Udvalgte rapporter

  • Human Development Report 2015

    Teknologiske fremskridt, øget globalisering, en aldrende befolkning og miljøudfordringer er med til at ændre betydningen af arbejde, og måden arbejde udføres på. Det nye arbejdsmarked åbner store muligheder for nogen, men alvorlige udfordringer for andre. Årets Human Development Report fokuserer på, hvordan arbejde er afgørende for menneskelig udvikling.Læs mere 

  • Modstandsdygtighed i Syrien - UNDP's svar på Syrien krisen

    Krisen i Syrien er den største politiske-, humanitære- og udviklingsmæssige udfordring i vor tid.Læs mere 

  • UNDP og klimaforandringer

    Ny rapport fra UNDP sætter fokus på klimaforandringer, og hvordan vi modvirker og tilpasser os.Læs mere 

  • MDG Gap Task Force Report

    Key report findings reveal official development assistance flows have increased remarkably by 66 per cent from 2000 to 2014. In merchandise exports, developing countries’ access to developed-country markets has improved from 30.5 to 43.8 per cent over the same period. Debt burdens have been reduced in most highly indebted poor countries. Mobile phone penetration in developing countries is estimated to reach 92 per cent at the end of 2015, compared to less than 10 per cent in 2000.Læs mere 

  • UNDP Annual Report 2014-2015: Time for Global Action

    Our 2014-2015 Annual Report highlights UNDP’s key actions over the past year and their impact on the lives of beneficiaries around the world. The report also outlines the ongoing restructuring process that will ensure UNDP is fit for purpose in the new post-2015 landscape.Læs mere 

  • UNDP Strategic Plan: 2014-2017

    With the changing world as the backdrop, and building on our core strengths, our vision is focused on making the next big breakthrough in development: to help countries achieve the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of inequalities and exclusion. This is a vision within reach, with the eradication of extreme poverty and major reductions in overall poverty feasible within a generation.Læs mere 

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