World Socialist Web Site


The World Socialist Web Site is a daily source of news and analysis published by the International Committee of the Fourth International.



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  1. 釘選的推文

    The WSWS needs your financial help to make its upcoming meeting series featuring Christoph Vandreier “The threat of fascism and how to fight it.” a success. Please donate generously!

  2. 2 小時前

    Video and images released Wednesday show immigrants being detained underneath an overpass in El Paso, Texas. In the images, hundreds of immigrants huddled behind barbed wire appear beneath a freeway surrounded by trash and armed guards.

  3. 4 小時前

    Xi Jinping's European trip and the signing of multiple business and strategic agreements between China and the European powers has exposed the deep conflicts between the United States and its nominal European allies.

  4. 6 小時前

    Cassandra Fairbanks, an online journalist, has published an account of a visit she made to Julian which confirms that he is being politically gagged in conditions that resemble those of a maximum-security prisoner.

  5. 8 小時前

    Video and images released Wednesday show immigrants being detained underneath an overpass in El Paso, Texas. In the images, hundreds of immigrants huddled behind barbed wire appear beneath a freeway surrounded by trash and armed guards.

  6. 9 小時前

    “There is widespread interest in classical music. Musicians, youth and workers speak in support of Chicago Symphony Orchestra strike - World Socialist Web Site

  7. 10 小時前

    Xi Jinping's European trip and the signing of multiple business and strategic agreements between China and the European powers has exposed the deep conflicts between the United States and its nominal European allies.

  8. 12 小時前

    According to leaked documents, a government database has been targeting journalists and activists at the southern US border. Other groups and organizations have also spoken of increased surveillance and harassment for covering immigration in Mexico.

  9. 14 小時前

    Video and images released Wednesday show immigrants being detained underneath an overpass in El Paso, Texas. In the images, hundreds of immigrants huddled behind barbed wire appear beneath a freeway surrounded by trash and armed guards.

  10. 16 小時前

    Xi Jinping's European trip and the signing of multiple business and strategic agreements between China and the European powers has exposed the deep conflicts between the United States and its nominal European allies.

  11. 19 小時前

    IYSSE at San Diego State University holds rally to defend Chelsea Manning - World Socialist Web Site

  12. 20 小時前

    US journalist exposes Julian Assange’s prison-like conditions - World Socialist Web Site

  13. 22 小時前

    Parliament rejects all alternatives as May’s offer to resign fails to stem crisis - World Socialist Web Site

  14. 3月29日

    At least eight people, including five children, were killed when a missile slammed into a gas station near a medical facility that had been placed on a no-strike list.

  15. 3月29日

    Arsonist attacks mosque in Southern California - World Socialist Web Site

  16. 3月29日

    While the Trump administration targets Obamacare for full repeal, the Democrats are dropping calls for “Medicare-for-all” in favor of billions more for the private insurance companies.

  17. 3月29日

    Pentagon announces transfer of $1 billion for border wall construction - World Socialist Web Site

  18. 3月28日

    Despite the policy’s co-sponsorship by 100 Democrats, including 11 senators, not a single Democrat backed the Green New Deal in Tuesday’s Senate vote.

  19. 3月28日

    In defense of To Kill a Mockingbird: The 1962 film about racism in theaters this week - World Socialist Web Site

  20. 3月28日

    To Capitalism: Notice of Termination of Employment |

  21. 3月28日

    After betrayal of Oakland teacher strike, district lays off hundreds, prepares school closures - World Socialist Web Site



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