Uganda hosts first Conservation and Tourism Investment Forum

Kampala - Uganda has hosted the first investment summit to pioneer public private sector partnership in tourism and conservation. The Giants Club Conservation and Tourism Investment Forum, hosted by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, attracted major global investors focused on responsible tourism. The meeting...

Government of Uganda and UNDP sign financing agreement for new climate fund to restore wetlands and build community resilience

Wednesday, 23rd August, 2017, Kampala, Uganda - The Government of Uganda and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have today signed a financing agreement for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) project to restore degraded wetlands, improve ecosystems, strengthen climate information and early warning systems....

Development Minerals boost livelihoods of millions in Uganda says UNDP Resident Representative

Kampala - Development Minerals have the potential to boost the livelihoods of millions of people and catalyse poverty eradication – Ms. Rosa Malango has said.   Ms. Malango the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator said this during the 2017 Minerals Wealth...

Uganda’s Solidarity Summit for Refugees raises over USD350m

Kampala - On 21st and 22nd June 2017, the world gathered in Uganda to stand in solidarity with the country as it hosts over 1 million refugees. This was during the Uganda Solidarity Summit on refugees. The summit, hosted by H.E President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Antonio...

Youth can be pillars for sustainable peace and development – Ms. Rosa Malango

Bundibugyo - Uganda’s youthful population has been called upon become pillars of peace by using their skills to innovatively contribute to sustainable peace and development. The call was made by Ms. Rosa Malango, the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative during celebrations to mark International...

Combating cross border corruption — UNDP Uganda partners with national and local authorities to stop the vice

Moroto/Mbale — During the long dry seasons, the cattle keeping people of Karamoja will cross over into Kenya looking for water and pasture for their animals. The same is true for their brothers from the Turkana region of Kenya. This may sometimes result into conflict over the scarce water and pasture.

Strengthening refugee space in Uganda - UNDP convenes dialogue with leaders of refugee hosting districts

KAMPALA – Uganda shall not build walls to keep out refugees, Hon. Hilary Onek, the Minister for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees has affirmed. He made this affirmation during the opening of the first-ever dialogue between district and national leaders from Uganda’s 12 refugee hosting districts. These districts...

Communities take charge of their own development in Maracha

MARACHA - In Maracha’s Mundru sub county, a lot of children stay home after completing primary school. This is due to lack of school fees and also the long distances to secondary schools.

Youth develop Uganda’s first customised weather information application

Kampala - A team of young innovators have won Uganda’s first weather hackathon competition. The young innovators under their group Agrigap, won the weather hackathon after three days of rigorous work to develop an application that would ease dissemination and utilisation of weather information in Uganda. The...

Uganda’s National Human Development Report recognised at the 2016 Awards for Excellence in Human Development Reporting for outstanding outreach and stakeholder engagement

New York, 6 December 2016 - Uganda’s 2015 National Human Development Report has been announced as one of the four winners of the 2016 Awards for Excellence in Human Development Reporting. This was announced by the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) during the 2016 Awards for Excellence in Human...

Second Switch Africa Green networking event concludes with a call to adopt sustainable consumption practises that protect Uganda’s natural resources

KAMPALA – The second Switch Africa Green networking forum has been held with a call to protect Ugandan’s natural resources through using sustainable consumption and green production practises. The two day networking forum focused on sharing knowledge to advance green business development in Africa. Speaking...

Private Sector and UNDP discuss opportunities in refugee settlements and the Songhai Development Model, during a post Uganda Solidarity Summit meeting

Kampala - A post Uganda Solidarity Summit conversation on Private sector engagement in refugee hosting districts was has called on members of the private sector to take advantage of the opportunities that come with the having refugees in the country. The meeting organised by the United Nations Development...

UNDP to fund audit of Uganda’s protected areas

Entebbe – The United Nations Development Fund (UNDP) has committed USD 100,000 to a catalytic fund intended to attract private sector investment needed to complement traditional sources of conservation capital such as public funding and philanthropy, negatively impacted by the global economic downturn. ...