Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Troubled is an apt title for what you are about to hear. Were the New Creation a band of smiling hippies with guitars and tambourines, and most importantly, a message of salvation and eternal love, or were they a nefarious cult of acid-eating weirdos bent on twisting the gospel to serve their own hedonistic freaklust, or was this merely some awkward piece of evangelism targeting a hip young generation of flower children? Whatever they were, they were fucking creepy, and this fucked up record that sounds like The Shaggs meets The Velvet Underground is unbelievable. For instance, the song "Dig" is an upbeat little ditty denying evolution. On the track "Sodom and Gomorrah" the New Creation cheerfully sing about the sins of premarital sex and the end of the world, "You have been warned." The New Creation kids might seem nice enough when they give you a ride in their van and offer you a meal back at their ranch. One of their flaxen-haired maidens may even catch your eye, but don't take the bait, once the sun goes down and you are even farther from home, their faces distort and their shambling mirthful songs become twisted commands to see the nonbeliever torn asunder. These fucking hippies make the Manson family seem like the Rotary Club. Run for your fucking life.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Speak of the Devil

...And speaking of Satan, here's the great beast himself, Aleister Crowley, Father Perdurabo the founder of Thelema, mystic, adept, O.T.O. leader, and muse of Ozzy's greatest song. Dig into his grainy, drug-fueled wax cylinder recordings. The Great Beast prattles on in his eloquent Englishmen's inflection about all sorts of kooky Crowleyisms. Kind of reminds me of Current 93 without instrumentation and recorded in 1910. Listen for the lyrics appropriated by Douglas P. for Death In June's "Runes and Men."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stylish God

Tepid and loping rockabilly from 1965 made utterly fascinating by the big booming lesbian voice of sixteen-year-old Isabel Baker, as she sings of blood and hell with as much conviction as Jeff Becerra. She digs God, and can't wait to die so she can meet him. Very little information exists on this pious platter, but it has been repressed as a CD and has appeared on many blogs before. Get some Jesus on you with this weird record.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Life Is a Problem

This excellent compilation reminds us that Christians aren't always stodgy, bloated, white people that hate fun. Sometimes they are rocking black folk that love a great song as much as they love their Jesus. Even when they're decrying the evils of the Devil's rock music it rocks. Life Is a Problem collects some of the greatest, strangest primitive gospel music the world has ever heard.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Satanic Mass

This is probably the greatest party record of all time, provided that your party includes a nude woman altar and chalices brimming with LSD-tainted blood. Church of Satan founder and spokesfiend, Anton LaVey had you in mind in 1968 when he committed this most unholy of Satanic Masses to tape. Any would-be occultist with a turntable and a few candles could be as counterculture and wicked as the most elite, self-absorbed Satanarchists in San Francisco. Some forty years later, the Church of Satan is but a hollow ram's skull of it's former self, but that doesn't mean that the steely knives of time and infighting have killed the beast. Satan is within us all and just waiting for you to download this album to give him his proper due. Say it after me, "Hail Satan!"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Radio Werewolf

More campy Satanic horror for you. This time from Radio Werewolf, who were perhaps best known for being the musical entity of Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena and her nefarious writer hubby Nikolas Schreck. Despite its obvious sensational appeal and hokey tendencies, The Fiery Summons is an engaging half hour of vaguely fascist ritualistic martial goth ambient weirdness that lies squarely between Jacula and Blood Axis. Released in the very Satanic year of 1989.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oops! There Comes Stupidity

Would you believe there are people in this world who think the universe was created by a single being, and this single being had a son with an Earth woman who grew up and could do things like turn bread into fish and walk on water? Would you double over with laughter if I told you they actually believe this son was killed and stuffed into a cave, but a few days later he rose from the dead and danced around? They also believe that by simply stating your love for this special man that all past transgressions are null and void, and you will get to spend eternity in a magical kingdom in the sky. Pretty nuts, huh? Well, what if I told you that there are well over 2,039,000,000 people worldwide who believe this? Still, this is not enough. There exists still a great number of people who think these notions are absurd, or know nothing of them at all, and some of them are children. Well in 1975, a couple of young forward-thinking evangelicals came up with a brilliant strategy for witnessing to the most malleable of Earth's beleaguered populace, the fucking kids. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker had just started their own television ministry in North Carolina, the fledgling PTL network. It was here they first introduced two loveable characters, a borderline retarded Alligator named Ally (voiced by Jim) and a cloying pig named Sue (voiced by Tammy,) that looked suspiciously like Porky Pig in drag. See Jim and Tammy understood that lying to children is easier done with puppets, and ventriloquism is easier done on records. Hence the album bearing the gramatically stunted title, Oops! There Comes a Smile was born. Side one is a collection of some of the weirdest, most uncomfortable hymns to Jesus ever comitted to tape. When Sue sings of her love for JC it seems rather inappropriate. Take for instance the song Happiness Is to Know the Savior where Sue ecstatically sings "Jesus and me in close relations/Having a part in his salvation." I guess there's more than one way to feel the love of Christ come all over you. And this is hardly the most twisted song on the album, oh not by a long shot. There's the track God Is Watching You All the Time, which tells of an omnipotent creator who watches everything you do including extorting money from your ministry or banging your secretary, which Ally, I mean Jim, coincidentally did in 1987. And what about Heaven Is a Wonderful Place? In this song Sue sings of her eagerness to die and "see her saviour's face." Well, in 2007 Sue, I mean Tammy, got her wish when she died of lung cancer. Cancer was like her golden chariot that delivered her into Jesus' arms, cancer is a wonderful thing. Then a bit off topic is the cut I Wonder. It is here where Ally and Sue wrestle with their uncertain futures and wonder what career path they should choose. While Sue deliberates on whether to be a "nurse or a teacher or a mother of three,"Ally contemplates a future as a policeman, a firemen or a fisherman. Ultimately these two animals decide to not decide and let Jesus solve this conundrum by choosing for them. Nietzsche famously stated that god is dead, but Ally and Sue claim he isn't in the rollicking jam God's Not Dead. Who are you to believe, one of the most influential philosophers of western civilization or a pair of doltish animal puppets? I know, tough call. Side two has some bible stories told by Ally. I have never successfully made it through side two. There is no shortage of disturbing christian children's records collecting dust in the Goodwills of the red states, but the songs on Oops! There Comes a Smile are perhaps the most bizarre with their blatant message of subservience and forfeiture of mind. To the rest of us evangelical christians are fucking creepy, and Oops! There Comes a Smile does little to change this, but is it really possible that 2,039,000,000 people, an alligator, and a pig could be that fucking stupid?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Satan Motherfucker!!!

About seven years ago I was flipping through the pages of Metal Maniacs when I happened across a classified ad posted by an entity going by the moniker Lord Asmodeus. He was pushing a tape titled Prayers For Satan for a lousy $5, so I bit. Lord Asmodeus promptly sent me the tape from his demonic kingdom of Monroeville, Ohio. Along with the tape was a poorly written letter thanking me for my support and offering me a firm position in his unholy coven for an additional $10, I didn't bite. The tape sounds like an obsessed teenager with one of those vocal effects that Beherit was so fond of and a cheap Casio keyboard, in other words IT RULES!!! The bold, misspelled statement shown above was scanned right from the inside panel of the tape's insert. I feel a bit strange about posting this, as there really is no way for me to know how many of you are "real Satan-worshiping motherfuckers," but perhaps this weird bit of outsider art will be the impetus for you to get off your lazy ass and start worshipping some fucking Satan. Enjoy. Here

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Sometimes a band will shift gears and change direction so drastically that one has to wonder if something utterly tragic or completely magic happened during the interim. Such was the case when Beherit, early and highly influential purveyors of blasphemous black death metal, opted to make "H418ov21.C". This album is deeply satanic, deeply evil, and in no way at all metal. This self-described "Ritual Music" seems to be the outcome of much narcotized contemplation by Beherit main-man Nuclear Holocausto. While I'm sure the hordes of Beherit fans probably hated "H418ov21.C", I found it to be creepier than any previous Beherit offering. This record was made with what sounds like a cheap Casio keyboard and an even cheaper vintage drum machine, one track being just a continuous rapid bass drum. So fucking weird and personal sounding, as if Beherit didn't want to make this so much as they HAD to. Druggy, evil, and just straight-up bizarre. Here:

Thursday, November 29, 2007


A Northern California UFO cult founded by Guy W. Ballard (1878-1939) and his wife, Edna W. Ballard (1886-1971). Guy Ballard had studied occult teachings and came to visit Mt. Shasta, California, seen as the home of mystic adepts from Atlantis who lived inside the massive volcano. It was there he met Saint Germain. He enlisted the Ballards to usher in the "I AM" Age of Eternal Perfection on Earth.

You can download the "I AM" Memorial Invocation Album here: