

Profile In Treason: The Inconceivable Evil Of John McCain—“Man Of Blood”

There is no hatred more complete and no malevolence more fanatical than that held by the American political class for the American people. The commissar’s rage against the kulaks, the jihadist’s fury against the infidel, the inquisitor’s wrath against the unbeliever, all of this pales in comparison to the genocidal bloodlust Senators and Congressmen have against their own constituents. And even as they gleefully promote the outsourcing of jobs, the importation of cheap labor, and the ruthless extirpation of property, wealth and liberty, these shameless parasites demand their slaves die to export their filthy System all over the world.

The most contemptible and dangerous of these vermin is Senator John McCain. In a political career marked by near constant betrayal and hypocrisy, there are only two constants to his bloody career. The first is a passion for war, any war, for any reason, which can only be termed pathological. The second is the desire to replace the people of his own state and the voters of his own party.

Like a dying venomous snake, McCain is using his final moments to strike at President Trump and those who supported him.

In remarks gleefully repeated by the sociopathic controlled media, McCain simpered:
To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.

[ Read John McCain’s Liberty Medal ceremony speech , Boston Globe, October 17, 2017]

It’s worth noting McCain gave his comments while accepting an award from…Joe Biden. Much like McCain’s “patriotism” consists of deconstructing the Historic American Nation itself, Biden poses as a champion of the “working class” because he rides Amtrak but supports “constant, unrelenting” immigration, outsourcing, anti-white racial preferences and endless, nihilistic wars. McCain and Biden, are, in all essentials, practically identical. Read more >>

CITY JOURNAL’S Heather Mac Donald Debunks “Implicit Bias”–Sort Of

Heather Mac Donald recently exposed the junk science behind the “Implicit Association Test” in a piece entitled “Are We All Unconscious Racists?” Her answer—“No”—is good, but it could have been better. And sooner.

She writes:
Few academic ideas have been as eagerly absorbed into public discourse in recent years as “implicit bias.” Embraced by a president, a would-be president, and the nation’s top law-enforcement official, the implicit-bias conceit has launched a movement to remove the concept of individual agency from the law and spawned a multimillion-dollar consulting industry. The statistical basis on which it rests is now crumbling, but don’t expect its influence to wane anytime soon.

Implicit bias purports to answer the question: Why do racial disparities persist in household income, job status, and incarceration rates, when explicit racism has, by all measures, greatly diminished over the last half-century? The reason, according to implicit-bias researchers, lies deep in our brains, outside the reach of conscious thought. We may consciously embrace racial equality, but almost all of us harbor unconscious biases favoring whites over blacks, the proponents claim. And those unconscious biases, which the implicit-bias project purports to measure scientifically, drive the discriminatory behavior that, in turn, results in racial inequality.

[ City Journal, Autumn 2017]

Ms. Mac Donald herself suggests that it is “taboo in universities and mainstream society to acknowledge intergroup differences in interests, abilities, cultural values, or family structure that might produce socioeconomic disparities.”

I suggest that it is taboo at City Journal to suggest that these different outcomes derive largely from heredity.

The Implicit Association Test (IAT), which is supposed to test for bias scientifically, was created by psychologists Anthony Greenwald (email him) and Mahzarin Banaji (Email her)in 1998. Read more >>

Patrick J. Buchanan: Does Trump’s Decertifying The Deal Mean War With Iran Is Inevitable?

With his declaration Friday that the Iran nuclear deal is not in the national interest, President Donald Trump may have put us on the road to war with Iran.

Indeed, it is easier to see the collisions that are coming than to see how we get off this road before Read more >>

Memo From Middle America: Mexican Gun Control Doesn’t Work, But Mass Immigration Could Bring It Here Anyway

Migration comes from the orange regions to the blue regions—and they don’t bring a belief in the Second Amendment with them. [Source]
Earlier by Allan Wall: Mexican Government Vs. Those “Absurd” American Gun Rights

Immigration impacts every other political issue. And if mass immigration continues, Americans’ right to bear arms will be lost.

The Mexican media is mostly opposed to America’s Second Amendment. Mass shootings are widely publicized in the Mexican media and blamed on American gun laws. Mexico’s Excelsior has a regular online section entitled Violencia Armada en EU (“Armed Violence in the United States”)

Mexico’s gun laws are far stricter than America’s. It’s not illegal to own one, but the government makes it difficult. Civilian gun ownership is under the authority of the military, it’s harder to obtain a gun, there’s a lot of paperwork and expense and there’s only one gun store in the entire country [ At a Nation’s Only Gun Shop, Looking North in Disbelief , by Damien Cave, New York Times, July 24, 2012].

It wasn’t always so. The Mexican Constitution of 1857 stated in Article X: “Every man has the right to possess and bear arms for his security and legitimate defense. The law will indicate which are prohibited and the penalty to be incurred by those who bear them.” [Translation] Read more >>

John Derbyshire: Can MacArthur Awards Go Lower Than Genius T. Coates? Meet Cristina (Jiménez?) Moreta! etc.

Adapted from the October 13 Radio Derb, available exclusively on

The weirdest aspect of the Open-Borders ideology is the sanctification of illegal aliens. They are holy objects, radiating a sublime, ethereal glow to those sufficiently spiritually refined to see it.

We're all more or less used to this where blacks are concerned. They dwell on a moral plane far above ours, and any negativity about them is a form of blasphemy. Tell me about it.

That's longstanding, though; and as I said, we're used to it. How did illegal aliens acquire their halos? When did they get put up there with blacks in the GoodWhite pantheon?

Cristina Jiménez Moreta,

Whatever, that's where they are. Not very surprising, therefore, to see that the latest recipient of a MacArthur Foundation "Genius Grant" is Cristina Jiménez Moreta, 33 years old, an illegal alien from Ecuador.

What did Ms. Moreta do for her $625,000 grant? Yes, you heard that right: $625,000, no strings attached. That's a lot of chalupas.

So what did the lady do? Quote from the award:
Jiménez … is a co-founder (in 2008) and executive director of United We Dream (UWD), a nationwide network of affiliated groups, organizations, and individuals focused on addressing the needs of immigrant youth and families. Through her leadership acumen and strategic vision, UWD united disparate groups around a common identity that has shifted public perceptions of undocumented youth and focused attention on policy issues that affect them.

[ Cristina Jiménez Moreta --Social Justice Organizer | Class of 2017]

In short, another worthless parasite on the American body politic. And a prime candidate for Strategic Deportation. Over to you, Attorney General Jeff Sessions! Read more >>
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