September 23, 2019

ANTITRUST: Snap Detailed Facebook’s Aggressive Tactics in ‘Project Voldemort’ Dossier.

A number of Facebook’s current and former competitors are talking about the company’s hardball tactics to investigators from the Federal Trade Commission, as part of its broader antitrust investigation into the social-media giant’s business practices, according to people familiar with the matter.

One of them is Snap Inc., SNAP 0.95% where the legal team for years kept a dossier of the ways Facebook was trying to thwart competition from the buzzy upstart, according to people familiar with the matter. The title of the documents: Project Voldemort.

The files in Voldemort, a reference to the fictional antagonist in the popular Harry Potter children’s books, chronicled Facebook’s moves that threatened to undermine Snap’s business, including discouraging popular account holders, or influencers, from referencing Snap on their Instagram accounts, according to people familiar with the project. Executives also suspected Instagram was preventing Snap content from trending on its app, the people said.

In recent months, the FTC has made contact with dozens of tech executives and app developers, people familiar with the outreach said. The agency’s investigators are also talking to executives from startups that became defunct after losing access to Facebook’s platform in addition to founders who sold their companies to Facebook, according to people familiar with the conversations.

Assimilate or die.

I SWEAR I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP: Sheila Jackson Lee Confuses AR-15 for 10 Moving Boxes and a Heavy Machine Gun.

PAUL MIRENGOFF: The fiction of non-partisan judges and Justices.

AT AMAZON, Deal of the Day, Save on your Favorite K Cup pods and Coffee Brands.

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE…: John-Paul Pagano at NRO on modern blood libel:

Despite its lethality, anti-Semitism is the form of racism most often erased, excused, and even encouraged by people who identify as “antiracist.” One explanation for this phenomenon, increasingly dangerous as harassment, vandalism, and violence against Jews rise across the West, is the failure of Holocaust education to emphasize the importance of conspiracism in Nazi ideology. For their part, soi-disant American antiracists render Jews “white” and “privileged” through a limited lens of race and power, taking an approach that is an allotrope of anti-Semitism and disqualifies Jews from concern.

So when U.S. representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar resolved to visit Israel in August to showcase to the world its peculiar evil, and it emerged that Miftah, the Palestinian non-governmental organization co-sponsoring their trip, had published on its website that Jews bake Christian blood into their matzoh, most major media ignored it. For them the story was the erosion of liberal democracy by the tag team of Trump and Netanyahu, who had barred entry to the congresswomen. There is little indication that the blood libel stirred concern on the left where just a month earlier “Never again” was intoned relentlessly about Trump’s “concentration camps” at the border….

Under intense criticism, Miftah eventually retracted and apologized, but the medieval pitch of the piece was so true that I browsed their website for similar material and quickly found an article by Bouthaina Shaaban, who is now Bashar Assad’s media adviser. There Shaaban writes that Israel stole “Ukrainian children in order to harvest their organs.” The blood libel was transferred to the Arab world by Christian missionaries, surfacing in a famous case at Damascus in 1840. Today it is a recurring feature of Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism.


Not only is Weld batshit crazy, he’s also clueless on the law. Nothing he accuses Trump of amounts to treason, and the statute doesn’t have death as the only penalty. Weld was counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, and was head of the Criminal Division at Justice as well as a US Attorney. Either he needs to be checked for dementia, or those institutions are in even sorrier shape than I thought.

ROGER SIMON: Why Liberals and Progressives Lie to Blacks.

Read the whole thing.

IN THE MAIL: The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss.

NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG. Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Contradicted Father’s Claim They Never Discussed Ukraine Deal.

Meanwhile, the media and the Left (but I repeat myself) are all aghast that Trump might have wanted an investigation into what looks like some pretty blatant corruption they’re doing their best to ignore.

HOMOPHOBIA, STRAIGHT UP: Trump tries (again) to confirm gay federal appeals judge.

Trump initially nominated Bumatay for a seat on the Ninth Circuit last year, but was thwarted by objections from the nominee’s home state senators. Both Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Harris recommended other judicial picks for the Ninth Circuit, but Trump ended up ignoring them and choosing his own, including Bumatay.

The standoff ended with Trump rescinding Bumatay’s nomination for the Ninth Circuit and nominating him instead to become a trial judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

But things changed after the retirement of U.S. Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who left the bench amid allegations of sexual misconduct and abusive employment practices.

Speculation emerged Trump would once against nominate Bumatay to the Ninth Circuit — this time to replace Kozinski.

Harris in a statement made clear she continues to hold the same opposition to Bumatay’s nomination she held the first time around.

You’d think this would be a bigger story, if it weren’t for the part where it disrupts the Left’s narrative.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Possible hoax: Racial slur targets Native American student at U. Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA: ‘Rambo: Last Blood Falls’ to ‘Downton Abbey’ in Opening Weekend at the Box Office.

WELL NOT TO ANYONE SHE CARED ABOUT, JUST TO MEN: Sociology PhD Candidate Says False Rape Accusations Cause No Harm.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Electric bike repair and the future of academia.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Let’s Put the Climate Hoax Kids In a Time Out. “Climate hoaxer truant Greta Thunberg has dominated the news for the last several days, largely thanks to the fact that none of the adults around her seem to care if she gets an education. In fact, the little spectrum girl finally admitted that her antics are mostly about having an excuse to play hooky from school.”

WHAT THE MENTALLY ILL ARE WORRYING ABOUT (CONT’D): Why Ivanka Trump’s new haircut should make us very afraid.

MONORAIL! California High-Speed Rail board votes to bring trains to San Francisco.

Out of four route proposals, board members favored a Merced-to-San Jose connection designated Alternative Four, one that “blended configuration between San Jose and Gilroy in the existing Caltrain and Union Pacific Railroad corridors before continuing to a dedicated high-speed rail alignment through Pacheco Pass” through a tunnel.

For the future San Jose-to-San Francisco route, board members also picked a “blended configuration between…within the existing Caltrain corridor.”

As Caltrain explains it, “blended” means that future bullet trains will use a combination of existing rail infrastructure from regional transit agencies along with newly built trackways laid down specifically for high-speed rail, potentially shaving billions off the final price.

And three figures off the top speed on the unimproved sections.


“What year were you?” a Morgan Stanley colleague asked me years ago. “Huh? Year?” I replied. “What year at HBS?” H-B-what? “What year did you graduate from Harvard Business School?” Oh, I get it now. “I didn’t go to HBS,” I told him. “Actually, I don’t have an M.B.A.” After a long pause and scrunched-up face, he asked, “Well, then how the hell did you get a job here?” As I walked away, I murmured under my breath, “Maybe I earned it.”

So should you get a master’s in business administration? These days a lot of people are rethinking that question. Applications are down, even at HBS and GSB (that’s Stanford’s Graduate School of Business—get with the lingo). The number of GMAT test scores sent to two-year, full-time M.B.A. programs has plummeted since 2015. Last year 70% of two-year M.B.A. programs saw declining enrollment; in 2014 it was only one-third. Rats deserting a sinking ship? . . .

But—you knew this was coming—man oh man is it expensive. HBS tuition is now $73,440 a year. Total costs are estimated at $110,740 if you’re single and more than 150 grand if you’re married with two children. That excludes the cost of your MacBook, let alone forgone wages. You’d better get that Wall Street job.

I’ve dug into the curricula at dozens of M.B.A. programs, from Booth to Kellogg to Fuqua. They’re all more or less the same: The first year has introductory courses in finance, accounting, managerial skills—my eyes are getting droopy, too—along with modeling and organizational behavior, each no doubt chock full of case studies that are probably no longer relevant. And virtually every program now has a mandatory ethics class, which awkwardly suggests that students had no ethics coming in.

The second year is a supposedly deep dive into finance or marketing or strategic management. Finance majors learn how the stock market works and about private equity. Sadly, I’ve suffered many dinner party conversations with Wharton M.B.A.s telling me how famed professor Jeremy Siegel taught them secret investing tips: low multiple, dividends, blah blah. They were almost always wrong.

Any halfway-on-the-ball undergrad could construct a virtual M.B.A. himself by taking a finance course and some in marketing and psychology, plus any course that teaches how to use spreadsheets. Then get buzzword-compliant and, voilà, an M.B.A. in a box.

But the networking!

FASTER, PLEASE: A Plummeting Oil Price Would Be Very Bullish For The U.S. Economy. Thank the frackers that this is even a subject for discussion.

DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES WITH BYLINES: In Which The New York Times Straight Up Lies About Ed Buck. “According to Excel, minus the returns, that’s a total of $114,900 accused serial murderer Ed Buck doled out to Democrats. I don’t think that fits most ordinary Americans’ idea of a ‘small time donor’.”

Getting gay men to overdose and sometimes die in pursuit of one’s own sexual gratification probably doesn’t fit most ordinary Americans’ idea of a victimless crime, either. Yet that’s exactly what the MSM-DNC spent so long trying to hush up.

JOHN FUND:  Justin Trudeau, Identity Politics Hypocrite.

PROTECTING THEIR OWN CONSTITUENCY: Dems Veto Red Flag Law for Gangbangers.

SMART DIPLOMACY: China has already lost the trade war. Here’s why.

JOHN FUND: Justin Trudeau, Identity-Politics Hypocrite. “He is asking for forgiveness, but he had none for a Chinese peer falsely accused of racism.”

OH: Venezuela-FARC Drug Trafficking Alliance May Explain DEA Expulsion.

New evidence suggests that late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez allied with the FARC to “flood” the United States with cocaine, potentially explaining his expulsion of the DEA from the country.

The plan was presented to Chávez’s senior intelligence officials in 2005, according to US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) files seen by El Mundo. Its alleged aim was to combat the United States with an onslaught of illegal drugs, trafficked through Venezuela with the collaboration of security forces. The cocaine was sourced from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia – FARC) in exchange for weapons.

Former intelligence chief Hugo Carvajal, who defected earlier this year and has made key revelations about the Venezuelan government, was allegedly responsible for coordinating the operations.

Why, it’s almost as if socialist regimes are inherently criminal.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Madcap Adventures of ‘Buckaroo Banzai’ Biden.

AND AGAIN: Exclusive — Another New York Times Editor Made Racist, Anti-Semitic Comments.

Jazmine Hughes, an associate editor of the New York Times Magazine, has made a series of racist and antisemitic comments on social media over a multi-year span. A number of the tweets came from Hughes’s personal account, which is associated with her Times email, after she was hired by the outlet in April 2015 and continued well into 2017.

* * * * * * * *

Since joining the Times, she has occasionally written pieces centered on the intersection of race and culture. Her most recent project for the Times’ magazine was the 1619 Project, a comprehensive series of articles and essays arguing that slavery was the institution that fundamentally shaped the modern United States.

The newspaper made a massive investment in the 1619 Project, through which it aimed to redefine America’s understanding of the history of slavery. Hughes was no small part of the newspaper’s work on this, as she was on the byline of one of two major feature pieces on the broadsheet print edition of the special.

“The broadsheet special section has two components: A reported essay by Nikita Stewart, a reporter on The Times’s Metro desk, examining why Americans are so poorly educated on slavery, followed by a history of slavery written by Mary Elliott, curator of American slavery at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, and Jazmine Hughes, a writer and editor at The Times Magazine,” the Times wrote about how its 1619 Project feature came together, highlighting the critical role that Hughes played in its publication.

It is unclear if the Times knew of Hughes’s prior controversial tweets before allowing her to undertake a project of such means. Representatives for the paper did not return requests for comment.

Read the whole thing, which, alongside the other recent examples of racism and anti-Semitism on display from her fellow Timespeople, does much to illustrate the punitive leftism and identity politics driving much of the Times’ recent material, not least of which, their “1619 Project.” QED:

Earlier: The New York Times’ Disastrous Summer of Fake News and Public Meltdowns.

21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Demi Moore Regrets Threesomes With Ashton Kutcher.

LEFTISTS: If the World Doesn’t Revolve Around Me Then Burn it Down. Also, “fatphobia” isn’t a thing. “Phobia” means fear. It’s more like disgust.

FLASHBACK: IT’S A REAL CONUNDRUM! Why did an energy firm with big assets in Ukraine hire Joe Biden’s son?

DON’T INTERRUPT THEM WHEN THEY’RE BUSY MAKING A MISTAKE: Revolt Against Moderate Dems Helps Trump. “Democrats seem determined to hurtle left, right over the cliff.”


Bullying Biden Yells at Fox’s Doocy: ‘Ask the Right Questions!’

Biden Accused of Sexism After Remarks to Female Moderator.

Biden Explodes When Confronted On Lying About Charlottesville. Video Proves Biden Wrong.

Joe Biden Says There Are Three Genders; Grabs Student’s Arm When She Asks ‘What Are They?’

And these classics from the Obama era:

VP Biden’s Office Apologizes For Locking Reporter In Storage Closet During Fundraiser.

Vengeance: Biden’s Office Seeks Investigation Into Unfriendly Journalist.

And of course, ground zero, from 1988: Why Joe Biden’s First Campaign for President Collapsed After Just 3 Months.

Related: Biden camp thinks the media just doesn’t get it.

In mid-June, when I spent a few days on the Biden campaign trail, one of the biggest stories on Twitter to circulate about his swing through eastern Iowa was about a young female activist who said she felt intimidated by Biden when she asked him a question about his reversal on the Hyde Amendment. A photo of the encounter went viral, with almost 25,000 likes and retweets. To many influential commentators on lefty Twitter, where Biden is sometimes accorded only slightly more respect than Donald Trump, it was a disrespectful and blatant act of Biden mansplaining. Vice reported breathlessly, “In the photo, Biden, the current Democratic frontrunner, is pointing his finger in Cayo’s face with his eyebrows raised.”

Careful Politico — or Joe will lock you in the closet!

I BELIEVE CANDACE OWENS SAID SOMETHING LIKE THIS LAST WEEK, TOO: Charles Barkley: Democrats Only Like Black Voters During Election Years. #WalkAway.

Related: Roger Simon: Why Liberals And Progressives Lie To Blacks. “Also at play here, as it is everywhere in Democratic precincts, is Fear of Trump. African-Americans are doing better under Trump than they ever have been in this country with unemployment at record lows and salaries up. Further, Trump really did something never done before–spearheaded and signed criminal justice reform legislation. Better not remind black people of that. Distract them or lie to them instead.”

WATCH WHAT THEY DO, NOT WHAT THEY SAY: Dems Grill Up 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Us to Eat Less Meat.

HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE: Trump Administration to UNC and Duke: Quit Promoting Islam on Our Dime.

September 22, 2019

WELL, OF COURSE:  Big three ignore Kavanaugh correction.

LOS ANGELES: HE CLEANS AGAIN BY NIGHT. Before and after footage of homeless camp after Scott Presler’s team cleaned it is shocking.

AT AMAZON, Fall Savings on Wheels and Tires. Winter is coming.

Plus, deals in Kitchen and Dining.

GREAT AGAIN: Modi visit to Houston backdrop for one of the largest LNG deals in U.S. history.

DEMENTIA MAKES THAT HARD: Joe Biden and his son Hunter can’t keep their Ukraine story straight.

SHE’S AWFUL: Elizabeth Warren’s plan to slash your retirement funds.

Related, seen on Facebook:

COATES IS A WILDLY OVERRATED WRITER, who focuses his efforts on “crowd pleasing,” but who has chosen a particularly inferior Stuff White People Like crowd to please.

I also like the reference in the comments — about the professor of economic history who was a policeman in Papua New Guinea — to Andrew Wareham, who’s written a lot of novels well, and based on detailed knowledge of the subject matter.

DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE: Bear claws its way into the back of a Pigeon Forge family’s house. A bear who tries that at my house will be a rug.

OPEN THREAD: Have fun!


SPACE: Russia Says It Will Keep Source of Hole (and Air Leak) on Soyuz Secret— But NASA Wants to Know. I’m suspicious.


To paraphrase Alvy Singer, leftwing activism is like a shark — it has to constantly keep moving forward or it dies. And with global warming, what the left has on its hands…is a dead shark.




PERSON OF TOLERANCE AND DIVERSITY KEYS PRO-2ND AMENDMENT OWNER’S CAR: Student’s Car Vandalized Because Of Pro-2nd Amendment Stickers.

Some things never change; in 2016, a Seattle car received $5,000 worth of damage, including slashed tires, because it had a Trump bumper sticker. In 2012, there were multiple reports of cars with Romney bumper stickers being keyed. In 2004, Glenn reported from the bullet-riddled Bush-Cheney headquarters, amidst reports of Bush-Cheney-adorned cars being keyed and causing road rage in leftists who espouse an ideology that preaches tolerance and diversity. Speaking of which, back then, a T-shirt manufacturer sold a Shirt with the image of a scratched-out Bush-Cheney 2004 bumper sticker and the words “A person of tolerance and diversity keyed my car.” Someone with a Café Press account should update the design for 2020.

THE MEDIA COVERED FOR OBAMA’S INCOMPETENCE LIKE IT COVERED FOR NOBODY SINCE AT LEAST FDR: Jamie Kirchik: Critics of the Trump administration’s foreign policy have forgotten the mistakes and misjudgments of its predecessor:

This was the constant, tediously narcissistic background music of the Obama presidency—that his youth and personal sympathy for those who perceive themselves to be the victims of American global hegemony somehow obviated the forces of history and ideology and culture, never mind what other nations perceived to be in their national interest. The Obamians’ determinist view of history could not recognise that the Cuban communists lock up independent journalists because the stale doctrine of Marxist-Leninism demands it; that Iran pledges “Death to Israel” because it sincerely seeks it, that the men in the Kremlin acquire actual glory from the serial humiliations they inflict upon Russia’s smaller neighbours; and that these phenomena derive from cultures and ideologies that will not be attenuated by American apologies and appeasement.

21ST CENTURY PROBLEMS: YouTube Influencers Are Oversharing Their Surgeries.

FEELING THE HEAT: Yikes: Biden Loses His Cool With Fox News Reporter.

I BLAME VENUSIAN SUV DRIVERS: “Venus may have been a temperate planet hosting liquid water for 2-3 billion years, until a dramatic transformation starting over 700 million years ago resurfaced around 80% of the planet.”

Forty years ago, NASA’s Pioneer Venus mission found tantalising hints that Earth’s ‘twisted sister’ planet may once have had a shallow ocean’s worth of water. To see if Venus might ever have had a stable climate capable of supporting liquid water, Dr. Way and his colleague, Anthony Del Genio, have created a series of five simulations assuming different levels of water coverage.

In all five scenarios, they found that Venus was able to maintain stable temperatures between a maximum of about 50 degrees Celsius and a minimum of about 20 degrees Celsius for around three billion years. A temperate climate might even have been maintained on Venus today had there not been a series of events that caused a release, or ‘outgassing’, of carbon dioxide stored in the rocks of the planet approximately 700-750 million years ago.

“Our hypothesis is that Venus may have had a stable climate for billions of years. It is possible that the near-global resurfacing event is responsible for its transformation from an Earth-like climate to the hellish hot-house we see today,” said Way.

So the watery, tropical Venus of 1950s SF wasn’t wrong, just . . . out of date.

NOBODY WANTS THAT: Treating the Incredible Shrinking Vagina: What is “vaginal atrophy,” and how can you stop it? Luckily, it’s easily treated.

AT AMAZON, save on Bras for Women.

IT WAS YUGE: “Howdy Modi” Event In Houston: Trump And Indian PM Modi Celebrate U.S.-India Alliance.

This, too, is part of Trump’s diplomatic response to the Chinese.


If being idiotic were a barrier, the Democrats wouldn’t have any narratives.

UPDATE: At a rally like no other, Trump woos Indian American voters ahead of 2020. “Instead of red Make America Great Again hats, there were turbans and Islamic caps. Women in traditional Indian garb danced to bhangra drums. And tens of thousands of cheering Indian Americans chanted ‘USA!’ and snapped photos.”

WELL, YES: Biden Dealings With Ukraine Raise Troubling Questions, despite Dem criticism.

The proposed investigation involves Hunter Biden’s involvement with a controversial Ukrainian natural gas company while then-Vice President Biden was overseeing America’s Ukraine policy.

Critics of the president have accused Trump of attempting to “extort” Ukrainian officials for “dirt” on Biden, the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination to run against Trump next year.

But why would Ukraine have dirt on Joe Biden? For answers, one must look at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company which, until earlier this year, employed Hunter Biden.

Yes, but the media has been pretty ruthless in avoiding looking into the Biden family’s dealings with Ukraine or China. Trump, however, is fair game for perhaps trying to push the Ukrainians into doing what the American press won’t.

Old school media: “It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup.”

New school media: “It’s not the crime, it’s the investigation.”

QUESTION ASKED: More Fracking, or More War?

“No war for oil!” they chanted when George W. Bush’s administration prepared to invade Iraq. It was always a stupid slogan — if we’d wanted to get our hands on that Iraqi oil, we could simply have bought it at a discount rather than pay a horrifying blood premium for it — but now that chant can reasonably be turned back on its authors: If you want less war, then you should want a lot more fracking.

Related: What Happens to Saudi Arabia When the World Doesn’t Need Its Oil?

PESTILENCE: This Week’s Scary Bug—Is EEE Really Coming To Get You?

AT AMAZON, shop Business and Industrial Supplies.

Plus, save in Storage and Home Organization.

EVERGREEN HEADLINE: The Far Left is Making Teens Miserable Over the Imminent Destruction of the World.

A statement that’s been true since about 1968 or so.

DISPATCHES FROM TRUDEAUPIA: CTV News reporter melts down after Rebel News asks ban-all-the-things Liberal Minister Catherine McKenna tough questions (video).

Just think of the Canadian media as Liberal Party activists with Chyrons, and it all makes sense.

FASTER, PLEASE: Small Trial Reverses a Year of Alzheimer’s Cognitive Decline in Just Two Months.

EVERGREEN HEADLINE IN THE ROGER GOODELL ERA: Start to NFL season has been a nightmare for league.

THE MICROBIOME: Do gut bacteria affect bowel cancer development?

NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE: Trudeau Claims He Was Known As ‘Corn Pop’ Until A Cool White Dude Turned His Life Around.

Note to Snopes: This is the Babylon Bee, so it’s satire – or is it?

FASTER, PLEASE: FDA approves new pill for Type 2 diabetes.

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Trump Administration to UNC and Duke: Quit Promoting Islam on Our Dime.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Five Signs You’re In The Midst Of A Moral Panic.


NOW: UK Police Stop Publishing Pictures of Seized Knives in Case They Frighten People. Or maybe it’s really just to keep from looking like idiots: “May 2018 saw a number of such weapons busts proudly displayed on Facebook and Twitter, with London’s Hackney Police being forced to delete their social media posts of ‘weapons’ after being mocked for confiscating a butter knife and a bicycle wheel. . . . Britons also mocked Regents Park Police for displaying, along with machetes, butcher knives, and a fencing sword that had been handed over to them, a rusty dessert spoon.”

Mock them more.

BLUE ON BLUE: Working Families Party Staffers Face Harassment After Warren Endorsement. “WFP staffers were inundated with messages calling them ‘liberal sellouts,’ ‘corporate frauds,’ and ‘just as corrupt as the DNC,’ often accompanied with the hashtag #BernieorBust.”

Bernie Bros gonna Bernie Bro.

LEFTY PROTESTERS ARE ALWAYS PIGS: So much for clearing up the planet! Climate change protesters who marched through Manhattan are branded hypocrites for leaving litter strewn across the city.

That’s why it was so shocking when the Tea Party folks left things cleaner than they found them.

STRIKE A POSE, THERE’S NOTHING TO IT: Dems Cook 10,500 Steaks While Lecturing Americans About Eating Less Meat.

HMM: Missing piece to the Ukraine puzzle: State Department’s overture to Rudy Giuliani. “Among the casualties of our domestic political war is the abandonment of professional standards. For proof, consider how two of America’s premier institutions are being dragged through the mud because their leaders decided that standards are for other people. I speak of the FBI and The New York Times, and the men who damaged them, James Comey and Dean Baquet. It is no coincidence that Baquet’s newspaper became an errand boy for Comey’s corrupt team of G-men. Birds of a feather, you know.”

HOLLYWOOD, INTERRUPTED: Megan Fox suffered ‘psychological breakdown’ from being hypersexualized.

“I think I had a genuine psychological breakdown where I wanted just nothing to do,” the 33-year-old actress shared.

“I didn’t want to be seen, I didn’t want to have to take a photo, do a magazine, walk a carpet, I didn’t want to be seen in public at all because the fear, and the belief, and the absolute certainty that I was going to be mocked, or spat at, or someone was going to yell at me, or people would stone me or savage me for just being out … so I went through a very dark moment after that.”

Fox felt like she spiraled into an even deeper hole when she spoke out about being treated poorly by “Transformers” director Michael Bay, saying she felt like no one cared. Even worse, her career suffered for opening up about Bay.

As Jim Geraghty recently noted:

The cultural power of celebrities — or more specifically, the average American’s misplaced trust in the judgment of people who they recognize from being on television or in the movies or hearing their music — is profoundly disturbing. I suspect that the process of becoming a celebrity is almost inherently psychologically damaging. They enjoy the cheers and adoration of large crowds but have difficulty developing and sustaining real behind-the-scenes relationships. Their fans love the characters they play, sometimes oblivious to the fact that the actor is not the character. Most of them are constantly evaluated based upon their appearance by strangers, developing all kinds of obsessions and disorders and frequently going under the knife to preserve their youthful looks. Their ideas for maintaining good health would give the American Medical Association nightmares. Addictions flourish and are almost endlessly enabled. Almost everyone they encounter wants something from them — an autograph, a picture, sex, to read a script, to play a role, or to offer help breaking into the business. And this is before we get to the point that their world lets the likes of Harvey Weinstein thrive and flourish.

Most of the people who create our popular culture are constantly marinating in a culture of exploitation, greed, envy, objectification, abuse, hedonistic excess, and runaway lust of every kind. It’s amazing any of them come out of the process of becoming famous with their head on straight. And yet so many of our fellow countrymen are endlessly fascinated with the inmates of the asylum.

Fascinated, but increasingly often in a watching a train-wreck sort of way, as the late Andrew Breitbart once told me in 2005:

We certainly need our diversions in the age of Terror, where most Americans are worried that an American city will be annihilated by nuclear bombs, by people who are fanatics that are ten times worse than the Christian Right.

I think that you need to divert your attention; you can’t be 24/7 focused on the impending problems that exist in our culture, and that exist within world politics.

So I think that what Americans have done, is that when handed lemons, they have made lemonade. And so I think that by taking the sourpusses of Hollywood, the ones who refuse to deign to treat the average American as worthy of their focus, I think that Hollywood has created a vacuum that has been filled by entertainment that is basically Schadenfreude. I think that we now look to watch people fail, especially celebrities, the people who have been handed the most, for the least amount of contribution to society. In the past, we used to look up to them, and wanted to dress like them, and wanted to imitate the way that they spoke; they way that they dressed. We’d have pin-ups.

I think that now, we’re willing to pay Paris Hilton an enormous amount of money, just so long as she behaves like an idiot on film. And I think that most successful reality shows that have involved celebrities, who are no longer going on cattle-calls to be in sitcoms, are going on cattle-calls to be in reality series. And the ones that they choose to pick are the ones whose lives would be the most manifestly dysfunctional.

So I think that what you see now is an adversarial relationship between the audience and the celebrities themselves. The celebrities are rewarded out here for maintaining a certain political posture. And so, the more they talk up left-wing politics, the more they are going to warm up to the hiring infrastructure.

Hollywood is the one place where affirmative action really couldn’t work. If a casting director wanted to pick a black person who’s pregnant, who’s 32 to 33 years of age, they’re allowed to. You’re not allowed to do that kind of thing in the real world. And if you’re Woody Allen, you’re not going to get sued if you hire the same ten actors for all of your movies.

And that was over a decade before we discovered, after Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein became household names, that “Hollywood Is a Sex-Grooming Gang,” as Kyle Smith noted last year.

A COUNTRY TOO FAR: Iran is overextended in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. A StrategyTalk podcast discusses the situation.

F-35S ARRIVE IN VERMONT: As the caption says, Vermont’s 158th Fighter Wing is the first Air National Guard unit to receive the stealth aircraft. The wing will ultimately deploy 20 F-35s. Photo taken September 19.

THE SUMMER OF PINCH: The New York Times’ Disastrous Summer of Fake News and Public Meltdowns.

WELL, THIS CRAZY “WOKE” STUFF IS MOSTLY OF INTEREST TO ADMINISTRATORS; ONLY A FEW USEFUL IDIOT STUDENTS ARE REALLY COMMITTED TO IT: On campus of 30,000 students, fewer than 10 attend university’s white privilege workshop.

SKYNET REVIEWS ITS PORTFOLIO, SMILES: Vanguard Bets on Robo-Only Adviser.

LEFTISTS WANT THE RIGHT TO SHUT UP. RIGHTISTS JUST WANT THE LEFT TO KEEP TALKING. Clown with bike horn shuts down College Republicans event.

21st CENTURY QUESTIONS: What Comes After Transgender?

ROGER KIMBALL: Another Week, Another Pseudo-Scandal.

Can anyone keep them all straight? They rise like noxious bubbles from the cauldron of deep-state anti-Trump sentiment, only to pass away almost immediately, carried off by their own insubstantiality and the contrasting bright-light series of real achievements on the part of the Trump Administration.

Just this last week, we saw the New York chapter of the left-over Left make a last-ditch effort to smear Justice Brett Kavanaugh by fabricating yet another spurious complaint that an 18-year-old Kavanaugh had been over-served and acted rudely to a fellow female student at Yale. Only the student in question had no memory of the incident.

Like every other complaint against the teenaged Kavanaugh, it was a matter of “my cousin Ernie’s brother’s girlfriend heard from her college roommate that three people whose names she cannot remember told her best friend that someone who might have been Brett Kavanaugh was rumored to have exposed himself at a drunken white-privilege party at Yale 35 or maybe 36 years ago.” That was enough for the wretched New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly to take to the bank.

In fact, it was worse, for the fount of the rumor they published, without mentioning that the woman in question had no memory of the incident, wasn’t even your cousin Ernie; it was a Democratic Party activist named Max Stier. The dynamic duo did not mention the ideological coloration of their source, nor did they mention that Stier was part of Bill Clinton’s defense team when the priapic former president was endeavoring to extricate himself from l’affair Lewinsky without damaging any more cigars.

But wait, there’s more:

But back to the Ukraine. On Friday, the oyez, oyez, oyez boys in the press whipped up the big display type to announce that someone in the “intelligence community” (we don’t know whom) issued an official complaint that President Trump made a “promise” (we don’t know what) to an unnamed foreign leader that the complainant, whoever it is, found “troubling.” . . .

Stepping back for a moment from that snarling imbroglio, I do wonder whether the latest “Trump abused his powers, let’s impeach him!” gambit is not rather an impressive deployment of a rhetorical-political gambit known as the “preemptive tu quoque I-tagged-you-first” strategy. The media and anti-Trump commentariat is jumping up and down in unison saying, “Trump is leaning on a foreign power in order to gain a political advantage.”

But what is that charge cover for? A chap called Robert Barnes, writing on Twitter, reminds us of a pertinent fact. “The same Democrats who used all the powers of the Presidency to spy on an opposing campaign, and continue to use every power of the House to invade the privacy of the President, are deeply offended that Trump would want corruption investigated involving a former Vice President?” That’s what Latinists called a nonne question, one that expects the answer “Yes.”

In military terms, it’s a spoiling attack.

UPDATE: Just another Schiff show?

TEXAS: Imelda left Satchel Smith as the lone employee at a Homewood Suites in Texas. He smiled and went to work. “We can’t get in or out. The hotel a mile from us is under water. Satchel has been here all night. His coworkers couldn’t make it to work, so he stayed. He has manned the phones, answered each of our questions, ensured that we have had a hot cup of coffee or tea, and helped serve us a hot breakfast.”

AND RIGHTLY, RIGHTLY SO: Washington Post mocked for comparing Elizabeth Warren selfies to Frederick Douglass photos.

BILL WHITTLE: Gamers Rise: Driven from Progressive Society to Become Who They Were Meant to Be.

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