this body (part III)

they robbed us quite literally of ecstasy of fluidity of ease and joy and freedom and so with bodies wound so tight with shame that you could cut stone against the vibration of fear and loathing and pain in my muscles they poured into my veins (your veins) all their self-hatred their putrid understanding of… Read More


look i spent nearly 33 years accepting abusive behaviour making excuses for it it became a prison: walk on eggshells don’t anger the fragile person tiptoe no more abusive people who externalize their pain onto others have no place in my life I want to live in a way that expands not contracts i wasn’t… Read More

ANTH 5210F –Special Topics in Indigenous Studies: Decolonizing the Anthropocene I’m teaching a fall term graduate seminar on ‘Decolonizing the Anthropocene’. The Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) will be determining the terms and conditions (including determining the start date) of the Anthropocene this year. The term has become what anthropologist Beth Reddy calls a ‘charismatic mega-category’, which sweeps up within it diverse and dynamic… Read More

this body (part II)

this body will no longer carry your shame this body that used to offer itself up to receive and carry your violence this body which drew itself in martyr lines carried itself with the loose conviction that it deserved every strike every rage every cut this body that wanted to help you (and you and… Read More