Latest Articles

Recent publications from the journal, including peer-reviewed articles, podcast episodes, and reprints of relevant articles from around the web.

What is Hybrid Pedagogy?

Hybrid Pedagogy is a community, a conversation, a collaboration, a school, and a journal. It is a place to discuss Critical Digital Pedagogy by advocating for students and fostering awareness of academic hierarchies. We (the staff and the authors) work together to enact an understanding of co-teaching within a community of mutual respect.

Hybrid Pedagogy launched in 2011. In its first year, the journal’s educational outreach efforts included a meta-MOOC about MOOCs, THATcamp Hybrid Pedagogy, and Digital Writing Month. These events formed international communities of teacher-students and showed that Critical Digital Pedagogy can be practiced as it is taught. Monthly Twitter chats under the #digped hashtag expand the community through casual, synchronous, idea sharing. The journal expanded into audio with the introduction of HybridPod, and it expanded its editorial staff with the #HPJ101 course, both debuting in 2015. Across four years, dozens of events, and hundreds of authors, Hybrid Pedagogy remains centered on praxis — the blend of theory and practice that develops with experience and reflection.

Articles in this journal combine personal experience, current conversations in academia, and a theoretical foundation that presumes the value, strength, and independent thinking of all learners. As such, Hybrid Pedagogy is not ideologically neutral. The journal’s principles can be found not only in its name and in articles like “What is Hybrid Pedagogy?”, but also in the works of critical pedagogues like Paulo Freire and bell hooks.

Education happens everywhere — all the time — and people must be empowered to learn and teach throughout their lives. And because technology is incorporated in all aspects of our lives, from the device you’re using to read this to the designed textiles you’re wearing, people must also be empowered to conscientiously evaluate the role of technology in their learning and teaching. Thus, Hybrid Pedagogy exists to explore those connections: the contact points and interconnectedness of learning, teaching, and technology in our lives. Our work is the work of advocacy — advocating for teachers, advocating for marginalized voices in education, but first and foremost advocating for students and learners.

In short, Hybrid Pedagogy is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that…

  • combines the strands of critical pedagogy and digital pedagogy to arrive at the best social and civil uses for technology and new media in education.
  • avoids valorizing educational technology, but seeks to interrogate and investigate technological tools to determine their most progressive applications.
  • invites you to an ongoing discussion that is networked and participant-driven, to an open peer reviewed journal that is both academic and collective.

For details, we invite you to learn more about our pedagogy, about our process, and about our people.

You can also follow us on social media:


Active Calls for Papers

Conversations we’re eager to host.

Discover Digital Pedagogy Lab

This journal is part of the Digital Pedagogy Lab network; there’s lots more to learn.

The Podcast

Episodes of HybridPod present interviews with progressive educators and ask how we can empower students and re-think teaching and learning in a digital age. Explore the podcast.

DPL Institute

From Madison to Cairo, Prince Edward Island, and Fredericksburg, Digital Pedagogy Lab hosts multi-day on-ground institutes focused on critical digital pedagogy. Explore institute offerings.

EDU Outreach

Can’t make it to one of our in-person institutes? Digital Pedagogy Lab offers regular Twitter chats on #digped, open online courses, and more. Watch our news page for updates.