to welcome him ". This video can be found at:


Mahler 19 April announcement






Read in the weekly "Rivarol" (19 avenue d'Italie, 75013 Paris:

At the end of an article signed "Hannibal" and titled "Testimony, Shoseness and Christianity",
we read the following:


 (3278 of 13/4/2017)

(...) In short, a geometer will say that Shoah [the religion of the Shoah] is an inversion of Christianity, a Christian will name this inversion Satanism. Shoism is a Satanist religion. She also needs sacrificial victims for her Black Masses. I think of the Holocaust denier Horst Mahler, who had been pulled from his prison to amputate a gangrened limb but once he was treated, because he was relapse. The foul beast must die in prison.










Horst Mahler Outlines Jewish Plot Against White Race in Final Public Speech


Final video and statement by Horst Mahler, 81 before he returns to prison to die






Horst Mahler - Urgent Notification  April 6, 2017 








Yesterday, April 6, we received from the famous lawyer Horst Mahler, 81, a message that he had received a letter from the Munich public prosecutor on 5 April requesting him to join the Cottbus-Dissenchen prison (Oststr. , D-03052 Cottbus) on or before April 19, 2017 to serve the 1,262 days (three and a half years) remaining to be served when,
17 July 2015, that is to say 3 days after the amputation of the lower part of his leg, he had been given a suspension of imprisonment. A request for release was then filed and the sentencing judge of the court of Potsdam courageously gave his parole on 3 September 2015, taking into account the fact that Horst Mahler had served two-thirds of his sentence.
But the public prosecutor in Munich did not hear him, and immediately filed an appeal against that decision, which ultimately led to the convocation of 5 April ...
On 9 January 2017, the intrepid lawyer, having regained his tone, held two conferences in a room in a Ludwigshafen restaurant filled mainly with young people (one after the other). Room ", he said), who could hardly leave the vindictive prosecutor of Munich unmoved, especially since in this conference Horst Mahler criticizes the immobilism of the German judicial authorities and urges his Listeners, do not let themselves go, act, spread leaflets, open the eyes of their contemporaries to the "war", "mortal and decisive", which the Jews have given them for 70 years, a war dictated to them By the Talmud "...
In short, we will be able to listen to the conference subtitled in French (the translation of "Didi" was made from the English translation) to the following address:


Horst Mahler Conference









Bishop Williamson - The only Sin left


"The only sin that’s still left is NAZI SIN. That’s the new religion, and Hitler is the Devil. The Six Million are the Redeemer, which means that the Jewish people are God. That’s the religion of today, and that’s deadly, absolutely deadly. It’s got nothing to do with the Catholic faith except that it’s a clever imitation of the Catholic faith because you get Auschwitz instead of Golgatha and the Gas Chamber instead of the Cross. That’s deadly.

But ask yourselves: What is the real religion of people today? What’s the real religion of the state today? Can I blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ? Is anybody worried? No problem! Blaspheme as much as you like. Can I blaspheme against the Holocaust by saying that there were no gas chambers? Horror! Horror! Horror! Burn him at the stake! He’s a heretic. There you can see what is the real religion of the government today, of politics today and of the mass of people today."














Two Australian legal decisions on 4 November 2016


1. NSW Court of Appeal Supreme Court:

  Toben v Nationwide News Pty Ltd [2016] NSWCA 296 




2. Federal Circuit Court of Australia: 











Fredrick Toben denied day in court to deny Holocaust











Ursula Haverbeck, 87 years of age (left)




  Her third prison sentence since 

November 2015. Pictured here with 

Meinolf Schönborn and Lady Michéle Renouf





Haverbeck: Dritte Haftstrafe seit November 2015

















On June 21, 2016 Professor Robert Faurisson was prosecuted, with regard to his 2006 talk in Tehran and his paper “The Victories of Revisionism“ [], for “disputing the existence of crimes against humanity“, and, because of his 60-word sentence alone, for “racial defamation“.


Here is the result of that trial as conveyed to us by the Professor's barrister:



On September 27, 2016, in the case of the talk given by Robert Faurisson in Tehran in 2006, the 17th chamber of the Paris correctional court ruled as follows:


Two charges of disputing the existence of crimes against humanity were declared null.


The third charge, that of racial defamation for the sentence of approximately 60 words [included in his talk], resulted in Robert Faurisson's conviction and sentence to four months’ imprisonment (suspended) along with a fine of €4,000. The LICRA [Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme], plaintiff, obtained €3,000 in damages and €2,000 in legal costs. Thus, a judgment totalling €9,000.


Professor Faurisson immediately lodged an appeal against this decision.


Tomorrow, September 28, at 1.30 pm, Robert Faurisson will appear again before the same court for having spoken about the Nazi gas chambers on the website Meta TV [in June 2014:].


Damien Viguier





Historical research criminalised: Paris court convicts Prof. Robert Faurisson














Ursula Haverbeck The Hooton Plan And The Migrant Crisis









Anger mounts over delayed trial of aged Auschwitz medic




95 year old Auschwitz medic Hubert Zafke goes on trial at fourth attempt



German court rules 92-year-old Auschwitz radio operator unfit for trial







Reconsidering Hitler's Gestapo

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler's Secret Police. Frank McDonough. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2015)







'Denial' Holocaust Movie Part 1 Introduction




Denial Holocaust Movie Part 2 - Gas Showers




Rachel Weisz on the Frightening Reality of Holocaust





Response to Bernie Farber's “Denial” editorial in the National Post








Germar Rudolf - Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster







Heidegger Was Really a Real Nazi




We Should Have Listened to Adolf Hitler








The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement 




Soros to make a killing with European 'forced migration'




Plans of George Soros's think-tank are revealed in leaked memo  






Hitler’s home to be seized by Austrian government to stop it becoming a Nazi shrine





Round one to the barbarians




Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition—The Only Complete and Officially Authorised English Translation Ever Issued








New AfD Berlin senator: Nazi civilian killings were 'legal'




Obituary for the Greatest Briton





The Poor Man’s Atom Bomb




U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs











'Nazi Grandma' holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to jail






Ursula Haverbeck


"the Holocaust is the biggest and longest-lasting lie in history."




Ursula Haverbeck once again sentenced to jail in Germany








The New Constitution Party of Canada hosts Monika Schaefer, Canada's most notorious Holohoax skeptic





Monika Schaefer






INTERVIEW: Police Seize Holocaust & 9/11 Truther Alfred Schaefer’s Computers, Papers, etc.





Alfred Schaefer Speaks on "Psychological Warfare" at the London Forum








Thousands of settlers storm the Ibrahimi Mosque











Holocaust investigators track down eight more Nazi suspects








German Jewish Leaders Slam Court for Acquitting Holocaust Denier 




Hans Puschel

'the German crimes we were told about from an early age are lies,'











“The Past That Won’t Pass Away”; Ernst Nolte (1923–2016)


 Tom Sunic, Ph.D.



The late Ernst Nolte








Hungary - Court Orders Holocaust Denying Article On Far-Right Website To Be Blocked








Identitarians Occupy Brandenburg Gate, Slam Chancellor Merkel



Secure Borders - Secure Future











Hoffman interviewed about “Denial" movie: Irving vs. Lipstadt







Bishop Williamson kills the holocaust religion










When a Jewish Holocaust survivor ‘pissed’ on Hitler’s henchman





Use the Phrase “Polish Death Camps” in Poland and You May Go to Jail



Restoring Germany’s Captured “Bat Wing”








Safe Schools: Australian Chinese community petition against anti-bullying program lodged in NSW



















Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust





















Lady Michèle Renouf -Video


‘Professor Robert Faurisson’










Polish officials rapped for perceived revisionism of Holocaust history






Another scientific document that by itself explodes the myth of Hitler’s gas chambers










Rediscovered films show a 'friendly' Hitler in Bayreuth








How Iceland defeated the Anglo-American Bankster Mafia












Monika Schaefer’s Holohoax Video Causes “Uproar” in Jasper, Alberta










Schools banned from using the terms 'mum and dad' and boys told to dress up as girls in 'non-gender-specific free play' 










Palestinians gear up to sue the UK – over 1917 Balfour Declaration

Exploring the Salafist Muslim-Zionist Alliance

By Michael Hoffman









German police raid dozens of homes of people accused of posting far-right hate messages on social media





Prime Minister-in-waiting Theresa May commits to remembering the Holocaust





British-Jewish Leaders Call on Government to Adopt Definition of Antisemitism That Includes Israel-Hatred  









‘End of Europe’: Trump slams Merkel’s refugee policy, wants good relations with Russia





Migration Chief: Europe Must Open Its Borders To All, Including Economic Migrants











Jewish Murder of the Russian Imperial Family











Adolf Hitler’s house seized by government to prevent it becoming a site of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis









Lieberman Appoints IDF Chief Rabbi Who Endorses Rape to Improve Troop Morale












Immunity and impunity: Britain protects Tzipi Livni once again




UK thwarts war crimes probe of former Israeli minister






Send our war criminals to the Hague Court














The Toilet Wars: On the Grand Legacy of America's Pharaoh








Siblings Become Lovers in 'Billy & Billie' 










  Archive of previous articles News/Articles






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Newsletter 1004




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Newsletter 1001









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Please show your support to the following revisionists  who are currently imprisoned.

A card or letter will bring some cheer and moral support 






Herrn Wolfgang FRÖHLICH 

JVA Stein

Steiner-Str. 4,

A 3500 Krems-Stein / Wachau, NÖ



Sentence: Six years and five months 
(imprisoned since August 2007)




Mr. Gerd Ittner
JVA St. Georgen
Markgrafenallee 49
D-95448 Bayreuth

G. Ittner, 54, was sentenced in 2005 to 2 years and 9 months in prison, fled in exile, was arrested in Portugal on April 11 and was extradited to
Germany on 18 September 2012



Holocaust Controversies Blogspot issues challenge to leading Holocaust Revisionists



The e-mail we sent out to Mattogno/Graf/Kues.





Jürgen Graff has stated today (7/1/2012) in an email that Mattogno, Kues and himself will be writing a detailed reply to this challenge, and it should be ready by March. The reply will be devastating!


Dr Fredrick Töben is currently writing a brief review of this book, which will be published on this site shortly.






Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka 

Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard

A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues


A Holocaust Controversies White Paper, First Edition, December 2011

(download 570 pages PDF)




Holocaust Controversies Blogspot







Sketch of the burial pit at Treblinka where it was alleged that the bodies of 870,000 people who had been exterminated in the gas chambers were buried. 

As the end of the war approached, the bodies were all dug up again and burned on huge wooden pyres.

Thus, all evidence of the crime was destroyed and even the site of the burial pit has never been found.





Dr Fredrick Töben Reviews:

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka

Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard

A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues









Dr Töben's email address



Dr Fredrick Töben's website
The dogmatic myth of the Holocaust will be replaced with the truth






Background on Australia's Hate laws


So, we have here a very small but powerful minority group (representing approximately 0.6% of the population of Australia), who are able to greatly influence the introduction of new Laws into this country, and then use these Laws to pursue their own agendas, namely the protection by Law of the Holocaust Religion/Dogma, and the protection/promotion of the racist, homicidal, Zionist 'State' of Israel.



More on Dr Töben's persecution








Dr Töben prior to his Gulag holiday, with Adelaide Institute Director Peter Hartung 




"We refuse to believe FILTHY LIES"






Dr Töben was released from prison at 8.00am, Thursday 12th November, after serving a three month sentence for Holocaust denial (re-branded as contempt of court). He is unbroken and unrepentant, and appears very refreshed and relaxed after his little holiday. He was welcomed home by his friends and supporters who held a celebratory dinner for him, on Thursday evening. During his speech on the night, he vowed to continue his work in demolishing the Holocaust lies 






The days are numbered for the greatest lie in the history of mankind







Unfortunate victims of a typhus epidemic - re-branded in the minds of the masses as victims of a Nazi extermination policy 



"No documents, no history"





Video of Dr Töben's homecoming dinner, attended by his faithful friends, and hosted by Peter Hartung, director of Adelaide Institute. In his colourful speech, Fredrick vows to continue his fight for truth and justice. Entertainment by acclaimed German folk singer Dagmar Brenne




Prison release celebrations Part 1


Prison release celebrations Part 2


Prison release celebrations Part 3






   Fredrick Töben's message of hope - May 2009








A great honour and privilege for a man to have spent time in prison in three countries for the cause of truth and humanity


Time to fight back



Holocaust denier says he’s ‘unbroken’ after prison













Adelaide Institute

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