

In September, Facebook confirmed Russian trolls spent $100,000 on its platform during last year's US elections.

Masters of dark arts: Facebook failing on fake news

Australian Tim Doyle spent $85.10 and 10 minutes to set up a 'fake' ad account on Facebook, and a page "Ohio for Trump" linked to it. He got 10,000 people in Ohio to view it. Imagine what a bigger budget could do.

Mark Zuckerberg's cartoon avatar touring hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico: cartoon Technology critics derided the video as ...

Zuckerberg chided for 'tone-deaf' virtual Puerto Rico trip

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg apologised on Tuesday after drawing criticism for live-streaming a video of him taking a virtual reality tour of hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico to promote a new Facebook feature.

Fleet Space Technologies CEO Flavia Nardini.

Australia can play a role in 'second space age'

There is a fierce national debate over energy policy, but also as a (much quieter) debate around Australia's possible role in what is being described as "the second space age" begins to play out.

Niki Scevak, of Blackbird Ventures, says "it's the subtle differences" in the way men and women get treated that make a ...

Blackbird tries out a new tune for hiring

The lack of female founders and mentors in Australia's tech community is a worry says Blackbird Ventures co-founder Niki Scevak, but the firm is trialling new ways of hiring.

Tesla's flagship Model S sedan outsold the Mercedes S-Class and BMW 7-Series last year in the US.

Mercedes plots Tesla attack with $1b US electric push

Daimler plans to spend $US1 billion ($1.26 billion) to start production of Mercedes-Benz electric vehicles at its Alabama factory, setting the world's largest luxury-car maker up to battle with battery-car specialist Tesla on its home turf.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook.: The last thing he wants is to end up dependent for memory chips on his archrival Samsung.

'That's enough': Cook is plotting Apple's biggest deal

It's been a busy week for Apple. While its CEO Tim Cook showed off the 10th anniversary iPhone in California, he had his lieutenants work half a world away on what may become the company's largest deal ever.


The 'tech-lash' against Google and Facebook is upon us

The world's biggest technology companies all had to overcome ridiculous, seemingly insurmountable odds to get where they are today. Having scaled the summits of capitalism, they are now facing a different, and arguably even more unpredictable, kind of challenge.