Collaboration or corroboration?

In the last year I have given a lot of thought to the discourses of ‘good methodology’, relationship and decolonisation that dominate Indigenous Studies these days. There is a lot of talk about holding non-Indigenous researchers and actors responsible and accountable, but where is the discourse about holding Indigenous actors accountable? In calling for ‘collaborative’… Read More

The Decolonisation Chronicles: episode X — or how to get Scottish and British people to patronise you

There are a few things that get me down, but perhaps colonialism is near the top of the list. That’s sounds grandiose, right? But it’s true. I didn’t realize how vehemently I hated colonialism until I moved to Britain. Living in the UK — the place where the oppression and genocide of Indigenous people in… Read More


I wrote this a few months ago. It’s funny how emotions well and subside and circulate and whisper to you some days, shout at you on other days. But they’re always there, even when we try to ignore them. Underneath it all is a sense of forgiveness. We don’t always get what we want, but… Read More