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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs - Foggy Mountain Jamboree [1957]

Not too sure how this one is going to be received but I bloody like it so you might as well have a listen! It is what you might call 'real music'. no techno drumbeats, no synth'd sounds, no electric the way I love it most: Acoustic.
These two really know how to have a good ol' knees up. Reminds me of many a night spent in the pub after hours on the Scottish Island I lived on a few years back. those were nights you never forget!
This is the music to a million memories for a million people I have no doubt. To the rest of you, the ones who just cannot relate to it. Hmm. You definitely NEED to listen to it then because this music lifts you up and gets those bones dancin'! Hehe.

Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs. Heard of them? Probably not. I educated myself in the name of research for you tonight so here are some choice quick links for you..
First off, a link to Earl scruggs biography on his website.
Now have a wee look here to read about his partner on the album, seemingly one of the all time BEST Bluegrass folk we could get to hear. It sounds like it that's for sure. I am reading the rest of his story now as I do this...must get this post up though so, go read it yourself and do the guy an honour. He isn't alive now incase you were wondering..

BlueGrass style!
Sample One
Sample two
Sample Three
Sample Four
Sample Five
(If the above don't open in your realplayer, go HERE and try instead!)

DownLoad Here
(If the light aint green, let me know ok!)

The 'Jimmy brown' song has memories for me...whenever my old man got drunk at christmas (or any other time he felt like it) he would sit me on his knee and sing the song to me! I never expected to hear that one! Cool.
More soon.



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Saturday, October 28, 2006

BONUS DISC!! -- Of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins BONUS DISC (I forgot it last week)--!!

Yep. Even though I slated this band horrifically, (in exchange for them doing the same to my ears), I still feel I owe those of you that do like it, the completed album.
Enjoy the bonus disc.

Download Here



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Friday, October 27, 2006

[1991] Miyata Kohachiro - Shakuhachi: The Japanese Flute

Here is a nice set of some of the most relaxing and beautiful music I have in my collection. I hope it givews you what it gives me. Ultimate peace! Great for late at night. If you can't sleep - put this on! Works every (almost) time!
What can I tell you about this?
Hmm, not much it seems. I just listen to it.
I hereby invoke the spirit of good old wikipedia...
'The shakuhachi is a Japanese end-blown flute which is held vertically like a recorder, instead of transversely like the Western transverse flute. Its name means "1.8 foot", its size. It is traditionally made of bamboo, but versions now exists in wood and plastic. It was used by the monks of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism in the practice of suizen (blowing meditation). Its soulful sound made it popular in Western 1980s pop music.
The name shakuhachi means "1.8 foot", from its size. It is a compound of two words:

shaku means "foot" (an archaic measure of length), equal to 30.3 centimeters (0.994 of the English foot) and subdivided in ten (not twelve).
hachi means "eight", here eight sun or tenths of a shaku.
Thus, "shaku-hachi" means "one foot eight" (almost 55 centimeters), the standard length of a shakuhachi. Other shakuhachi vary in length from about 1.3 shaku up to 3.3 shaku. (The longer the shakuhachi, the lower its tuning.) Although the sizes differ, they are all still referred to generically as "shakuhachi".'
Isn't that quite an education? I mean, I just thought it was the name of a bloody album but means a whole lot more!

I mean, check this out:
'The five finger holes are tuned to a pentatonic scale with no half-tones, but the player can bend each pitch as much as a whole tone or more, using techniques called meri and kari, in which the blowing angle is adjusted to bend the pitch downward and upward, respectively. Pitches may also be lowered by shading or partially covering finger holes. Since most pitches can be achieved via several different fingering or blowing techniques on the shakuhachi, the timbre of each possibility is taken into account when composing or playing. The shakuhachi has a range of two full octaves (the lower is called otsu, the upper, kan) and a partial third octave (tai-kan). The different octaves are produced using subtle variations of breath and embouchure.'

Incase you are as thick as save you going to 'The embouchure is the use of facial muscles and the shaping of the lips to the mouthpiece of a wind instrument. Less frequently, it is used to mean the mouthpiece itself. The word is of French origin and is related to the root bouche (fr.), 'mouth'.
The proper embouchure allows the instrumentalist to play the instrument at its full range with a full, clear tone and without strain or damage to one's muscles.

Don't know about you but I find it fascinating.

Suppose I shouldn't leave out the actual musician
Read here a run down of the album pieces.

SAMPLES courtesy of amazon. (Not sure if these will load directly from this page but you can try it)
Sample Track 01
sample Track 02
Sample Track 03
Sample Track 04
Sample Track 05
If none of those work then go directly to the page and click the sample links yourself.

Just make sure you try this album out!


Download Here


More soon.



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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 26 - Halloween [HQ]

Well here it is, another high quality encode of your favourite radio show.
This weeks theme is?
Halloween of course. That great pagan-styled holiday! Hehe.


Bob Dylan Download Page

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Various Artists - Classic Cafe Del Mar [2002]

It seems like a long time since I posted an album. Just a single damn album that isn't connected to the 'Bob dylan Theme Time Radio Hour' or this never-ending 'Hendrix - Straight Ahead Special'!!
So I decided to go with one of my favourites. Well, OK I won't go that far. It is a good album though and stands up to scrutiny. My unfogiving scrutiny that is, maybe yours is a different kind.
The blend of some of the most recognisable Classics intertwined with the inimitable sound that can only come from the producer(s) of the Cafe Del Mar series, make for some good lowdown relaxing, mood enhancing tunes. This album is finely crafted. It doesn't go too far and really doesn't feel contrived which is my usual gripe when people start messing about with classical music and trying to put a new spin on it with either techno, trance or some other invention they just thought up. This one seems to have been well thought out. It hits the spot and doesn't leave you feeling like you've been conned (especially when you download it for free).
Higly recommended.

On this occassion I will give you the tracklist, only so that you can see the versions of the classics that are contained herein.

1. Meditation - Jules Massenet (5:12)
2. Air - Johann Sebastian Bach (5:27)
3. Fairest Isle - Henry Purcell (4:39)
4. Swan Lake - Peter I. Tchaikovsky (3:42)
5. Gymnopedie No.1 You - Erik Satie (4:34)
6. Belle Nuit Play guitar - Jacques Offenbach (4:03)
7. Adagio - Tomaso Albinoni (5:32)
8. Morning Mood - Edvard Grieg (4:25)
9. Choral Danself - Alexander Borodin (5:14)
10. Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig Van Beethoven (5:25)
11. C'est L'aconde Version - Christoph W. Gluck (3:47)

Yep, Popular Classics. It's good stuff though, try it.

Great Link Protection site..Even has a way of showing if the links are still working or not. Cool eh. If the light is not green, the link has gone.

part 1:

part 2:

Get it here as a single MP3 download:;=FILE4540EE9FCDEE2

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 25 - Guns HQ

I swear it, this week the file is perfect. I listened to it TWICE no less. And it is also a stunning 220K/bps VBR stereo for your pleasure. That is Extra High Quality in comparison to usual, or the quality found elsewhere.
Enjoy...go download...


Bob Dylan theme Time Radio Hour Page
Leave a comment there and let me know if it sounds better or what!

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Hiya, 'This here,

Right, if something goes wrong with the files let me know.
I don't check comments after a week, cos there's usually none,
so mail me or use the chatbox.
U could use the re-upload button but i think 'It has enuff on his plate, eh?
i also don't keep the .rar files cos i don't have that much free space on my hdd
(no, not cos all the pron, honest) (my name's not Glen)
so i've had to re-rip these and re-up 'em - you're welcome...
And cos a couple of you have been patient i've included another album:
Barbed Wire Kisses
which is a mixa b-sides, demos and live stuff


21 singles:
part 1

part 2

part 3


part 2

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Jimi Hendrix: 'Straight Ahead Fanzine - All of the Audio parts. DISC SIX [RARE!]

Here it is again, Disc number SIX of this brilliant series.

Make sure you get the complete set by checking THIS PAGE


Download Here updated 17/12

Hey if you want to send a small donation by clicking that button on the top left there then who am I to argue?

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 24 - TIME (extended Show!)

Well folks. You probably, like me, were getting a bit panicky wondering where this weeks show was. I haven't got an answer for you as I couldn't get a hold of it in all the places I usually would look. Even the places I know that post it usually after I do. But no one seemed to have it.
Maybe it was supposed to go out later this week?
Either way, this is worth waiting for as usual.
For one thing the show is a cracking EIGHTY MINUTES LONG!!
Yep. You read that right. Great eh!
As I got it from a torrent of FLAC files I can treat you to an even better quality conversion this week. Only if you are an audiophile will you really notice but I can surely tell.
It is encoded at a slightly higher VBR of above 145k and is full-stereo encoded slowly in high quality. It sounds farkin great!

Go get it, you know you deserve it after waiting so long!


Bob Dylan Page. Don't Forget! Leave a Comment there!
Ciao for Now.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins [2005]

Hello again. You find me in a bit of a bad situation as it is almost 4.30am, I lay in bed with a shit of a pain harassing my soul like a friggin' curse...I decided I had to get up. Nothing else for it. Not that sitting here in the glow of the monitor is exactly fun when you are so tired and sore but at least it gives me a chance to update the page!

Someone asked about a track in the comment-box over there on the right...They said, 'Can anyone post a song called "Let's Pretend We're In Antartica" by Of Montreal I think?'. Well the name of the track sounded a bit inviting to my warped mind, though the spelling of Antarctica made me recoil but then I remembered: this is after all the internet. Spelling is blasphemy around these parts. I still can't really get used to that fact.
Well I looked around and discovered the band was indeed called 'Of Montreal'. The album in question, 'The sunlandic Twins'. I could go on and on about it. I could tell you how my *lady who shall never be named* came in and shouted over the tunes...'what is that shit? Can you turn it off...Please? Or at least turn it down so I can't hear it'. I could tell you how I replied 'Actually it's pissing me off too..what a load of bollocks. I am kind of looking for an excuse to turn it off!'
So there you have it. Of Montreal.
A load of bollocks.
Before you judge ME, remember!
I am a creative soul. I am as artistic as the next man and, very musical. I write, create and perform my own songs. I know music and I know what makes a good, solid tune. I also know there are many types of music and not all of them have to mean something or fit a formula in order for them to be considered good. Read on.
Their music is somewhat mixed up in the way that a very insecure person might dabble with religion, claiming at once to be a devout Christian and tell you how they have been saved from their own sadness whilst at the same time still partaking in all of the things that brought them to the conclusion that they needed to be saved in the first place...Drink, drugs, self-flagellation, etc.
Of Montreal brings you the sound of a kind of 'European electronica' and then all at once throws an impression of the Beatles in the 1960's at you. Just as you are trying to become accustomed to that you find yourself being hurled into an ambient abyss with very little to hold on to or indeed make you want to stay anywhere near it. To my ears it is simply a fucking noise. Not a nice one at that. The vocals. Well, they get on my tits. Memories of screaming kids comes to mind. Wailing and whing·ing.
When I was (re)searching this band I was pretty excited about hearing them due to the number of great reviews and amount of people trying to find the album in forums etc all over the place. I mean, this must be a great band I was thinking.
Now I think...what the fuck are these people on??
Is this what music has become?
This is considered talented music? Or forget the talent ratings, lets just judge it on its listenability:
Listenability = ZERO.

So there you really have it.
Of Montreal.
They suck.

Give it a try, You might like them.

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You might be wondering why I didn't post the bonus disc. It isn't much of a bonus to be honest but, in the interests of fairness I will post it tomorrow ok!
More soon.

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The Who - Wire & Glass

Hey Guys! This is an exclusive, as far as I can see! The Who's newest EP, Wire and Glass. It's got 6 tracks from their soon to be released CD. I love it, hope you guys do, I had to import the CD from Australia, it's not been released in the US. Sorry it's in one big file, that's they way it is on the CD, 'cause it's a mini opera.
Lets all drink to HitMeWithIt's health, the stronger the bettter!
more sex pistols soon, plus some exclusive live black sabbath stuff!

part 1

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Jimi Hendrix: 'Straight Ahead Fanzine - All of the Audio parts. DISC FIVE [RARE!]

Here it is again, Disc number FIVE of this brilliant series.
Make sure you get the complete set by checking THIS PAGE


Split Rar Archive] Both Parts.. Click or Click
Split Rar Archive] Part 1 Here or Here, Part 2 Here or Here
Split Rar Archive Alternative1] Part 1 Here or Here, Part 2 Here or Here

Hey if you want to send a small donation by clicking that button on the top left there then who am I to argue?

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Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio Hour Episode 23 - WATER

This has been a labour of love this time around!
My PC is giving me crap and I am just not able to deal with it so well right now. Groan groan moan moan.
anyway I sorted it so if you are still looking for a GREAT quality release of this show, go get it at the usual page here:


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Son House -- Masters of the Delta Blues: Friends of Charlie Patton

Bob Dylan is delayed yet again. I have a PC problem to do with encoding and converting of audio files. I can do a good file but it seems I have to have absolutely nothing else running or it ends up with crap and glitches throughout the file. So I am working on it now. expect it to be uploaded later today but I am sure if you want it you can find it in a few places by now....just re,member though: It won't be the usual great quality that you get here!(cos when I do it right, it's always a good one!)

Dylan plays a track by Charlie Patton this week and it's funny because I was already preparing to give you this musical gem and trip into history.
the godfathers of most of the music you will hear today, Son House(featured here before, check the archives) and Charlie Partton. blues masters extrondinaire.
The music is simple, but passionate. Just the way I like it.
Please do enjoy this..


part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4

Part 1
Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 3
Part 3
All other part 3 links failed! So only one other option, leyt me know if you need help!
Part 4
Part 4
Part 4

Ciao for now.



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Monday, October 02, 2006


Hello all. It is with a sadness that I come to let you know that, due to my health deteriorating like the smell on a rotting fish carcase, I have just not been able to update this page with the goodies I had planned. The files are uploading and the Hendrix, Putumayo and some other good stuff IS on the way.
I just thought you should have some kind of notice or you might think I just disappeared and gave up.
Thank you to those who donated last week. Obviously the dylan shows went down well. I will keep doing them too.
Thanks for the emails also.
Won't be long now. I have a Drs day tomorrow so probably be nothing, from me that is, for at most another two days.


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