Why I Love Visiting Mexico

There is nothing quite like the uniqueness of visiting Mexico and a lot of the time it is always losing to its bigger brother, the United States. It is in my opinion even better than the states and I wanted to talk a little bit about why I love it even more. So sit back, relax and enjoy reading about one of the best places to travel on the planet.

The Riviera Maya

This is one of the best if not the best parts of all of Mexico and there is so much on offer here, from diving and snorkelling, to restaurants, nightlife and shopping. This is one of the premier diving destinations in the entire country and the world. You can see tropical fish, coral reefs, whales sharks and other amazing wildlife too. The Riviera Maya vacation rentals aren’t bad either, especially in this part of the world with some of the best beaches and weather that you can possibly imagine.

The diversity

Mexico is a large place with a lot to offer in terms of landscapes, climates, food, culture and people. There are so many ways to experience it, from the beaches of the gulf of Mexico or in the gritty streets of Tijuana, near the California border. There really is something for everyone here, which is one of the best things when it comes to travel. Everyone should do it and enjoy it in their own way.

The historical sites

Mexico has an interesting history with the Aztecs and Mayans, which were two different people that had very interesting cultures and beliefs for their time. These two civilisations have left their mark on Mexico with a huge number of historic sites that dot the country. The Mayans are very famous for their stepped pyramids and intricate cities that they built, many of which have been well preserved and you can visit to this day. My favourite is definitely El Castillo pyramid.

The beaches

These are without a doubt one of the highlights of Mexico and the country certainly benefits from its huge coastline and ideal location, it also has a very warm and beautiful climate to enjoy the great beaches. The beaches of the Gulf of Mexico are my personal favourites, as these are your typical white sand beaches that have the most amazing deep blue water that you could only dream about. If you wanted to you could combine a visit to Tulum beach with the adjacent Mayan ruins, which was absolutely perfect for me on my last trip there.

Argentina: three useful tips for travelers on a tight schedule


When people think about Argentina, they usually associate it with mountains, falls, gauchos, wine, football, drama, and an endless inhabited bunch of remote lands. Sometimes, when speaking of a remote place, people refer to it as “La Pampa”.

Then, when the time comes to plan a real visit to Argentina, it can result difficult to squeeze every location in one trip. Let’s have a look at some of the most common doubts, and the tips to cope with them:

With so many attractions, how to decide what to choose?

After making a first research, familiarize with the popular destinations and the minimum days to visit each one of them; and locate the destinations on a map. It will definitively help you have a better panorama about the distances, and to trigger new ideas about how to combine them with the main attractions in the neighboring countries.

Then, check out when is the best time of the year to visit them all, and how many flights you would need to do it. You will realize that some destinations are not really worth the visit in some months of the year, which will help you set priorities.

Many flights for just a few days

You don’t have to swing by Buenos Aires to rejoin every other place. For instance, Córdoba is a good hub, or there are even some direct flights between the main regional cities (you just need to check which days they operate).

Some destinations can be joined overland (or by Fjords), through singular sceneries, demanding the same time than doing it with a long stopover flight. For example, you can go from Ushuaia to Punta Arenas in a full day bus or a private transfer. Or you can go from Bariloche to Puerto Montt, through the “Cross Lakes” excursion. This opens up a new world of possibilities to combine many of the regions in one trip.

What to do on the arrival/departure days at the different destinations

Those who don’t have the chance to leave those days free (in order to enjoy the places in a more relaxed way, which is suggested) come to a very common doubt: is it possible to go on an excursion on the day of my arrival/departure?

Well, even though it depends on many factors, it’s useful to take the following into consideration:

If it’s on the day of your departure, there are no major inconveniences apart from being aware of the airport location and the time that you need to reach it. If it’s on your arrival day, have in mind that flight delays in Argentina are very common, so either calculate a big gap between your arrival time and the beginning of your excursion, or go on a private tour.

You can actually visit a lot of “essentials” under this scheme. The only disadvantage, maybe, is that in some places it is better to set a particular order for the attractions to visit (a matter of leaving the best for the end ☺).

If you take an evening flight on your day out, for example, you would be able to visit: Brazilian falls (Iguazu), Tierra del Fuego National Park (Ushuaia), one of the navigations to the Glaciers Upsala & Spegazzini (El Calafate), Short Circuit (Bariloche), and many other places around the country.

One way or the other, don’t miss out your chances of getting the best out of your visit, by asking a local travel expert for advice.

How To Make Your Airport Experience Easier

Airports can certainly be a stressful place, but they don’t have to be as long as you know all the tips and tricks for navigating them successfully. I thought today would be a good day to write about all the things I know about getting through any airport as quickly and as easily as possible.

Getting there and getting to your final destination

One thing you need to understand about airports is that it can be an absolute nightmare to get there and also to get from the airport to where you need to go. This is generally a problem that is very underestimated and often the stress starts from getting to the airport. I would highly recommend an airport transfer because it is fast, efficient and much more comfortable. I recently tried out an airport transfer company called Blacklane and it was great because it was comfortable, fast and professional. The best thing was that my flight was 45 minutes late and there is one hour of included waiting time included in the price!


When you don’t have a lot of time, simply speaking to airport employees can be a very big help. Nobody wants to miss their flight and simply saying something can go a very long way. If this fails, your fellow passengers may show some sympathy and let you go ahead of them in the queue. Remember that if you don’t ask, you don’t get!

Be ready

When going through security it is always a good idea to remove any items that you need to before you reach the front of the line. This includes metallics objects, laptops, etc. For some reason people always tend to do this at the very end and it holds people up. If you do this while you are waiting you can simply have your things scanned and then walk straight through. This is not only good for you, but for the others that just want to get through security and get onto their respective flights.

Don’t line up to get on the plane

There is always that feeling that you are going to miss your flight, but the reality is that the flight won’t leave without you and you can quite simply stay seated and watch the line for the plane. The most important thing to remember is that your seat cannot be occupied by somebody else. If you do have a slightly bigger bag as carry on luggage then it may be a good idea to line up ensure that you get enough space in the overhead lockers on the plane.

5 Quick Tips To Improve Your Travel


I am all about making travel quicker, easier and more convenient and I have learnt many of these things along the way. Here are five quick tips for improving your travel experience and making it so much easier than before.

No more rushing to the airport

By staying in Stansted airport hotels you can greatly reduce the stress involved in rushing to the airport.
Airport hotels
are the perfect place to chill out and save you so much time because the airport is extremely close. This is great for flights in the morning or for those that don’t live especially close to the airport. I really enjoy doing this too because I can take my time and not get stressed out about things.

Noise cancelling headphones

These are a literal godsend when it comes to traveling and are something that you will thank me for recommending. Noise canceling headphones, of course, don’t get rid of sound completely but they dull out the most annoying parts of this. This is particularly the case for the droning sound that planes make. You will actually notice how much less fatigued you feel at the end of the journey.

Wash your face and feet

I find that traveling makes my feet swell up and my face just feels hot and flushed. The best way to deal with this is to wash your face and feet whenever you get the chance. Wash your feet with cold water to get the circulation in your legs going, especially for those long flights. This is something that I love to do whilst in transit and have a long layover.

Top up on your prescriptions before you leave

It is always a great idea to go to the pharmacist and get some more of any medication that you take before you travel, this will definitely save you the trouble of finding it all yourself on your trip, when really you should exploring an amazing new place and not worrying about your health. It is a good idea to keep medication in the original packaging for customs reasons, as some countries may be stricter on certain types of medications.

Have some backup money

This may sound pretty obvious, but there are a huge number of people that don’t look after their money situation when they travel and this can definitely become a problem. Don’t just travel without a backup, because things do happen and you will end up in tears. It is always great to have a spare card or some extra cash that is stashed separately from the rest of your money and main cards.

Things Private Car Drivers Know

Stepping into a private car in San Francisco or other major city isn’t just about the exclusive feeling of having your own space. There are so many benefits of hiring a private car, so read on to find out more of the reasons I only take private cars.

The streets

Private drivers are experts of the streets and know them like the back of their hand. They can therefore get you where you need to go very quickly and easily. It is so important to remember that they are not interested in taking you the long way, like a taxi driver would do or a bus would naturally do. The fact is that a private car provides an experience suited to you and not for the masses, which is absolutely worth the little bit extra that you have to pay.

How to deliver great service

Private drivers absolutely pride themselves on their high quality service, after all this is one of the things that they are judged on. If they cannot provide a great service, then they will not be driving for very long. Therefore private car drivers think of all aspects when it comes to a great driving experience. For example, they will drive smoothly and comfortably, unlike many taxi drivers, who can be extremely erratic and scary at times. You can also expect your private car to arrive early when you need to be picked up and for you to be dropped off early too. Private car drives can also call you to let you know when they are arriving and you can easily change your pick up point on the fly. Of course, you cannot do this with a taxi.

Other inside knowledge

Of course a private driver will be good at navigating the streets of your chosen city, but this is not where the service stops. You can always ask your driver some tips for the local area, especially if you are in a city that isn’t your own. You will definitely find that private drivers will have some great inside knowledge of places to eat, drink, visit and go out. These people are often locals too, so they can suggest some of the best local experiences possible.

Everything You Need to Prepare for an Awesome Road Trip

A road trip is always a great idea. You can get a lot of awesome experiences along the way, plenty of stories to tell on your travel blog, and of course more than enough pictures and beautiful videos for your Instagram and YouTube accounts. It doesn’t have to be a particularly long road trip either. A simple trip to a neighbouring city or a nice drive through the countryside can be as epic as a long road trip.


To have an awesome road trip, however, there are a few things you need to prepare. We are going to go over the complete list of things to prepare right here in this article.

A Route

One of the first things to do when preparing for a road trip is to prepare a route. Set a destination and start looking into the different roads you can take for the most thrilling experience. You can use tools such as Furkot or the popular app Roadtrippers (available for iOS) to help you get started.

Plan stops along the way, but leave some room for spontaneous visits too. You never know what you may find once you’re on the road.

A Car (and a Valid Driving License)

Your car needs to be in good shape for the trip. The last thing you want is to have to deal with breakdowns and car problems in the middle of nowhere. Alternatively, you can rent a car specifically for the trip.

If you want to rent a car for the road trip, make sure you can turn the car in at the destination, especially if you’re going on a particularly long trip. This will allow you to fly home instead of having to drive all the way back.

A valid driving license is also necessary. Fortunately, passing your driving test is now very easy to do. You can rely on resource centres such as Top Tests to help you practice your theory, making it easier to ditch your provisional license and get a full driving license.

Safety Items and Preps

Another important thing to do is to make sure you’re safe throughout the trip. For this, you need to prepare some safety and emergency items. A complete set of meds and an emergency kit, apps to help you get in touch with friends or family in the event of an emergency, and additional knowledge about emergency services (and amenities) that you can access easily along the way are among the things to focus on.

You can also use apps like HotelQuickly or Booking.com to find last minute deals on accommodation, just in case you need to make an emergency stop or you cannot make it to the next city. These apps can help you find the nearest hotel by using your last known GPS position.

Other Basic Kits

Last but not least, make sure you have these basic items prepared for the trip:

  • Some cash for expenses and emergencies.
  • Entertainment! Get your Spotify playlists downloaded and make sure you prepare some movies to keep you entertained at night.
  • Simple games to keep you from getting bored on longer roads.
  • Don’t forget your camera and some spare batteries!

That’s it! With these simple preparatory tips, you can plan – and have – an awesome road trip. Don’t forget to share the experience with company; it’s always best to go on a road trip with at least one friend.

Why are more people starting travel blogs these days?

It seems that these days there are an increasing number of people that are choosing to learn how to start a travel blog. Travel blogs, in recent years, have become extremely popular as the world becomes much more accessible to all of us.

Learning how to start a travel blog is not only great fun but it also allows you to earn money, get free things and let the world know more about your travels/experiences. I started a travel blog a few years ago and I haven’t looked back since. It’s opened up a whole new world to me and I just wished that I had learned how to start a travel blog a lot sooner.

Obviously everyone would like to have one of the world’s best travel blogs, but you don’t need to be one of the big bloggers, lots of people have a blog because it acts as a personal diary, allows friends and family to keep up with there travels and also it can inspire others to hit the road and explore this amazing planet.

One of the best things about having a travel blog are the amazing perks that come along with it. I can not believe the amount of free things that people give me and also that people will pay me to write for them or review a product of theirs.

SO how can you get these perks? The first step is to learn how to start a travel blog, then you have to go after these things.

Guest Posting

This is when a company or a brand will ask to publish an article on your website which you label as a ‘guest post’ – it’s almost like them paying you for advertising space because they want your audience to read about their product.

Tour Reviews

This is always a good one for travel bloggers because you can contact lots of tour companies around the world to see if you can review their tour service. By doing this they will more often than not offer you the tour for free – which traveller doesn’t like getting free trips? I know I don’t!


If people like the style of your writing then you will often be approached by people asking you to write articles for them. This can be anything from travel articles to general articles about life – and don’t forget that people are prepared to pay big money too!

What makes the perfect rugby tour?

I have been playing rugby since I was five years old. When my mother dropped me off at the field on that first day I was nervous to say the least, little did I know that I was going to absolutely love and make lifelong friends. I think every kid should play a little rugby because of the respect you learn, how to work as a team and most of all the bond it creates between your team mates and you.


It’s a bond that is very difficult to break because after playing with the same group of guys for ten years in one of the toughest team sports there is you really will do anything for each other. If one link in that bond breaks during a match then it’s going to be a very bad afternoon.

This bond is not just made on the rugby field during a match or even on the training ground, a lot of it happens off the field. There is no better way for a team to bond than go on a rugby tour. I have been to France, Holland, all over the UK and even Thailand on rugby tours – after each one we certainly were closer as a team. It goes without saying that there’s always a little bit of over indulgence off the field, but there’s nothing wrong with that!

So what exactly makes a perfect rugby tour? From my many experiences on tour I think these are the top 3.

Good Planning

Usually as a team you get a free ride and it’s the coaches or another senior member of the club that organises everything. Making sure the transport is spot on, the hotel decent and prepared for a rugby team, but most of all that everyone has paid their deposits on time is key.

Having Fun On The Field

Sometimes on tour you will have to really have your game head on and play seriously because you’re in a tournament. At other times you will be playing a one off match against a local team, whilst everyone wants to win there is always an element of fun about it. This is because it’s not for a cup or in a league. So the main thing is to enjoy it because you’ll probably never play that team again.

Having Fun Off The Field

This is usually where the hosts excel and make it a trip to remember. Bonding with the opposition, regardless of what happened on the field, is the perfect way to round off the day. Not only will they show you their favourite bars and be your personal tour guides,  but I am almost certain that you will have an amazing song session in their bar. If it’s a foreign club they always like to hear some English rugby songs and vice versa.

It’s time to head to Polzeath

Polzeath is a beautiful little village located on the north coast of Cornwall. It’s world famous for it’s spectacular surfing opportunities and superb beach. The beach is one of the best in the UK, it’s golden sands stretch from Pentire Head all the way west to Highcliff. It’s most famous visitor has to be Sir John Betjeman who mentioned it in more than one of his verses.


Polzeath is the ideal location for surfers and anyone that loves the beach. I love it because if the sea is swirling and the surf is good you can sit back and watch the surfers battle with mother nature. If you’re a keen swimmer then you’ll be pleased to hear that during the summer months there are always life guards on duty during the daytime.

There are so many amazing reasons to visit Polzeath; the sweeping beach, dolphins, bird watching, coastal paths for hiking, waterfront restaurants with tasty food and amazing views, plus Polzeath holiday accommodation is fantastic. Whatever budget you’re working with or type of holiday you’re on; couple, family or friends, you can be sure to find it here.

So once you’re there, what should you do? Well, you will be spoilt for choice and that’s one of the main reasons why people are drawn to this village year after year. Here are my top 3 things to do when you arrive.

– Enjoy a fun day out on the beach. This has to go top of the list because it’s definitely the best thing to do. At the beach you’ll find a number of activities; rock pooling, building sand castles with the kids, body boarding and you can also try your hand at surfing by taking a lesson or two.

– Eat until you can’t eat anymore. With so many restaurants and cafes dotted along the coast, there’s no better way to spend a few hours than eating good food, sipping on a coffee, reading a book or taking in the views.

– Going for a walk is such a great activity. You have a number of coastal paths to choose from, all of which offer you superb views. Taking in the fresh ocean air all day will build up a great appetite for eating out at night.

4 Hidden Gems in Peru


Peru is world famous for its rich culture and history, particularly with many Inca sites, such as Machu Picchu, and is world famous as a South America Tours destination. Of course there is so much more to this beautiful country and today in this article we will go through some of the alternative places to visit in Peru, so read on to find out more.


The other Machu Picchu

Choquequirao is known as the “other” Machu Picchu and actually translated to “cradle of gold” and no Peru Tour should ever be completed without a visit here. It is located about forty kilometres away from Machu Picchu, but has a much more authentic and unexplored feel, especially with a significantly lower number of tourists. The challenge of the hike is something that many experienced travellers will relish in, so make sure you pack some good walking shoes. In the end you will be rewarded by stunning views that go as far as the eye can see, huge canyons, Inca ruins and the feeling of almost total isolation!


Lake Titicaca

This lake lies between Peru and Bolivia and is about 3800 metres above sea level and is a well known tourist spot, that is generally teeming with tourists. The best way to view the lake is of course in the route less travelled and the best place to do this is at Llachon. This small place is located 80 kilometres of Puno and offers many options for hiking, historic sites and even experiencing the lake from a kayak. This place is a far cry from the other tourist saturated viewing points of the lake and is sure to please someone looking for a bit more peace and quiet.

Kuelap Fortress, 3000 meters (9840 feet) above sea level, is seen in the Andean region of Chachapollas, in this aerial view taken June 25, 2011. The archaeological site of Kuelap, constructed by the pre-Inca Chachapollas community in about 800 AD, consists of more than four hundred buildings with stone walls of heights of up to 19 meters (62 feet). REUTERS/Janine Costa (PERU - Tags: TRAVEL ENVIRONMENT)

Kuelap Fortress

This fortified citadel was built by the Chachapoyas and sits 900 metres above sea level overlooking the Utcubamba Valley in northern Peru. Getting to this magical place is not the easiest, but it sure is worth it, especially with its ruins, which feature huge stone walls (about 600 metres high) and hundreds of small round dwellings that are protected by these walls. Kuelap Fortress is a place that you won’t forget and you can find out more about it here.


Cotahuasi Canyon

Cotahuasi Canyon is actually the deepest canyon in the world and of course everyone knows the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but it is interesting to note that it is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon at over 3400 metres deep. Like most destinations in this article, this is not the easiest place to reach and is often ignored for the more travel friendly Colca Canyon. No words could probably accurately describe this amazing place, but there are a multitude of things to enjoy, like waterfalls, alpacas, amazing views and of course hot springs.