Take Back the Sky

Take Back the Sky

War Dogs, Book 3

Marooned beneath the icy, waxy crust of Saturn's moon, Titan, Skyrine Michael Venn and his comrades face double danger from Earth and from the Antagonists. Haunted by their dead, the former combatants must now team up with their enemies, forget their indoctrination and their training, and journey far beyond Pluto to the fabled Planet X...



8 Books That Will Make You Fall Hard for Science Fiction

Thank you to The Portalist for featuring Just Over the Horizon in this stellar list of science fiction:
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Jerry Pournelle 2017

One of my favorite Jerry moments happened during a Citizen's Advisory Council meeting in the 1980s, held at Larry Niven's home in Tarzana and attended by rocket scientists, engineers, politicians, NASA officials, and more than a few science fiction writers and fans. Jerry was in his element, putting capable people together to effect great changes, and toward the end of a busy day, he walked through a room and proclaimed... [Continue Reading]

Greg Bear Interviewed on GeekWire

Best-selling science fiction author Greg Bear is the guest on this inaugural episode of a new GeekWire podcast series on science fiction, pop culture and the arts, hosted by GeekWire columnist Frank Catalano.
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About Greg Bear

Portrait of Greg Bear by Astrid Anderson Bear, 2006

Greg Bear is the author of KILLING TITAN (Orbit 2015 - sequel to WAR DOGS), HULL ZERO THREE (Orbit 2010), CITY AT THE END OF TIME (Del Rey 2009), MARIPOSA (Perseus paperback November 2010), HALO: CRYPTUM, HALO: PRIMORDIUM, and HALO: SILENTIUM (Tor, 2011, 2012, and 2013). He's the father of two young writers, Erik and Alexandra, and is married to Astrid Anderson Bear, who has written for SAN DIEGO NOIR.

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