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Cover Story

Enhanced Television Services over 3GPP eMBMS

October 14, 2017

In Release 14, 3GPP has added features to enable mobile networks to deliver television services in new and improved ways. Television and content providers may now directly provide their services over standardized interfaces. Among the many enhancements to the system, highlights include greater radio broadcast range, free-to-air services and transparent mode delivery of digital video signals.

Virtual Reality - Ecosystem & Standards Workshop

October 10, 2017

The 3GPP SA4 Working Group and the Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VR-IF) are organizing a Workshop, in Santa Clara from the 4th-6th December 2017, on how to promote VR industry needs in to the 3GPP specifications.

The goals of the workshop are to:

  • Collect Operator and Service Providers’ technical requirements for a VR service
  • Consider 360 degree video production format’s constraints and the challenges it presents to distribution
  • Report on and seek to harmonize various VR-related standardization efforts

There will be workshop sessions on those key topics, with each session containing presentations and panel discussions so as to ensure that the upcoming VR standards are aligned with the industry’s production formats, the service providers’ requirements and to evolving device capabilities.

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Preparing the ground for IMT-2020

October 5, 2017

By Giovanni Romano, TIM, 3GPP ITU-R Ad Hoc group coordinator

5g timeline imt2020The October 4, 2017 ITU-R Workshop on IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces had three main objectives, to:

  • Outline the IMT-2020 procedures for submission of proposals and the subsequent acceptance process
  • Get a sighting of the probable proposals for IMT-2020 radio interface technologies
  • Introduce the 9 registered Independent Evaluation Groups (IEG), established to verify the performance of candidate proposals

250 delegates attended the Workshop, including representatives of more than 40 National Administrations.

During the day, four entities - 3GPP, DECT Forum, Korea IMT-2020 and China IMT-2020 – gave initial details of their technology submissions.

Both Korea and China indicated their willingness to submit proposals aligned with ‘3GPP 5G’, stating that their SDOs are actively engaged in 3GPP groups. The DECT Forum indicated that their solution (the ETSI DECT Standard) is focusing on mMTC and mission critical applications and is not aiming to cover the eMBB use case.

Marine e-Navigation over LTE

 October 4, 2017 (update)

22 819LTE and 5G systems will feature in a workshop dedicated to marine communication, with SA1’s Hyounhee Koo delivering an update on the status of TR 22.819 - the 3GPP study on Maritime Communication Services - due for publication in June 2018 and Erik Guttman, the SA Plenary Chairman presenting our broader vision on  future broadband communication via 3GPP systems.

The ETSI workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis (November 7-8, 2017), will specifically look at how capacity and data rates in maritime radio communication may be improved – to allow for ‘e-navigation’ solutions from 2019. There will also be discussion on how the Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS), which uses satellite and terrestrial radio communications equipment to keep vessels in contact, could impact the ETSI and 3GPP standards work.

The two day event is free to attend. 

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