- published: 06 Dec 2016
- views: 46605
EDF may refer to :
Earth Defense (aka: The Earth Defend) is an unlicensed game for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis; it was developed by AV Artisan and published by Realtec in both North America and Taiwan, without a license from Sega.
The game cartridge and box shapes as well as quality in graphics and box art are identical to AV Artisan's previous titles Funny World & Balloon Boy and Whac-A-Critter, both published by Realtec. Earth Defense was also rare in that it was a simultaneous 2 player vertical scrolling shoot 'em up on the Genesis which primarily featured single player shoot 'em ups. The player takes on the role of a jet pilot assigned to liberate five world continents from a technologically advanced army.
Players had two different types of weapons to choose from during combat. A vulcan/spread shot weapon and a wave/beam shot weapon. Rather than possessing bomb-like items, the players had a shield item that made the ship temporarily invulnerable.
Stage 1: Brazil, South America
Stage 2: Washington, America
EDF Energy is an integrated energy company in the United Kingdom, with operations spanning electricity generation and the sale of gas and electricity to homes and businesses throughout the United Kingdom. It employs 13,158 people and handles 5.7 million customer accounts.
EDF Energy Customers (trading as EDF Energy) is wholly owned by the French state-owned EDF SA (Électricité de France) and was formed in 2002 following the acquisition and mergers of SEEBOARD Plc (formerly the South Eastern Electricity Board), London Electricity Plc (formerly the London Electricity Board or LEB), SWEB Energy Plc (formerly the South Western Electricity Board) and two coal-fired power stations and a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station.
In 2009, EDF Energy took control of the UK nuclear generator, British Energy, buying share capital from the government. This made EDF Energy one of the UK's largest generators, as well as the largest distribution network operator.
The Development Branch of EDF Energy was formed in April 2004, bringing together the separate infrastructure interests of what were LE Group, SEEBOARD and SWEB. The focus for the Branch is development activity through the participation in major new infrastructure projects, largely in the public sector through Public-private partnership (PPP) and Private Finance Initiative (PFI) type schemes. The Development Branch of EDF Energy was later dissolved in October 2006.
Earth Defense Force, known in Japan as Chikyû Bōeigun (地球防衛軍, lit. "Earth Defense Force"), is a series of third-person shooter video games. The series is published by the Japanese company D3 Publisher as part of the Simple series.
In 2013, radio waves from deep space are picked up by scientists, proving the existence of extraterrestrial life. The Earth Defense Force, a unified multinational military sponsored by nearly every country, is founded a few years later, in case the aliens prove to be hostile. In each of the games the player assumes the role of an EDF soldier during an alien invasion.
The first game in the series was originally released in Japan as "Simple 2000 Vol. 31: The 地球防衛軍" for the PlayStation 2. "Chikyū Bōeigun" or "Earth Defense Force" was created by Sandlot Games as part of D3 Publisher's Simple Series of budget-priced games on compact disk. It was later distributed in PAL format on CD in Europe by Agetec, Inc. under the title "Monster Attack".
Defence Force(s) or Defense Force(s) is the title of the armed forces of certain countries. It could mean:
A number of football clubs related to defence forces are also named such, for example:
The EDF Songs
Two Best Friends Play Earth Defense Force 4.1
EDF Energy Feel Better Energy TV Advert - featuring Zingy Together In Electric Dreams
Edf vasyfan 135mm 14 blades 11kg thrust lipo 12S
EDF Sound Comparison 12 Blade VS 5 Blade
Dr. Mad Thrust 70mm 11-Blade Alloy EDF
EDF Earth Defense Force 4.1 Mission 67 Battle of Giants Air Raider [Awesome Run] Inferno
EDF 4.1 Absolute Best Way to Farm Mission 26 Crimson! (joke)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: EDF Chant Spooks Not-Godzilla
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 3rdPV:A close-up look at the EDF base!
【地球防衛軍4】 EDFの歌、リパブリック讃歌集8種【俺達の歌を聴け!】
EDF, l'histoire continue - Des origines à la naissance d'EDF (épisode 1)
GTA IV: Zingy Mod ( EDF advert mascot )
New EDF Energy TV advert featuring Zingy - Together We Are Beautiful by Fern Kinney
EDF Song
All the EDF sounds I could find in the game. This is why EDF is a good game.
Introducing Blue +Price Promise, EDF Energy's new great-price, fixed tariff from low-carbon generation. The advert explains how, by switching to Blue, we promise to tell you if a competitor or EDF Energy launch a product that's more than £1 a week cheaper at typical use of 3,300 kWh electricity and 16,500 kWh gas, and 5,000 kWh electricity for Economy 7 meters. Low-carbon electricity purchased for Blue is supplied into the National Grid. Blue customers receive electricity via the National Grid, not directly from low-carbon generators. For terms and conditions see http://www.edfenergy.com. There's a new advert! Watch it at http://youtu.be/2eGmOizgETU To find out more about our ads, Zingy and Blue+Price Promise visit: http://www.edfenergy.com/zingy-as-seen-on-edf-energy-adverts Character...
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"I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK!" For business inquiries email info.nodestudios@gmail.com You can get your own professionally built custom gaming PC at, http://www.originpc.com/ http://facebook.com/node http://twitter.com/nodestudios http://twitter.com/corridordigital http://facebook.com/corridordigital http://twitter.com/brandonjla http://twitter.com/cerberusarms
3900kv Motor - 1300watt (4S) http://on.fb.me./unboxingexperience
Nouveau morceau de DABS - EDF Extinction Des Feux ----- Réal: Marie Crozade Label: Colored Music ----- Retrouvez Dabs sur: Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/DabsKalash... Twitter: https://twitter.com/dabs_officiel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dabsofficiel/ Snapchat: Lakalash93 Périscope: DabsOfficiel
EDF 4.1 on STEAM: http://store.steampowered.com/app/410320/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE_41_The_Shadow_of_New_Despair/ For business inquiries email info.nodestudios@gmail.com You can get your own professionally built custom gaming PC at, http://www.originpc.com/ http://facebook.com/node http://twitter.com/nodestudios http://twitter.com/corridordigital http://facebook.com/corridordigital http://twitter.com/brandonjla http://twitter.com/cerberusarms
I can't belive I survived this. It started as a let's-try-something-stupid run and turned into a very intense battle. When my Balam got trashed, I thought I was going to die within mere seconds. So I ignored the 15 minute timer of the PS4's recording system. That's why the first 30 seconds are missing. The HP of the Balam are my proof that this is Inferno: He clocks in at 999999 HP, on Hardest he only has 520000. A more reliable strategy for Air Raiders: Air Raider 6666 https://youtu.be/YsSuYHzeY_U Wing Diver https://youtu.be/aK2VPZL7B2E Fencer 9999 https://youtu.be/BAKla9FypTc Ranger https://youtu.be/nk8RGEtTM7k Fencer online https://youtu.be/nTChPRu4gdw Ranger online https://youtu.be/dClbsXEhUGg Air Raider online https://youtu.be/W4gerdkdeKI Wing Diver online https://youtu.be/-S3Naz0lS...
There is no better way. Note: This video is more of a joke than an actual serious strategy but it can work up to hardest difficulty with just this first Balam you unlock. I would assume that the higher level ones would be capable of surviving in inferno difficulty. This video was in hardest difficulty.
Nothing soothes a beast than a 'Merican tune. Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA03131_00
Humanity, rise up and oppose your fate! In 2013, 7 years after EARTH DEFENSE FORCES 3, the long-awaited sequel EARTH DEFENSE FORCES 4 arrived on the scene bringing the ultimate in despair and exhilaration. In 2015, new missions were added and the game took the battle to the PS4 with more content and intensity than ever before as EARTH DEFENSE FORCES 4.1 THE SHADOW OF NEW DESPAIR. Now, in 2017, prepare yourself for a whole new fight in EARTH DEFENSE FORCES 5, an all-new tale of invasion by unknown alien forces and humanity's confrontation against them. The 5th installment in the series brings with it the shocking arrival of a humanoid enemy! Is humanity destined for destruction in the face of this unprecedented threat? Humanity, rise up and overcome your despair! Oppose your fate! ■web...
Au début du XXe siècle, les villes s'éclairent et les usages de l'électricité se diversifient. A la Libération, la France doit assurer son redressement. En 1946, le Général de Gaulle décide la nationalisation de l’électricité et du gaz afin d'unifier tous les producteurs et les distributeurs d'électricité au sein d’une seule entreprise nationale. C’est la naissance d’EDF.
A ped mod that I made for GTA 4 from scratch, based on ofcourse Zingy from EDF's TV ad. It took just over a day to complete; over 3 days. Click here to watch the EDF advert from their channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2BwOMBlato *Mod Unreleased*
Watch Zingy and new friend Morgan the basset hound head home to feel better energy with EDF Energy's new Blue +Price Promise tariff. The song is Together We Are Beautful by Fern Kinney - it was number one in March 1980. Find out more about low fixed price energy with Blue +Price Promise http://bit.ly/S21oRc If you have a customer service query please email socialmedia@edfenergy.com
Its important to keep up morale during a fight. I added the lyrics if anyone wants them: To save our mother Earth from any alien attack, From vicious giant insects who have once again come back, We'll unleash all our forces! We won't cut them any slack! The EDF deploys! Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats The Navy launches ships, the Air Force sends their Jets And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets The EDF deploys! Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup, The enemy has multiplied and formed a massive group, We'd better beat these bugs before we're all turned to soup The EDF deploys!
Whoa, she's a hot one
It's a hot day, and I've got a pocketful of money
Friday, tires roarin', you can hear me comin'
Cooler in the back, Bud Light ice cold
Me and my buddies cuttin' down an old back road
I got a jacked up truck, but it ain't much
A fixer upper with a brand new clutch
Yeah, it takes me anywhere I wanna go even though
It's hard for me to keep my eyes on the road
But that girl ridin' in the shotgun
Sunkissed by the Dixie hot sun
Whoa, she's a hot one, yeah
Aldean all up on the radio
Dashboard lights shinin' on my baby, oh
Later on, gonna have me a little fun
With that girl ridin' shotgun, yeah
Whoa, girl ridin' shotgun
She's the girl of my dreams, she gives me everything
Wearin' short shorts or some tight blue jeans
She's country, and she ain't afraid to break a nail
Raise hell, or go to jail, I keep her by my side
She's always ready to ride, and sometimes
She even drives when it's in four wheel drive
Never known to back down from anything
And you know she keeps her motor clean, yeah
That girl ridin' shotgun
Sunkissed by the Dixie hot sun
Whoa, she's a hot one, yeah
Aldean all up on the radio
Dashboard lights shinin' on my baby, oh
Later on, gonna have me a little fun
With that girl ridin' shotgun, yeah
Whoa, girl ridin' shotgun
She could be the centerfold of "Field and Stream"
Holdin' that double barrel twelve gauge
To me, nothin' sweeter than a Georgia peach
Playin' air guitar to a song I sang, a song I sang
Talkin' 'bout
That pretty little redneck girl ridin' shotgun
Sunkissed by the Dixie hot sun
Whoa, she's a hot one, yeah
Aldean all up on the radio
Dashboard lights shinin' on my baby, oh
Later on, gonna have me a little fun
With that girl ridin' shotgun, yeah
Whoa, girl ridin' shotgun