Lean 2013

June 20th, 2013

It’s been a busy year, with this site sorely neglected. I’ve cleaned house to make way for new stuff here (eventually).

Until then, please find me via the social networks linked to the right.

Need some noise now? Click here for over an hour of tracks from 2007-08.

pictured: speaking on Graphic Sound at Brown University's Digital Scholarship Lab on May 2, 2013.

pictured: speaking on Graphic Sound at Brown University’s Digital Scholarship Lab on May 2, 2013.

pictured: screenshot of Impellent 2, graphic waveshaping system

pictured: screenshot of Impellent 2, graphic waveshaping system


Shawn Greenlee is a composer and sound artist. In recent compositions, performances, and installations, he focuses on the interpretation of visual image as sound via computational methods. Further areas of investigation evident in his work include signal processing, audio-visual programming, field recording, and psychoacoustic phenomena.

Greenlee is Assistant Professor of Foundation Studies at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Music & New Media at Brown University (2008) where he was affiliated with MEME (Multimedia and Electronic Music Experiments). Other education includes an MA in Computer Music & Multimedia Composition from Brown University (2003) and a BFA in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design (1996).

Greenlee has toured extensively across the United States and Europe, performing at venues ranging from galleries and concert halls to clubs and warehouses. Conference and festival appearances include NIME (2013 Daejeon & Seoul), International Computer Music Conference (2011 Huddersfield, UK), IN TRANSIT (2008 Berlin), Elevate (2007 Graz), International Computer Music Conference (2005 Barcelona), Boston Cyberarts Festival (2005), Performance Studies International (2005 Providence), New West Electro-Acoustic Organization (2004 Portland and San Diego), and Listening in the Sound Kitchen (2003 Princeton).

As sound designer, Greenlee worked on the 2006-07 re-doings of Allan Kaprow’s 1959 work 18 Happenings in 6 Parts featured at Haus Der Kunst (2006 Munich) and the Performa Biennial (2007 New York). He is an active developer of iOS music applications, handling the audio programming for Fluxama’s Noisemusick and DR-OM, both released in 2012.

Other points of reference include his solo electronic music under the moniker, Pleasurehorse (1997-2007); and his membership in the noise-rock bands Landed (1997 – present) and Six Finger Satellite (1999-2001). His discography spans over fifty releases to date on labels including IYNGESLoadUtechCorleoneVermiform, Hospital Productions, and History of the Future.

Recent group exhibitions include Deep Space at François Ghebaly Gallery (July/August 2012, Los Angeles), Controlled Evidence (November/December 2012) and Encountering Data (January/February, 2012) at Stony Brook University. Recent collaborations include: acoustic composition for Gayageum Ensemble AURA (December 2012, Seoul), music composition/performance for Bo Christian Larsson’s The Emperor’s New Thoughts at Ludlow 38 (May/June 2012, NYC), and sound design for Maria José Arjona’s The Kiss at Location One (May/June 2012, NYC).
