Infernal Opera: Turkish Factions Fight for Power

[R]ight-wing, secular ultranationalist ideologues with a nasty past (led by Dogu Perincek) are now being supported by Erdogan to purge and take over ‘vacated’ positions of power in state security agencies in order to rid himself not only of suspected Gulenists, but also his own supporters whom he no longer trusts.

What Exactly Happened at Lausanne?

President Erdogan has been bashing the Treaty of Lausanne as being a defeat for Turkey, resulting in loss of Ottoman lands, rather than a victory… (R)ead what the parties to the treaty themselves had to say…

The New Turkey. What is it?

The New Turkey. What is it?

Institutions to Prevent Child Labor aren’t Working.

Institutions to precent child labor in Turkey aren’t working according to recent statistics.

Women’s Labor Participation in Turkey: Update

Recent indicators for Turkish women’s lives, including labor force participation, literacy rates, marriage age, income disparity, household labor, violence, political participation.

Turkey: The Long View

A brilliant talk.

Neoliberal Wars and Violent Gentrification

Violent gentrification and neoliberal wars: Expelling the Kurds from Diyarbakir’s Old City Sur, destroying the buildings, then expropriating and gentrifying. Is Turkish-Kurdish war a screen for sanitized urban renewal?

Lines of Fire

The real question is not who will win, but whether a civil war can be averted between the lines of fire now being laid down, between Kurds and Turks, Alevis and Sunnis, and ISIS-inspired Turks and the rest of Turkish society.

The Turkish Complex: Bigman, Hero, Traitor (The Video)

I was struck by a number of similarities [between Turkey in the 1970s and] present-day Turkey and wonder whether there are certain key culturally powerful concepts around which Turkish society and polity orient themselves — and that help to shape them — in every era, regardless of the current ideological labels.

The Disconnect Between Education and the Economy

The most recent official unemployment statistics for October 2014 have been released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK): official unemployment rate is 10.6 percent, non-agricultural unemployment rate 12.7 percent. Nearly one fourth of the officially unemployed are college graduates, more than half (54%) of them women.