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WeAreThe45plus Oct 10
Scotland holds it breath for today 👏👍❤️ The eyes of supporters all around the world are watching you Spain😡
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Liz Castro Oct 10
It's the strangest thing. This interview about Catalonia w BBC World is nowhere on their website. Must mean they don't want it to be shared. You know what to do.
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Tayssir تيسير Oct 10
Your country won its independence by force of arms. Catalonia has done so by defending ballot boxes and freedom of expression.
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ایران آزاد Oct 9
A democratic Iran will be supporting in the .
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PMbeers Oct 8
When poor people don't have an equal voice can't happen.
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Magni Arge Oct 6
Urged parliament to protect and condemn violence in .Suggested gvrnment to support dialogue+
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Alfred de Zayas Oct 3
Self determination is the most eminent expression of
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AB Oct 2
Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining the forces of terrorism.
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Horizon State Oct 9
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Michael Laitman Oct 10
Democracies lead to nationalism. This cyclicity can only be broken by correcting man's egoistic nature
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Jason 13h
We need to fight the in our country. Stop . Stop . Restore , and justice for ALL.
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Rachel Garrick Oct 9
Boris is the embodiment of entitlement.
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Alfred de Zayas Oct 3
Amazing how politicians give lip service to & the rule of law while opposing the consequences
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Dear Spain: The world is watching and it's time to sit down and talk with Catalonia...
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Replying to @KRSCPress
An attack on is an affront on & the will of the people. have confronted for the world - we owe the our attention & solidarity.
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