Port Moresby, 6 October 2017 – The Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) officially launched its National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017-2017 at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby today.
"It's all about localisation and partnerships. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has an opportunity to be a global leader in this space."
Madang, 27 September 2017 – Prominent leaders from government, civil society and communities are meeting in Madang this week, September 26-28, to find ways forward to ensure there is better political representation for women in Papua New Guinea.
Port Moresby, 4 October 2017– The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Assistant Administrator and Director for the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Haoliang Xu, will visit Papua New Guinea (PNG) in October 5-10 to discuss with the country’s leaders how UNDP can best continue to support PNG to achieve its development objectives.
Deloitte and UNDP believe human capital is a key step to unlocking opportunities.
Port Moresby, 14 September 2017– The Central Province Disaster Office will use a new Disaster Risk Assessment report to focus their attention on communities vulnerable to disasters in the province.
Read about UNDP's intern, Guido Maschhaupt who spent two months in Papua New Guinea and has a lot to share. Guido has spent two months in PNG and has visited Domil in Jiwaka Province.

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population of youth


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2 712

Gross national income (GNI) per capita


out of 188 countries in the Human Development Index

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