- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 1537681
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Manel is an indie pop band from Barcelona who sing in Catalan. They released their first album in 2008. They describe their musical style as a synthesis of pop and folk music. Critics have linked their style to that of other Catalan-speaking musicians such as Pau Riba, Jaume Sisa, and Antònia Font.
The members of Manel met while attending Costa i Llobera school in Barcelona. They first came to public attention as finalists in the 2007 Sona9 music competition, in which they were awarded the Premi Joventut. With the prize money they were able to cover the production costs of their debut album,
Manel - Benvolgut
Manel - Sabotatge (Videoclip oficial)
Manel - La Serotonina (Videoclip Oficial)
Cheba Manel et cheba Dalila Klash Live cheba Warda Charlomanté aprés son marriage
Manel - Aniversari
Manel - Sabotatge (Audio Oficial)
Manel "La Gent Normal" en directe
Manel - Atletes baixin de l'escenari [Full Album] 2013
Actors: Jaume Najarro (editor), Jaume Najarro (producer), Jaume Najarro (actor), Xavier Serrat (actor), Felix Bou (miscellaneous crew), José García Ruiz (actor), Sonia Homar (actress), Sonia Homar (producer), Sonia Homar (miscellaneous crew), Gloria Giménez (actress), Unai Avilés (miscellaneous crew), Unai Avilés (actor), Rafa Delacroix (actor), Albert Lladó (actor), Eric Zarauza (actor),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Joan Manuel Gurillo (actor), Paco Pastor (actor), Evarist Mahiques (producer), Evarist Mahiques (writer), Evarist Mahiques (director), Pedro Llinares (actor), Sihue Ed (editor), Omar Leal Ramos (composer), Olga Torra (actress),
Plot: To hide or to be exposed, the pain and the happiness are behind the decisions that we take. Nuria has just moved to Valencia with a plan perfectly well-considered to give a definitive change to his life. Rafa has returned to the city where he has always lived marked by a few events, still recent, that it cannot confront like.
Genres: Drama,Actors: Txema Lorente (actor), Manuel Bronchud (actor), Kaabil (director), Kaabil (editor), Kaabil (writer), Kaabil (actor), Montse Susín (actress), Montse Susín (producer), Miquel Rubies (producer), Sandra Jara (actress), Ireneu Aymí (producer), Jaume Ávila (miscellaneous crew), Jaume Ávila (actor), Carmen Silva (actress), Joan Muñoz (producer),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: Manuel Bronchud (actor), Jordi Ambròs (producer), Paolo Ferrari (actor), Rosa Novell (actress), Jesús Garay (director), Jesús Garay (writer), Isona Passola (producer), Rosa Bosch (producer), Rubén Salazar (editor), Enrique Garcia (producer), Rubén Salazar (producer), Gabriela Flores (actress), Fermín Muguruza (composer), Lluís Ferrando (producer), Lluís Ferrando (actor),
Genres: Drama, History,Actors: Xus Estruch (actress), Carles Arquimbau (actor), Alicia González Laá (actress), Maria Reyes (costume designer), Jaume Pla (actor), Silvia González Laá (writer), Toni Saigi (composer), Silvia González Laá (director), Daniel Espinet (composer), Queralt Riera (actress), Estefanía Gollert (producer), Arantxa Roca (editor), Núria Pascual (miscellaneous crew), Albert Castanyeda (miscellaneous crew), Sílvia García (producer),
Genres: Family, Short,Actors: Silvia Munt (director), Silvia Munt (actress), Àlex Casanovas (actor), Silvia Munt (writer), Mario Pardo (actor), David Gallart (editor), Quique Camín (producer), Tom Roca (producer), Pilar Ortega (producer), Teresa Lozano (actress), Eduardo Arbide (composer), Julio Manrique (actor), Victoria Mora (actress), Antoni Camín (producer), Isabel Rocatti (actress),
Genres: ,Actors: Antonia San Juan (actress), Diego Abatantuono (actor), Claire Viroulaud (miscellaneous crew), Sergio Rubini (actor), Juanjo Puigcorbé (actor), Ottaviano Dell'Acqua (actor), Ian McNeice (actor), Ugo Conti (actor), Massimo Fiocchi (editor), Gabriele Salvatores (director), Gabriele Salvatores (writer), Francisco Ramos (producer), Alessandra Martines (actress), Rubén Ochandiano (actor), Bebo Storti (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Crime, Drama,Actors: Antón Reixa (director), Antón Reixa (writer), Antón Reixa (producer), Gonzalo Uriarte (actor), Xúlio Abonjo (actor), Xosé Morais (writer), Xosé Morais (composer), Xosé Morais (writer), Xosé Manuel Esperante (actor), Ledicia Sola (actress), Rita Romero (editor), Maxo Barjas (actress), Xavier Estévez (actor), Abel Diz (producer), Blanca Cendán (actress),
Genres: ,Actors: Paulo Matos (actor), Carlos Santos (actor), António Vitorino D'Almeida (actor), Pedro Lima (actor), Paulo de Carvalho (actor), Maria d'Aires (actress), Óscar Branco (actor), Tony Lima (actor), Paulo Gonzo (actor), Carla Maciel (actress), Rui Reininho (actor), Elsa Valentim (actress), Mário Moutinho (actor), Júlio Cardoso (actor), Fernando Rocha (director),
Genres: Thriller,Actors: Francesc Garrido (actor), Ivó Vinuesa (writer), Ivó Vinuesa (director), Mónica Dolado (miscellaneous crew), Kenchan Onaga (miscellaneous crew), Eduard Rodilla (writer), Aitor Guines (editor), Sergio Argenté (actor), Xavi Romero (miscellaneous crew), Gerard Rocher (actor), Joel Rocher (actor), Manel Rocher (actor), Mercè Anglès (actress), Elena Mesa (actress),
Genres: Short,Videoclip de "Sabotatge", single del quart disc de Manel, "Jo competeixo". Dirigit per Sergi Pérez. Ja pots reservar l'àlbum "Jo competeixo" (8 d'abril 2016): https://itunes.apple.com/es/album/jo-competeixo/id1088495709?app=itunes&ign-mpt;=uo%3D4 http://www.manelweb.com/ MANEL, SABOTATGE Una producció d'O. Dirigit per Sergi Pérez Produït per Emília Fort Directora de Fotografia Neus Ollé Director de Càsting Edu Pérez Directora d’Art Teresa Caballero Estilista Cristina Quer Maquillatge i Perruqueria Natàlia Albert Colorista Xavi Santolaya Artista convidat David Domingo aka Stanley Sunday Cap de Producció Fiona Vidal-Quadra Ajudant de Producció Xell Moya Auxiliars de Producció Oriol Rovira - Toni Magdalena - Marta Vives - Marta Gómez Ajudant de Direcció Anna Maluenda Ajudant d’A...
CAPA POKEDEX POLADA! CORRE QUE TÁ ACABANDO! http://bit.ly/ChargemanderPlatina Minhas Redes Sociais: Twitter: Http://twitter.com/platinakh/ Snapchat: PlatinaKH/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/platinakh/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/platinakh/ Perfil: http://facebook.com/bakagatts/
Director: Mikael Stornfelt Producció General: Lorena Ugarteche Direcció de fotografía: Piero Varda Producció executiva: Ximena Flores Consiglieri Direcció d'art: Vero Marcovich Producció de camp: Enrique Chavez Assistència de direcció: Daniel Hernández Edició: Kevin Chepe Colorització: Chino Pinto Efectes: Freddy Hurtado Maquillatge: Cinthya Abugattas Matuk Assisten de càmera: Ruben Montes Cap d'elèctrics: José Gibaja Assistècnia de producció de camp: Lalo Salazar Angelo Sanchez Tècnics de il·luminació: Juan Pablo Ignacio Frank Irribarren Utiller: Jose Manuel Silva Sanchez Rental: Tupak Actors : Actor principal: Alfredo "Take" Romero Chamán: Marino Velasco Ballarines: Angie Paytan Y Kimi Giron Machetero: Pepe Lucho - Jorge Durán “El Tunche” RODATGE BARCELONA Pro...
قصف خطييييييير لايف بعد زواجها الخامس مع المخنث "الحري" بحظور الإمام الشابة عبدو هه خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ
SABOTATGE Algú havia practicat un sabotatge. Algú havia afluixat els engranatges. Se’t veia tranquil·la, desplegant el poder del teu encant personal, i els vas, els vas respondre que no, que s’equivocaven, els vas respondre que et confonien amb un altre. Fas veure que penses, però saps molt bé el que fas. Oh, ets estupenda! I saps molt bé el que fas! I no em posaré de genolls. I ja m’he posat de genolls. Però és que algú havia destrossat la maquinària. Un criminal havia fet vessar les reserves d’aigua. I, per si era útil, vas dir als senyors agents que m’havies vist vora el lloc dels fets i jo, jo vaig respondre que no, que s’equivocaven, però els seus gossos entrenats em van trobar a la cantonada. Fas veure que penses, però saps molt bé el que fas. Oh, ets estupenda! I saps molt bé ...
VideoClip interpretat en directe de la cançó "La Gent Normal" versió de la cançó "Common People" de Pulp.
01. Ai, Yoko 02. Vés bruixot! 03. Ja era fort 04. Banda de rock 05. Deixar-te un dia 06. Mort d'un heroi romàntic 07. Imagina't un nen 08. Teresa Rampell (primer single, ya disponible) 09. A veure què en fem 10. Desapareixíem lentament 11. Quin dia feia, amics... 12. Fes-me petons 13. Un directiu em va acomiadar Si t'agrada el disc, compre'l!
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Club2Raï N'oubliez pas de vous abonner à notre chaîne et clic sur j aime Yewslkom Gheir JDid ♥ rai 2016 new album, rai 2016 remix, rai 2016 jdid, rai 2016 new album jdid, rai 2016 live, rai 2016 new album jdid remix, rai 2016 remix dj, rai 2016 new, rai 2016 dj, rai 2016 sentimental, rai 2016 algerie, rai 2016 algerie new, rai 2016 album, rai 2016 amin 31, rai 2016 algerie new remix, rai 2016 avec hichem smati, rai 2016 alg, rai 2016 ay ay, rai 2016 adjel, rai 2016 album jdid, rai 2016 benchenet, rai 2016 bilal sghir, rai 2016 best of, rai 2016 bilal, rai 2016 berwali, rai 2016 bass, rai 2016 by dj, rai 2016 bello, rai 2016 cheb mourad, rai 2016 cheb houssem, rai 2016 choc, rai 2016 cheb nadir, rai 2016 compilation, rai 2016 cheba sabah, rai 2016 cheb dj...
Club2Raï N'oubliez pas de vous abonner à notre chaîne et clic sur j aime Yewslkom Gheir JDid ♥ rai 2016 new album, rai 2016 remix, rai 2016 jdid, rai 2016 new album jdid, rai 2016 live, rai 2016 new album jdid remix, rai 2016 remix dj, rai 2016 new, rai 2016 dj, rai 2016 sentimental, rai 2016 algerie, rai 2016 algerie new, rai 2016 album, rai 2016 amin 31, rai 2016 algerie new remix, rai 2016 avec hichem smati, rai 2016 alg, rai 2016 ay ay, rai 2016 adjel, rai 2016 album jdid, rai 2016 benchenet, rai 2016 bilal sghir, rai 2016 best of, rai 2016 bilal, rai 2016 berwali, rai 2016 bass, rai 2016 by dj, rai 2016 bello, rai 2016 cheb mourad, rai 2016 cheb houssem, rai 2016 choc, rai 2016 cheb nadir, rai 2016 compilation, rai 2016 cheba sabah, rai 2016 cheb dj...
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Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube Telécharger Gratuit La Musique Rai https://soundcloud.com/user-451719885-63404087 La Page Officiel https://www.facebook.com/DjMustapha45/?ref=hl Complet Officiel https://instagram.com/bensalem_mustapha/ Complet Officiel https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005051881651
Jdid Cheba ManeL 2016 (100%Live ChoQ) _TwahchTeH BeZeF Khayfa YekTeLNi Z3aF _(HbàààL)جديد الشابة منال فوووووور _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ Profil : Abdenour Weld Belmehel ♥ Page : Jdid W Tjr Jdid ♥ Abonnée Vous ♥ ghiiiiiir jdiiiid by Weld Belmehel Cheb Djalil Palaisir ta3ha 2016 Cheb Djelil visa 6 Mois 2016 Dj Tahirou Cheb Djalil Cheb Djalil Hakou HMR Cheb Djalil 2016 Cheb Djalil Mounir Recos Cheb Djalil 2016 Live Avec Mounir Recos Mounir Recos 2016 Cheb Djalil Visa 6 Moi Mounir Recos 2016 Live hichem sghir 2016 live 2016 mohamed benchent live soiré soiré benchenet benchenet 2016 live benchenet officiel benchenet bghatni ntalag marti benchenet 3tak galbak khalitini benchennet bsahtek omri 3ach jdiid 2016 chinwi 2016 album 2016 cheb mourad 2016 amine la colomb amine la...
Leyenda del waterpolo y uno de los grandes protagonistas de aquellos imborrables Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona '92, Manel Estiarte ha sido el protagonista del nuevo Informe Robinson. No hay un deportista que haya dominado con tanta autoridad su especialidad. Participó en seis juegos olímpicos y fue elegido siete veces mejor jugador del mundo. Lo ganó todo dentro de la piscina. Para muchos, el mejor de la historia. Una vida marcada por los éxitos y las decepciones; por las alegrías y las tragedias. A través de un recorrido en el que hemos charlado con su familia, compañeros de equipo o amigos como Pep Guardiola, nos hemos centrado en la figura de un deportista de leyenda. Adéntrate con nosotros en la historia de Manel Estiarte. Suscríbete a /cerotube para tener lo mejor de #0, HAZ CLIC...
Gira de presentació del disc del 2008 "Els millors professors europeus"
El grup Manel ha estat, sens dubte, el fenomen de l'any 2009 en el panorama musical català. Ningú no podia aventurar que, després de presentar-se a la Sala Heliogàbal, del barri de Gràcia (Barcelona), un local on es mostra el millor de l'escena independent i alternativa catalana, arribarien a fer 80 concerts en gairebé un any i que el seu disc de debut, "Els millors professors europeus", assoliria xifres de vendes rècords en el seu àmbit. Arribats aquí, els Manel van decidir posar fi a l'allau d'esdeveniments i concerts que començaven a col·lapsar la capacitat creativa i compositiva del grup. I ho van fer al mes de gener, oferint dos concerts al Palau de la Música Catalana en què van haver de penjar el cartell d'"Entrades exhaurides". D'aquesta manera els Manel tancaven un any de feina pe...
1 - El Miquel i l'Olga tornen 01:44 2 - La bola de cristall 05:31 3 - El gran salt 11:11 4 - Boomerang 14:52 5 - La cançó del soldadet 20:21 6 - Ai, Dolors 24:42 7 - Benvolgut 29:14 Quienes no vivan en Catalunya dificilmente serán conscientes del estatus alcanzado por el cuarteto barcelonés Manel aquí gracias a su debut, "Els millors professors europeus" (08), sin duda el más brillante disco cantado en catalán publicado en años. Su folk pop amable, su imagen y su dicción de buenos chicos, sus canciones empapadas de costumbrismo y sobre todo su forma de combinar la herencia anglosajona con la tradición catalana supusieron un hito deslumbrante, erigiéndoles de cero a cien en la cabeza visible de una generación de artistas que acogían de nuevo su idioma materno sin vocación política,...
El capellà més mediàtic de Catalunya mostra totes les cares de la seva vida: a la presó, dedicat als marginats perquè reinventin la seva vida; al teatre, col·laborant amb Tricicle, que, com tants artistes famosos, l'ajuden a finançar la seva tasca social. A Granada, la terra on va néixer, surt a la llum un català de cor que és conscient dels seus orígens.
No Copyright Infringement Intended: All rights reserved to the owners @ universalmusic.pt & Ornatos Violeta & Pluto & SuperNada & Manel Cruz || This is a Non Official Manel Cruz Greatest Hits Collection (2014). A non-profit fan made video, for purposes such as criticism and comment, a fair use permitted by copyright statute || Esta é uma Colectanea não Oficial do Melhor dos Projectos do Grande Manel Cruz, sem fins lucrativos, apenas para uso recreativo como comentarios e discussões de fundamento crítico, um uso permitido pelo estatuto dos direitos de autor. Manel Cruz - Devaneios (O Melhor do Maior) 00:00 (1) A Vida dos Outros (Pluto) 05:13 (2) Chaga (Ornatos Violeta) 08:11 (3) Dia Mau (Ornatos Violeta) 11:01 (4) Capitão Romance (Ornatos Violeta) 14:48 (5) O 2 vem Sempre Depois (Pluto) 1...
lire l'article : http://www.mosaiquefm.net/fr/9/actualites/actualite-musique-tunisie-monde
2016.08.03 - Channel D Interview with Dr.Manel Rathnayake. Channel D is a on Swarnavahini aired every Saturday from 12:30pm-01:00pm. Swarnavahini Channel D Your Health Medical TV Shows & TV Programmes Online. Subscribe - http://goo.gl/73yoqa For Latest Entertainment Program Updates Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/swarnavahini Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/liveat8 Visit Our Web Site - http://swarnavahini.lk/ To Watch Swarnavahini Tele Drama Log on to https://www.youtube.com/swarnavahinitv Programme Name : Channel D Swarnavahini TV production Executive Director : Buddhika Kulasekara Producer an Director : Lalith Wasantha Hatharasinghe Camera : Anura Dinamithara , Mahesh Rupasinghe Present : Dr Dhammika Yatigammana
2016.08.23 - Channel D| Interview with Dr.Manel Rathnayake. Channel D is a on Swarnavahini aired every Saturday from 12:30pm-01:00pm. Swarnavahini Channel D Your Health Medical TV Shows & TV Programmes Online. Subscribe - http://goo.gl/73yoqa For Latest Entertainment Program Updates Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/swarnavahini Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/liveat8 Visit Our Web Site - http://swarnavahini.lk/ To Watch Swarnavahini Tele Drama Log on to https://www.youtube.com/swarnavahinitv Programme Name : Channel D Swarnavahini TV production Executive Director : Buddhika Kulasekara Producer an Director : Lalith Wasantha Hatharasinghe Camera : Anura Dinamithara , Mahesh Rupasinghe Present : Dr.Ruwan Srilal Dalpadadu ,Dr Dhammika Yatigammana Docter : Dr.Manel Rathnayak...
2016.09.29 - Channel D | Interview with Dr. Manel Rathnayake Channel D is a on Swarnavahini aired every Saturday from 3:30pm-04:00pm. Swarnavahini Channel D Your Health Medical TV Shows & TV Programmes Online. Subscribe - http://goo.gl/73yoqa For Latest Entertainment Program Updates Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/swarnavahini Like us on FB@ https://www.facebook.com/liveat8 Visit Our Web Site - http://swarnavahini.lk/ To Watch Swarnavahini Tele Drama Log on to https://www.youtube.com/swarnavahinitv Programme Name : Channel D Swarnavahini TV production Executive Director : Buddhika Kulasekara Producer an Director : Lalith Wasantha Hatharasinghe Camera : Anura Dinamithara , Mahesh Rupasinghe Present : Dr.Ruwan Srilal Dalpadadu ,Dr Dhammika Yatigammana Docter : Dr. Sisira Athulga...
La toute nouvelle marque Trial Vertigo avec James Dabill , Dougie Lampkin et Francesc Moret vient de finir une saison bien remplie. Le charismatique Boss de Vertigo nous a accordé une interview pendant la présentation Presse de la Vertigo en Espagne L'occasion de faire le point sur une première saison de cette nouvelle marque qui affiche des grosses ambitions. Parole à Manel qui nous répond en Français pour cette interview exclusive !! . Video HD - click sur la roue crantée et 720 ou 1080
Interview on Orbit Al Yawm TV - Oyoun Beirut (2016) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManelMallatFanpage/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manelmallat/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManelMallatFanpage/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manelmallat/
The writer and star of Broadway's "Hamilton" stops by "Late Show" to be handsome and charming in every way. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Download the Colbert App HERE: http://apple.co/1Qqgwk4 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! Click HERE: http://bit.ly/12rLxge Get new episodes of shows you love across devices t...
It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right. Years passed by joking and laughing timeless days amusing for nothing It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right. It doesn't matter, for us it's ok, staying together keeps problems away It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right. You, only you, you've pasted emotions in my mind, and want to try to keep everything alive. You, you've never trusted in your heart but I appreciate you simply as you are. as you are, but think that time never goes back. There is a place, a place for secrets feel your heart lookin' back with no regrets It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right.