- published: 30 Oct 2016
- views: 122833
Ponorogo is one of the 29 regencies (kabupaten) of East Java, Indonesia. It is considered the birthplace of Reog Ponorogo, a traditional Indonesian dance form. The Regency covers an area of 1,305.70 sq. km, and it had a population of 855,281 at the 2010 Census; the latest official estimate (as at 2014) is 879,306.
Ponorogo Regency is located in the southwestern part of the province of East Java on the border with Central Java province. It lies approximately 200 km south-west of Surabaya, the provincial capital of East Java. The regency lies between 92 and 2563 meters above sea level and covers an area of about 1,305.7 km2.
According to the Babad Ponorogo history, Ponorogo was founded when Bathoro Katong conquered the Wengker region. This region had previously been controlled by Suryo Ngalam Wengker. Bathoro Katong originally settled in modern-day Pekalongan in what is now the village Setono in district Jenangan. Though faced with many obstacles, Raden Katong, Aji Selo, and Ki Ageng Mirah and his family continued to establish settlements in the region.
A city centre (or city center) is the commercial, cultural and often the historical, political and geographic heart of a city.
The city centre is the (often historical) area of a city where commerce, entertainment, shopping and political power are concentrated. The term is commonly used in many English-speaking countries and has direct equivalents in many other languages. However, notably, in the United States, the term "downtown" is commonly used to denote a city centre, and in Canada the terms "city centre" and "downtown" are used interchangeably. In Australia, the term "Central Business District" is widely used to refer to the city centre, but usage of the term "City Centre" is increasing, especially in Melbourne.
In many cities, the Central Business District (CBD) is within the city centre, but the concept "city centre" differs from the CBD. The concept of the "CBD" revolves solely around economic and financial power, but the "city centre" also includes historical, political and cultural factors. A clear example is Paris: La Défense is the central business district of Paris, but it is not the city centre. In most larger and/or older cities, the CBD and the city centre will only partially overlap, if at all.
Beberapa hari terakhir sejak kepergian Mifta koran harian Ponorogo selalu dihiasi dengan berita terkait korban kecelakaan bernama Mifta siswi kelas 1 SMP Ma'arif Ponorogo dan juga kondisi rumah orang tuanya yang tak layak huni. Kabar terkait keberadaan sang ibu yang sudah 8 tahun di Malaysia tanpa kabar, kini sudah dapat dilacak dan dikomunikasikan dengan keluarganya.Sesuai dengan informasi yang kami dapat dari rekan wartawan Ponorogo Samini sudah menghubungi orang rumah, sudah telepon suaminya. Kami semua sebagai orang Ponorogo berdoa semoga Samini bisa segera dipulangkan Samini saat ini bekerja sebagai PATI atau TKI dengan dokumen yang telah kadaluarsa karena overstay di Malaysia sudah ada niatan untuk pulang ke Indonesia menemui anak dan suaminya di rumah. Samini kini menunggu pihak ...
Ribuan Warga Padati Parade Gelar Budaya Ponorogo. Event tahunan parade gelar budaya selalu menarik antusiasme ribuan warga masyarakat. Sabtu 6/8/2016 warga memadati jalur parade dari alun alun Ponorogo menuju Ratan Anyar Suromenggolo menempuh jarak sekitar 4 KM.
Ponorogo City Center kui mall sing paling gede sementara iki neng Ponorogo. Lokasine neng Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, kulone Jeruk Sing / Samsat Ponorogo. Neng Ponorogo City Center enek hotel sing jenenge hotel Amaris (Grup Santika Hotel). Pas liburan akhir tahun wingi aku sempet mlaku-mlaku neng Ponorogo City Center. Dolanan panahan (archery), mangan donat neng MOKKO Factory lan mangan mie jowo neng Tong Tji Tea House.
Ponorogo di masa penjajahan Belanda Ponorogo pada zaman dahulu
AYAH TUNA NETRA, IBU JADI TKW 10 TAHUN TIDAK ADA KABAR Sebuah kecelakaan maut yang merenggut nyawa siswi SMP Ma'arif 1, Ponorogo Dwi Miftakul Hasanah, pada sekitar pukul 16:30, 25 oktober 2016, dan meninggal pada 26 Oktober 2016, setelah sempat di rawat di rumah sakit karna pendarahan di bagian otak. Kecelakaan terjadi di timur pasarpon antara sepeda ontel ( siswi SMP MAARIF 1) dengan sepeda motor satria (siswa STM PGRI 2). Keluarga Dwi yang Beralamat di Belakang Gedung Joang, Jl. Batoro Kathong No.115B, kelurahan Kertosari, Kecamatan Badaban, Ponorogo ini dengan membawa Kisah kehidupan yang sangat pilu. Bagai mana tidak, kehidupannya yang sangat jauh dari batas garis kemiskinan, rumahnya yang juga bergabung dengan kambing, akan membuat semua orang terenyuh melihatnya. Ayahnya yang m...
Wakil bupati PONOROGO Kena BULLY - Kh Anwar ZAhid Terbaru - Pengajian lucu Wakil bupati PONOROGO Kena BULLY - Kh Anwar ZAhid Terbaru - Pengajian lucu. Alhamdulillah setelah 1 bulan penuh kita menjalankan puasa ramadhan 1437 H, sekarang tiba waktunya umat muslim sedunia merayakan hari raya idul fitri. saling bermaaf-maafan kepada keluarga, saudara, tetangga dan semua teman-teman. pada kesempatan kali ini ane menguacapkan selamat hari raya idul fitri 1437 H, minal aidin wal-faizin mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. jangan lupa subscribe, komentari, suka dan berbagi kepada semua teman-teman bila ente semua suka dengan pak Kh. anwar zahid yang nyentrik, lucu, unik, gaul, humoris, aneh tapi nyata. banyak ceramah kh. anwar zahid terbaru 2014, 2015, 2016 dari bulan januari, februari, maret, april, me...
Pidato pimpinan pondok pesantren Gontor, Hasan Abdullah Sahal Pidato Gubernur Jatim Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo Presiden Jokowi hadiri puncak 90 Tahun Pesantren Gontor sekaligus meresmikan Gedung Perkuliahan UNIDA Gontor, Jawa Timur. (19/9) Ayo kita merevolusi mental sesuai himbauan Pak Jokowi... Saling menghargai dalam berkomentar. Komentar spam akan langsung dihapus bahkan banned. Terima kasih untuk dukungannya kawan-kawan... Kami hargai bila ikut share, like & komentar........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( SALAM.................... SUKSES PRESIDEN JOKO WIDODO
Selamat menyaksikan video Kirab Budaya Ponorogo 2016 untuk memperingati HUT Ponorogo ke 520. Acara berlangsung sangat meriah dengan menampilkan banyak kebudayaan dan kesenian lokal asli Ponorogo. Thanks for like, comment and subscribe. Don't forget to visit Jidat's page at: Website : http://www.yuda.my.id Blog : http://blog.yuda.my.id Photoblog : http://jidat.tumblr.com Facebook : http://fb.me/jidat Twitter : http://twitter.com/jidat G+ : http://gplus.to/jidat Copyright Jidat, Yuda Taufiqurrahman. All Rights Reserved.
Kabupaten Pacitan - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ... id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabupaten_Pacitan Translate this page Kabupaten Pacitan terletak di ujung barat daya Provinsi Jawa Timur. Wilayahnya berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Ponorogo di utara, Kabupaten Trenggalek di ... Geografi - Transportasi - Pembagian administratif - Pariwisata Pacitan Regency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacitan_Regency Pacitan (Indonesian: Kabupaten Pacitan) is a regency located in the southwestern East Java Province, with Central Java Province on its west border. Located ... Images for pacitanReport images Image result for pacitan Image result for pacitan Image result for pacitan Image result for pacitan More images for pacitan Pacitan Online pacitankab.go.id/ Translate this page Kemeriahan...
East Java (Jatim) Park is located in Jl. Kartika 2 Batu offers recreation tourism of new entertainment amusement for all level. It begins from children, finite adolescent until grandmother and grandfather. Of course, this tourism object has drawn up as family tour area in East Java. To get to the location, is not too difficult, because, the object only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This tourism object is about 22 hectares width with 850 meters height to sea level, save the multifarious knowledge, and recreation area with various supporting facilities for having relax. Jatim Park may have said as the different tourism object in East Java province, besides offering a recreation place and study center, we will get many kind new knowledge. Jatim Park has at least 36 kinds of facilities wh...
Travel to Gadja Mungkur Reservoir, in Wonogiri, Central Java Part 1 (Camera: sony digital camera, cyber shot) December, 24th 2012 My family has gone to the Reservoir Gadjah Mungkur. Forest atmosphere still felt around the reservoir. Understandably, Winogiri is a mountainous district and has a forest. My great-grandfather was also previously settled around the reservoir Gadjah Mungkur, before the dam was built Gadjah Mungkur, my great-grandfather had inhabited the area around the reservoir. Said my great-grandfather, Wonogiri derived from the word "Wono" (Javanese) which means forest, "Giri" (Javanese) which means mountain. So if the city is woven into the mountainous jungle. Prior made dam, as most western upstream or downstream of the first Solo River (Upper Solo river is upstream of...
Selengkapnya kunjungi : http://www.loroktm.com/
Selengkapnya kunjungi : http://www.loroktm.com/
The Epic Story of Ramayana, danced and sung beautifully in Javanese Classical Dance of Indonesia. The conflict in Dandaka Forest. When Rama, Sita, and Laksmana were in exile, suddenly a golden deer showed up. Sita wanted Rama to catch the deer for her. Rama left Sita and Laksmana. Sita heard Rama's voice of asking a help, and then ordered Laksmana to help Rama. Before leaving, Laksmana made a magical circle surrounding Sita to protect her from the evil. Ramayana ballet ditarikan dengan indah dalam bentuk seni tari jawa di Hotel Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta Indonesia. Cerita di dalam Hutan Dandaka. Ketika Rama, Shinta, dan Lesmana dalam pembuangan, tiba-tiba muncul kijang kencana. Shinta meminta Rama untuk menangkap kijang tersebut untuk dirinya. Kemudian Rama pergi menangkap kijang kencan...
Srau beach located in Candi village, Pringkuku district region, Pacitan Regency, about 25 km towards west of Pacitan town in East Java, Indonesia. It is reachable by public transportation and personal vehicle. This white sandy beach is suited for fishing, sun bathing activity, etc. The tourists can do those activity and enjoy the beach scenery. It has beautiful scenery and the sea waves struck white sand. Its beautiful scenery is also equipped with facility of rushing for visitor. Along the beach, there are lots of colorful stones which glow their color. Natural fishing while enjoying the large sea. more info about tours and excursion to Pacitan area contact yogyatourandholiday@gmail.com The coconut leaves are great the visitors and feel sea wind around it.
For more news visit - http://english.ntdtv.com In Bali, Indonesia, it's the fourth annual cultural arts festival in the regency of Badung. The event starting this week has been a feast for the eyes with a variety of traditional Indonesian culture. People young and old performed music and dance. The festival coincides with the anniversary of Badung's capital. It runs through the end of next week.
This temple is a holy building of Hinduism and Budhism that has built in 1300 AD by Kertanegara, the last king of Singasari Kingdom. It is located at Candi Wates village Prigen subdistrict on the way Tretes Pandaan, its about 40 minutes drive from Surabaya. The height of this temple is about 24,50 meters with the length 14,20 metres and 9.50 metres wide. Jawi Temple is one of Pasuruan historical temple that has a unique form. This temple is an old temple in East Java that build for remain the last King of Singasari. The temple also said as the last rest place of the King before he finally died. There are many visitor have visited this temple to pray, have meditation activity, or just show its unique form and relief. If you interesting to visit this temple, come to Candi Wates village in ...
Reog ponorogo
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