
Life denied

An aggrieved North American's reflections on work and travel.

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

Immediate call to all our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians wherever they are
A direct and special call to our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians Arabic-speaking

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

Nothing is sacred, everything can be spoken - Raoul Vaneigem

Among the most influential members of Situationist International, Vaneigem is inspired by facts and debates on the agenda in order to rip apart the certainties of the right-thinking self-righteous and the claims of those who stand in judgement and censorship. A provocative pamphlet in the wake of the enlightenment and libertarian tradition.

Tsesnik, Grigori Anatolievich or Antonovich (1890-1938)

A short biography of Grigori Tsesnik, Russian anarchist hounded by the Soviet authorities

The philosophical foundations of property rights - Alan Carter

A philosophical critique of property rights from an anarchist perspective. Written in 1989, it is to some degree a response to the "economic libertarianism" of Robert Nozic.

Interhelpo, kiel faktoro de la evoluo- Petro Kropotkin

Interhelpo estas verko de Petro Kropotkin, originale verkita en la angla kaj eldonita en 1902, esperantlingve eldonita de SAT kaj Impeto en 1996, en kiu li respondas al la tezoj de la sociaj darvinistoj, emfazante la gravecon de la interhelpa meĥanismo, apud la natura selektado, kadre de la teorio pri evoluismo.

Tradukis J. Lépeix kaj Valo.

Clara Zetkin interviews Lenin on the women's question

Clara Zetkin's account of her 1920 discussions with Lenin on the Women's question. The interview is notable, for while Lenin supports women's involvement in the communist party, he also dismisses sex worker organising, and calls discussion of 'the sex question' bourgeois - an early example of the attempts to subsume specific concerns for party building.

Ours to master and to own: workers' control from the commune to the present

Workers control demonstration in Argentina

A detailed account and analysis of instances of the working class taking control of production from the late 19th century onwards, by Dario Azzellini and Immanuel Ness.

Algeria: The Kabyle mentality

Sail Mohamed with a comrade in Spain

Critical comments on the Algerian national liberation movement by Algerian anarchist Sail Mohamed in 1951.

The 14 October 1973 Thai uprising

Street battle during the uprising

A short overview of the successful uprising in Thailand following a wave of wildcat strikes which toppled the military dictatorship and forced the introduction of democratic elections.