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How long have you got left? Find out with our life expectancy interactive

Craig Butt, Soren Frederiksen

Published: October 19 2017 - 7:11AM

How much longer do you think you have left? Do you expect to be around for another 20, 50 or maybe even 100 years?

New data could help you estimate how long someone of your vintage can expect to live.

Just type your sex and your date of birth into our interactive, and it will produce a date around which someone in your age group is statistically likely to die.

Give it a try … if you dare.

How did you go?

Keep in mind this result is purely based on the projected life duration for your age group, and does not weigh up the many other factors that will influence how long you actually live for.

 This data is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. which publishes this information every year based on mortality figures and current life expectancy projections.

This life table data is especially popular with insurance companies, who use it to help determine their premiums.

The good news is that this data shows life expectancies are continuing to climb in Australia.

The figures show a newborn Australian girl will have a life expectancy of 84.6 years, while for boys it is 80.4.

Compare that with 20 years ago, when a newborn girl could expect to reach 81.1 and a boy could expect to live to 75.2.

But the data shows that life expectancy in Australia varies significantly across states and territories. 

The ACT has the highest life expectancy for both men (81.3 years) and women (85.2 years).

But those born in the Northern Territory have a life expectancy that is about five years lower than the national projections. A newborn boy there is expected to live to 75.6, while a woman is expected to reach 78.7.

The director of the Centre for Health Policy at the University of Melbourne, Philip Clarke, said improved life expectancy in the ACT was tied to better education levels and income of its inhabitants, while lower lifespans in the Northern Territory were connected to Indigenous disadvantage.

The data estimates that a 40-year-old Australian man is at the exact midpoint of his life, while 43-year-old woman is at the midpoint of hers.

And a man who has chosen to retire this year at age 67 can expect to enjoy another 18 years, while a woman the same age as him has 20.5 years still ahead of them.

Here is the breakdown for every 10 year increment.

It means that a 50-year-old man who thinks he is going through a midlife crisis could be more appropriately thought of as going through a '60 per cent of life crisis'.

But if your prognosis seems a bit grim, you can take heart from the fact the bureau's figures likely underestimate your actual life expectancy.

Professor Clarke said the data used current mortality rates to project the life expectancy and did not factor in any future improvements in lifespan. "If we extrapolate past trends, people can expect to live for longer," he said.

But he said growing antibiotic resistance and increasing obesity rates could impact on future mortality rates and, by extension, life expectancy.  

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/national/how-long-have-you-got-left-find-out-with-our-life-expectancy-interactive-20171018-gz3av2.html