Thinking of all the land defenders. When I was little, my mom and dad taught me about the saskatoons, the wild blueberries, the high bush cranberries, the hazelnuts and so many other plants that grow in the boreal parkland that I grew up in. We fished. We walked through the river valley in Edmonton, where… Read More

Voting in the context of a colonial State

Shauna McLeod, a Métis woman who I follow on Twitter, storified a Twitter Essay I wrote a week and a half ago. She has titled it “Voting in the Time of Colonialism”. hiy hiy for compiling the essay in one place, Shauna! And my friend Melody McKiver invited me onto her show, which she… Read More


On Friday July 24, CBC Radioactive did an interview with me about my blog post on ‘safety’ in the downtown core. They also wanted to interview the amazing Leila Sidi about a powerful post she wrote on Facebook about her Dad’s LRT shop, but she was on the road. So I did the interview alone.… Read More