Digital Pedagogy Lab offers a series of institutes that explore the role and application of digital technology in teaching
DPL Institute
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a digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology
Hybrid Pedagogy
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Digital Pedagogy Lab pursues a commitment to education through pedagogy and outreach. We advocate for the elevation of the student and the contingent teacher, the proliferation of voices across education, and the ongoing investigation and creative implementation of critical and digital pedagogies.

This project is not ideologically neutral. Our work is inspired by critical pedagogues like Paulo Freire and bell hooks. Education happens everywhere, all the time, and so people must be empowered to learn and teach throughout their lives.


Digital Pedagogy Lab offers a series of professional development opportunities including an annual 5-day institute, which offers hands-on work in critical digital pedagogy. We also offer other kinds of educational outreach online, including regular #digped chats on Twitter, open online courses, and more.

Starting in 2016, Digital Pedagogy Lab will be going “on the road” when invited by institutions, groups, or organizations interested in bringing the Institute environment to their educators, learners, technologists, and administrators.

Digital Pedagogy Lab: a Timeline


Recent updates and announcement

Digital Pedagogy Lab and ThinqStudio Collaborate in 2017-18

Co-authored by Brad Hinson (ThinqStudio PI), Remi Kalir (Co-PI), Pamela Laird (Co-PI), and Michael Zinser (Co-PI). “Critical Digital Pedagogy demands that open and networked educational environments must not be merely repositories of content. They must be platforms for engaging students and teachers as full agents of their own learning.” ~ Jesse Stommel, “Critical Digital Pedagogy: a Definition” Critical digital pedagogy...
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