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       Bots At least 40% of internet traffic is non human (bot traffic). Some of these click bots are designed to commit PPC click fraud.

      Competitors What's stopping your competitors from clicking your ads, depleting your advertising budget and taking your clients?

      Click Farms Click farms are a large scale dedicated click fraud operation, usually hired by your competition to remove your PPC ads from the search engine's result.

          Over 274,000 campaigns in 181 countries are protected with ClickCease              "We don't run any campaigns without ClickCease!"

   Justin Bost AdWords Nerds            "ClickCease is a tool that saves our clients a lot of money"

  Jacob Brown PPCHero            "With ClickCease our ROI is back to normal"

  Dave Powell Hatchet Marketing           We support bothand  platforms      Try Our Technology        Enter an IP below and find out its threat level               Check for Fraud                     How is the threat level determined?    When your competitor clicks on your ads maliciously he leaves an IP trace which can be later analyzed. ClickCease monitors millions of search campaigns and has IP data that can determine the threat level of an IP based on dozens of tests on each IP.                     How It Works      Monitor We track each and every click on your ads, collecting valuable data and information to gain insight into how your ads are interacted with.

      Detect Our industry leading algorithms separate real potential customers from fraudsters and bots.

      Block Once a fraudulent click is detected the ad will be hidden from the fraudster.

          Features You're Going to Love      24\7 Click-Fraud Monitoring Your ads will be monitored for fraudulent activity such as blacklisted IPs, bad hosts and proxy servers.

      Automated Click Fraud Prevention We automatically and instantly hide your ads from the attacker preventing future click fraud

      Adwords Refunds Agent Our automatic refunds claim agent files reports for you every 2 months for Adwords credit

        Custom Detection Rules Personalize the detection system for your business to ensure only potential customers see your ads

      Detailed & Comprehensive Reports Get access to a 360 degree view of each and every click, including information like IP address, location, ISPs, keyword used and device ids

      Risk Free Start with a free trial, monthly based contract, cancel at any time, no obligations! You will not be charged unless you are satisfied!

      Start Free Trial          Powerful. Insightful. Click Data Uncover the details behind the clean customer clicks and the dirty competitor clicks on your ads & set fraud fighting rules tailored to your business. Change the "I think it is" into an "I know".

             (function (w) { w['_ekomiServerUrl'] = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//web.archive.org./web/20171020200745/https://widgets.ekomi.com'; w['_customerId'] = 100914; w['_ekomiDraftMode'] = true; w['_language'] = 'en' if (typeof (w['_ekomiWidgetTokens']) !== 'undefined') { w['_ekomiWidgetTokens'][w['_ekomiWidgetTokens'].length] = 'sf10091459885b9b72a3d'; } else { w['_ekomiWidgetTokens'] = new Array('sf10091459885b9b72a3d'); } if (typeof (ekomiWidgetJs) == 'undefined') { ekomiWidgetJs = true; var scr = document.createElement('script'); scr.src = w['_ekomiServerUrl'] + '/js/widget.js'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(scr); } })(window);           ClickCease is a click-fraud detection, prevention and protection service software. Our anti click-fraud service protects our customers who use Google Adwords and Bing by using our industry leading detection algorithms. ClickCease blocks fraudulent IP's automatically.Clickcease is not affiliated with any search engine and is an independent provider.

           TWEETS BY CLICKCEASE >  !function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if (!d.getElementById(id)) { js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = p + "://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } }(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");    RELATED LINKS  Support Blog Affiliates What is click fraud Claim refund from Google for invalid Ad clicks Click Fraud Blocking Software How to stop bots and competitors from depleting your Adwords budget      KEEP IN TOUCH                      Terms & Conditions • Privacy  © ClickCease.com 2017. click fraud detection, click fraud protection, click fraud prevention ,click fraud software.              var plugin_path = 'assets/plugins/';         $(window).load(function () { $(".cc-loader").fadeOut("slow"); }) setTimeout(function () { $('.text-1').hide(); $('.text-2').hide(); }, 3000);