love and space

It seems like a lifetime ago that I met significant people in my life in buildings no longer standing. It’s a common theme in literature, in storytelling, in day-to-day life to talk about the importance of particular buildings or places to our own life narratives. The Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge,… Read More

Take the First Right Outside of Town: Rural Wayfinding

Although the roads are laid out along a grid system where I grew up, I never used addresses or range road numbers or anything like that to find my way around or give directions. In fact, until recently, roads were not marked with their numbers, and houses didn’t have addresses. Well, they did, but I… Read More


It’s hard to capture what it is that makes Canada home. There are so many equivalent and similar landscapes that skirt the northern latitudes of the planet. Sometimes when I squint I can mistake a Scottish river for a prairie one, or pretend the North Sea is the Arctic Ocean. But there is something, perhaps… Read More