Posts mit dem Label PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013


I've re-upped PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING's MADE TO BE BROKEN CD. click the picture.

Samstag, 7. März 2009


I've already told you that PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING evolved out of SEUCHENHERD and STAGNATION'S END when those bands split. after the split 12" with STAGNATION'S END the released their MADE TO BE BROKEN full-length on CIVILISATION REC. (the vinyl version) and PER KORO REC. (the CD version). I didn't post it earlier cause it's still available but as PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING now have also called it a day and Markus / PER KORO sells the CD for just 4.50 € I decided to post it so you can check it out and then buy it in case you like it! a little bit of advertisement for PER KORO REC. so to say. b.t.w. as Markus moves with his record store and therefore has a lot of costs he needs money anyway! so, go and buy records from him! he's cheap, quick, reliable and most of all a really cool guy! and as Oli from CIVILISATION REC.also needs (always) money buy records from him too! now back to PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING: the CD version of MADE TO BE BROKEN came in a DVD-case and comes with the same (colored) booklet that also comes with the 12" version. I got both versions but due to me being lazy I ripped the CD. music-wise I dare to say PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING were heavy influenced by NEUROSIS and HIS HERO IS GONE but were far from being another stupid clone-band!

Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008


the title of this split 12" is THE LAST & LATEST STAGNATION`S END / PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING RECORDINGS and that sums it up pretty good! the last STAGNATION`S END recordings are 7 tracks of which one BURN has already been released on the MAXIMUM SUBJECTIVITY comp. 12" that was done by FLOWER VIOLENCE rec. the main problem with this recordings is the sound quality which isn´t really brilliant and sad but true that counts for both bands! I´m not sure if I remember correct but they mixed these songs at least twice and maybe they recorded them more than once too. I still got an MD with the 1st recording/mix and in direct comparsion you can hear that this is much better but it still lacks energy and power! the reason why STAGNATION`S END split up was that their guitarist (who did the vocals on 2 songs of their 12"), who earned his living in something like a comercial big band or something like that, had just time for one band besides that and decided to concentrate on his other band KITTY EMPIRE. so the singer and the drummer teamed up with the SEUCHENHERD bassplayer and PARANOIA KEEPS CRAWLING were born!